anyone here actually getting kinda nervous? the niggers are getting really uppity
Anyone here actually getting kinda nervous? the niggers are getting really uppity
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Don't be afraid at the result of your own meme magic.
We did this.
Fucking cowardly faggot
If by nervous you mean excited for the coming race war then yes
Same but also excited
SCOTT ADAMS predicted a race war over the media shilling of Trump.
"we did this"
the fuck did i do
I always knew majority of Sup Forumsacks were fucking bitches.
I'm happy as fuck at the prospect of race way,if I was in America I'd be overjoyed.
Fucking little bitch.
I just got B88 miles an hour.
>live 2 hours away from Dallas
Please contain this now.
By nervous, do you mean loading magazines while having a boner and eating a Pop-Tart™?
Maybe you should try treating them like people, then they won't want to kill you
Fuck I haven't laughed this much in a long time
I am scared though honestly, my dad is a police officer and I'm in the process of becoming one. I home BLM doesn't try to kill me and my father
It must suck to live in a nigger majority city. I hope you poor fools are armed.
Bullshit, so much bullshit in your sentence
South Carolina here. The niggers here know better.
Media: these horrible police officers are killing in are red black children, PEACEFUL RIOTERS are excersizing their rights.
Media: poor police officer who were just doing their jobs, how'd this tragedy happen?
>good snipers
>this is a false flag to get Trump elected
>70% of my city is black
I live 50 mins north of downtown Chicago in a white-trash town.
Not nervous at all. I think it'll be funny.
Hope* not home
I'm on a phone
But those things
They scare me
They have no chance winning the race war, we have 10× the population more fire arms, theyre condensed to big cities and cant shoot worth shit, were better tactitions and have spics and chinks on our side
I live in Massachusetts so no not really. We have a different brand of niggers here. Even though I'm not worried, I'm glad my brother is a hunter and we have guns in the house.
you have my deepest sympathy
I've got a little boy, I'm afraid for him not for me.
Houston reporting in. Nah. But you know what they say: Around Blacks Never Relax.
Time for all you lads to get a gun if you don't have one.
>live about 45 mins from Atlanta
shit guys should i be getting a gun license soon?
>anyone here actually getting kinda nervous? the niggers are getting really uppity
they are not uppity. the jews are just terrified of trump and so are trying to rile up black people against whites like they always do
kek is life my brother.
All this negative energy spread on the internet throughout the years, all this fucking ludic race baiting emanating from this website and others, all this tension being built.
All these summoning of "the happening". What the fuck is there to be afraid of now? Future is bright lads.
They're ready. Are you?
>try treating them like people
maybe they should start acting like people instead of feral animals
I have been training and prepping.
I live in Chicago.
What's the best way to go out? With 200 warm 30-06 casings and my M1 clenched in my hand, or one final glorious bayonet charge?
license? where do you think you live son?
they still afraid to come to forsyth my bro
I live in a state with a 97% white population and one of the highest gun ownership rates in the nation
Im a black soldier who wants to be a cop....
keep him inside for the next few days, make sure you have your firearms ready
Cherokee/Cobb county border area here.
I just have a bunch of Hispanic neighbors, not really nervous here
remember when posters from /x/ first saw what Sup Forums was doing with meme magic?
/x/ warned Sup Forums about messing around with magic and the occult.
/x/ warned Sup Forums about how dangerous it was.
but did Sup Forums listen? NO.
reap what you have sewn.
I'm getting terrif- oh wait, we don't have 40% black population. Never mind.
Same here. I'm smiling actually. I can't wait to fuck over niggers.
This will be good for Trump
That's all I care about now
This may be the beginning.
why not both?
Aren't they something like 15% of your population? You have them outnumbered, relax.
I live in NYC, kind of spooked
>95% white town
>far from a large city
>there's only like 20 black people in town
>tons of people have guns here
No i'm not worried
Not really, I'm having fun.
They should have learned by now
my neighbors are black
Clinton case remember guys.
>tfw i live in nyc with no guns
How fucked am I Sup Forums?
I need to move there.
2016 has been a great year.
Good luck being between the nigs in Chicago and the nogs in Racine
>We did it /reddit/! we did it all!
Make friends with your hispanic neighbors if you haven't already. They've probably been in a shtf scenario, and probably hate niggers as much as you.
Everyone should be good friends with their neighbors, its time like these where you gotta depend on each other.
shits getting ugly everywhere
imma get a gun and go to my cabin in the woobs soon
Whats your city btw? In Mt. Pleasant its 91% white so I'm all good
i'm in las vegas. nigger crime has been trending way up. got my 8-year-old sisters 9mm cocked n rocked n ready
Nice and comfy here in south carolina. Got a nice fat gun safe full of guns. And lots of ammo to. :D
Life is good.
>mfw the 2 decent black guys I know back from high school keep posting we was kangs shit and da police is racist shit
>mfw I told them to stop defending criminals and if this (the shooting of the officers) is what they wanted
>mfw one threatened to beat me up
Just put job applications outside every entrance to your home and you'll be fine.
You realize that they are incredibly incompetent right?
always remember you have a counter to niggers
your brain
What county you in brother? Chesterfield here.
Perhaps meme magic is chaotic and we don't control it like we thought...
>you were born just in time to enjoy American race war in HD
Truly glorious.
This is America you stupid fucking nigger just go to Walmart and buy a gun. The fuck
I live in a city full of chimps. In ky. I'm actually terrified right now.
I made thread about meme magick on /x/ and it was deleted for being off topic
/x/ is for vampire faggots and teenagers
>tfw don't live in amerimurderistan
Let it be known I'm also a mother. So yeah I'm a literal pussy.
>Living in literally where
btw come get your people back
you guys better start buying guns before obama takes them all away
racial dot map, see how close they are to you.
make sure to turn on map labels at top left corner
Met an old guy from SC in a boat building school up in Maine. He was based as fuck. I don't doubt you guys.
>tfw live in the #1 safest city in the US
feels good
who is this man?
Here's the shooter.
>tfw not american
/x/phile here, don't make it obviously Sup Forums crap.
Just make a Chaos Magick thread. Same thing.
are you stupid? RUN AWAY, bro.
I'm the only white guy in my Atlanta neighborhood. All I have is a 30-30, going to buy guns at Stoddards tomorrow.
1 of 2.
what state do you live in?