What was the purpose of capturing x-23 when they had they already stronger/better wolverine x-24?
What was the purpose of capturing x-23 when they had they already stronger/better wolverine x-24?
Can't have assets running loose in the field.
Liability, cant let a psychotic killing machine run loose.
can't have rivals capturing and reverse engineering their property, also probably wanted to biopsy her to advance their science
They put a shitload of money into those kids and wanted their investment back.
When the nurse said Transgient were putting kids to sleep, they were literally putting them to sleep until they could work out a way to control them.
>wrapping her legs around his hips
bit lewd for me
>super intelligent doctor
>only way he had to control was to yell at him
so they were in fact,
poor and stupid
Why the fuck would you want an angry killing machine running around freely?
gotta tie up them loose ends innit? Don't want no mini wolverine growing up seeking revenge innit?
Who plays x-24? I haven't seen any pics of him at all
assuming you're not taking the piss
it's Hugh Jackman, x-24 is a Wolverine clone
Oh I know it's a clone but it's a younger one isn't it? I thought maybe they'd use a different actor or something. So does Hugh Jackman fight Hugh Jackman? Woah...
So you are taking the piss, got it.
I'm not actually, so chill out. I wasn't sure if they were using a different actor to portray him or the same actor but with makeup and CGI etc.
It's mentioned on the radio after Charles has his seizure at that casino area there was another one including 300 people, could that be a reference to why all the mutants are gone? Charles killing them by accident via seizure?
But then how did albino survive?
I dunno man it was just a guess, he could have been out of the radius.
She's a literal whore in the comics so you better get used to her being lewd
>all the mutants are gone
I've seen this come up in threads way too often, did nobody else watch the movie? The mutants were wiped out using gene therapy in food etc and Xavier killed all the Xmen.
Mutants aren't dead they just aren't being born anymore. This is because Doctor Rice's company is putting shit in the water.
Charles seizure that the radio talks about is what killed the X-Men.
Hugh is actually a pretty young looking guy but they made him look old for the role.
Wait, Charles killed off the X-Men? i thought it was just a bunch of random people, an dthat the other X-Men were killed by people hunting them down, hence the Albino dude.
Just because people don't look at the tiniest fact like an autist like you would doesn't mean they didn't watch the movie. People miss little details all the time.
I thought they explicitely stated the kids were to be captured dead or alive. Why did they always go after them with a "no kill"-mindset?
Also why didn't the kids BTFO their stalkers in 5 secs max?
>claims not to be taking the piss
>asks questions that can easily be answered by 10 seconds of Google search
They too liked young cunny.
can't have the mexican cross the border
Shut the fuck up she is NOT a whore you faggot
Why do they think Canada will keep them safe when Pierce had no qualms chasing them in Mexico?
Because Canada has Alpha Flight and shiet.
Nah, it's just you.
Most people don't have the attention span of a goldfish
Eden isn't real, they got it from a comic book. logan points this out 2-3 times in the film. But you know kids being kids and all.
>I'm not actually, so chill out.
Nah you're being an ass, and worse you haven't even seen the movie, making me wonder why you're even in this thread.
Because multinational corporations can't operate everywhere as they want. It's obvious movie America went Trump, built a wall and continued exploiting Mexico as its back yard.
Canada went full rapefugee and is counter signaling to USA, probably giving shelter to immoral "Trump" experiments, while they'll probably experiment on kids too
>X-23 sluts herself up in her solo film
I remember it was the case in the comics after her encounter with Logan too, so it would be very fitting.
It said it on the Radio after the seizure in Vegas before Logan turned it off. Xavier literally brain fried all the X-men bar Logan who's healing factor saved him.
If his skeleton is made of adamantium, how did a dead tree go through his chest?
Two wolverines > One Wolverine
Get some education.
pretty sure it was somewhere around his abdomen. Unfortunately, his abs are only made of steel, and not adamantium.
I missed the last 20 mins cause i had to take a mean shit, explain what happened after logan talked to the girl in that cabin.
The bad guys come and they do bad things to good people.
Why didn't you take a shit during the intermission?
Cause it's not 1990 and those don't exist anymore
They didn't want mutants who they couldn't control hence the "gene controlling" chemical in food and shit and creating mutants who do their bidding.
The better question is: Burying that much adamantium? Really?
>His local kinorama doesn't have intermissions
What should she have done, sold her dads corpse to greedy jews?
They used hair dye and make-up to make Huge Jackedman look older than he really is for old man Logan, they did the same for Days of Future Past. X-24 is how young he actually is. He's held up amazingly well over the years.
Adamantium can cut Adamantium and Wolverine and X24 were goring eachother chests the whole.
That's what I figured.
They didn't cut through eachothers claws mind you.
I'd say it's somewhere in between. Logan is probably slightly closer to how he wakes up in the morning.
Saw it yesterday. Some questions:
Why didnt they kill the kids instead of chasing them and holding them hostage? They wanted to put them to sleep anyway. Except for Laura they could have killed anyone by bullets.
Also had to pee so I missed what happened between the moment where they leave the farm after the fight and the moment he says "its the water" or something. What happened there?
>you just know.jpg
That fucking stare
Because they are scared little kids with powers, not fully grown, fully trained superheroes.
answer to both questions: so the movie will last longer than 10 minutes
This. Even when some of them tried to fight back, they got overwhelmed through sheer numbers. Didn't help that they were all just running in random directions since they didn't know what to do and how to coordinate each other.
I have a better question. The girl clearly has metal claws. How does the whole adamantium skeleton procedure take growing up into account?
If her and the other kid's existence got out, it would damage the company. Keep in mind it was still a secret, the company wanted it kept that way.
Also they had the ability to extract the DNA from the corpses, yet another reason to recollect the kids.
She only had adamantium claws, not a full skelejob like wolverine.