>oh how brilliant is this movie showing the dangers of toxic masculinity
>men should be able to express their feelings and cry
>males refuse to talk about their feelings and are burning themselves from the inside slowly
>machoism is ruining men, we need change men to open up and express their feelings
womyn critics, every fucking time I swear
Oh how brilliant is this movie showing the dangers of toxic masculinity
He he
But also Casey Affleck is bad and a rapist ugh can we.... not? can we just not? it's 2017
its a film women will literally never ever understand.
How would him crying for 2 years straight make him better able to cope with what he had done?
There is this (false) belief, that bottling up emotions causes them to intensify. It's actually the opposite that's true.
this, even his wife only truly understood that he died inside years and years after the event, meanwhile she moved on and got knocked up again while he remained tormented and ostracized by everyone over a mistake.
I wouldn't want to live in a shithole town like that again if it was something i experienced, communities are supposed to come together after something like this, not treat the woman like a victim and think the husband should be dead as if he doesn't feel anything after murdering his children on accident
rant aside though, most of the time men are more stoic because its in their nature, its not a conscious decision
How come his career hasn't been ruined yet? Did he convert to pisslam too like his brother?
I was expecting at the end that he would take up custody of his brother-in-law and stay in the town, but was pleasantly surprised they evaded the cliche ending.
ik this post is ironic but why is it that so many people automatically assume that accusations = fact?
they're not awarding a rapist an oscar, they're awarding an accused rapist an oscar.
literally this. The wife was a realistic depiction of a woman.
She was a bit idealized though. She admitted saying horrible things to him for which she said sh would burn in hell. That's way lot self-criticism for a woman.
>woman: we need change men to open up and express their feelings
>[man expresses feelings]
>woman: um... ew [starts texting chad]
>I'm really glad you've like found yourself and stuff... but I need to be with a guy who's a bit more of a rock and who can be strong enough for both of us. Know what I mean? Anyway, good luck in the future
This. Women don't know men like men know women. Never listen to their opinions on anything regarding men. It's not even their fault, they just can't help it.
An emotional man, unless it's anger and passion, is something very few women want. Many will say this isn't true, but you should rarely take a woman seriously in these matters, for even she knows not what she really wants. The moment you show vulnerability or weakness is the moment they start to rationalize looking elsewhere for dick (security).
Why does Sup Forums like this poorly written and acted movie? Casey is the only decent thing about it.
there are almost no black people in the film, te director isn't jewish and casey affleck has a rape controversy surrounding him
yes, i'm serious; that's why
More like I hate women (16-29 years old to be fair) because I've been with them enough to know most of them are garbage people.
You child.
>accused rapist
He literally only hugged a girl
>idiot gets drunk and burns his house down killing his children while he was out buying MORE beer
why are you surprised? If I heard about something like that I would fucking hate that guy too.
>it was an accident
kill yourself
Your criticisms are one hundred percent based on your sex life, which is why you're so bitter.
I guarantee I've fucked more than you have.
You're either some pussy whipped white knight faggot or some obese chan whore cunt who's ten times more bitter than any neckbeard loser user. Either way, your mad is showing. Sorry for telling the truth about females, but your feelings cannot change the reality.
He wasn't accused of rape it was molestation
You deserve it. You actually took some women's word blindly at face value instead of observing if there is any merit to what is being said.
Did you even read the article you stupid fuck? Nobody is advocating for violence to improve one's mental state.
Yeah I'm the one that's mad.
>>>men should be able to express their feelings and cry
>>>males refuse to talk about their feelings and are burning themselves from the inside slowly
>>>machoism is ruining men, we need change men to open up and express their feelings
Otherwise fuck off and keep eating Tinder Stud's jizz then wondering why he doesn't message you back
and yours aren't? lol retard
Obviously, I mean when was the last time an ATM expressed itself emotionally?
The same thing could've happened if he was sober, he just forgot to put the fireplace screen on. It was an honest mistake, he thought it was freezing in the kids room but didn't put on the central heat because it dries out Randi's sinuses.
And he didn’t go just for beers, the kids needed diapers in the morning (hence why he holds the bag through the whole night basically)
But he agrees with you that he deserves punishment, he expected lifetime jail and tried to kill himself, failed to do that so he made his own life a living punishment and doesn’t want to see a single shred of forgiveness given to him.
The single most deterministic factor of the biological nature of men in the entire course of human history is........
What. Women. Choose. To. Fuck!
Quite frankly, men are how they are because natural selection, controlled by women, has made them this way.
>The single most deterministic factor of the biological nature of men in the entire course of human history is........What. Women. Choose. To. Fuck!
Not if you rape them
So rape is a viable evolutionary strategy?
Because it'one of the few movies deceipt that, more often than not, closure is bullshit.
Some things just dont come together
Sure, as is eugenics
The idea of "toxic masculinity" is that it the idea of remaining stoic when dealing with emotions is actually bad for the men involved. There is a belief that it might be healthier to express these frustrations in some way. That study shows that in the case of anger, this is clearly not the case. Since you're being picky, here's another that shows expressing emotions after a sad or traumatic event also doesn't help.
just because he was on drugs and drunk or w/e the fuck happened that night doesn't make it not an accident, retard. Unless you think he actually killed his kids on purpose?
I agree... in that men are victims of sexism in their own way. Of course most feminists are more interested in propagating those sterotypes to demonize men and victimize women.
nothing wrong with eugenics desu
>Seery investigated the mental and physical effects of collective traumas on people who are exposed to a tragedy but who do not experience a direct loss of a friend or family member. He focused on people's responses to the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001.
I don't see how this applies to personal trauma which is of a wholly different character. I think losing your kids in a fire is way worse than the general feeling that 9/11 caused.
Dude, women have always said those things, you're supposed to go "uh-uh" and then do what you were doing before regardless. Everyone who caves in when faced with those requests is immediately seen as a weakling by women.
Haven't older brothers/friends/cousins explained to you this stuff when you were young?
>he says as he simultaneously whines about how the jews are wiping out the white race
like anyone gives a fuck lol
>hurr durr this study wasn't about people who accidentally killed their kids in a fire therefore it's completely irrelevant
You're splitting hairs. There's clearly plenty of evidence going against the notion that keeping emotions contained is a bad thing. That's what people are talking about with regard to toxic masculinity.
>There's clearly plenty of evidence going against the notion that keeping emotions contained is a bad thing.
then post some
I already posted two links in the thread dumbshit.
Welcome to the cinematic age of pure effeminacy.
Women will recommend emotional shit because they simply must publicly inspire hesitation in impressionable men, doing so masks the scent of wanting to be fucked so hardcore it resembles rape.
lets do one about toxic feminism.
o wait , train wreak.
or my 2nd marriage.
Toxic Masculinity is such a bullshit sexist term. I somewhat agree with what they are saying, but it's become just more rhetoric to demonize men in the leftist takeover of feminism. I say this as a liberal and someone who I thought was a feminist. This new terminology and ideology is fucking insane and so easily corrupted.
I think toxic masculinity is a horrible name that gives into the very thing it was originally supposed to fight against. It only enforces the gender stereotypes society has that such study was supposed to combat.
>implying all men are the same
>implying all women are the same
take the full redpill already before its to late mate
fuck off
you'll learn, forget everything you think know
Yes but what about the movie?
>first thread I've seen on this since watching the film last week
>from the first post it's nonsense SJW boogeyman-ing arguing over other crtiical reception to the film and never the film itself
never change guys
I was pretty sympathetic to him and the accident (which is still his "fault". He deserves all the guilt and shame even if it was unintentional) until he nearly starts a second fire in his brother's house. I can't find a word for the anger and dread of watching that
That scene in the movie where he sees the black guy running away from his house after he set fire to it was almost too much for me.
Fuck you and your memes.
Good drama, overpraised but still good.
He was dead inside, he didn't want to get better, he hated himself. He probably killed himself after the end credits
this, you also have to have had experienced hard grief in your life, the average Sup Forums poster is 16 and has probably never experienced loss yet.
It's both equally their fault for not having operating smoke detectors.
>He probably killed himself after the end credits
You were right about the other things but you are completely wrong about this.
The ending shows one shred of hope for Lee with him getting an extra room in his apartment for Patrick and wanting to see him again. The ending shot on the boat is similar to the opening shot on the boat.
He will never recover and forgive himself for what he has done, but there is progress in his character because of Patrick.
Also that baseball exchange at the end summarizes their whole relationship in just one scene, where Lee says "just let it go" but Patrick doesn't let go of the ball and keeps throwing it back at him until he keeps it.
No, I don't see suicide for him. In some very tiny way he's found a reason to live, even if he denies himself it by passing off his nephew to new custodians.
If he didn't kill himself in the years between killing his kids and the current events in the movie he's probably not going to.