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mew in fishnets

is that Obi-Wan?

>that cop


my favorite actress in my favorite show
can't fucking wait

who is that qt police girl

Carrie Coon from The Leftovers + Gone Girl

Hopefully they'll tone down the SJW pandering for this season.

what sjw was there inseason 2

>fucking newfags dont know the finer points of "wew"

holy shit kill yourselves

wew is something you say to a shit post

its not a good thing you reddit tourist nigger faggots

The black guy and the white girl having an affair.

That's why I put wew in all caps you double nigger.

>getting this upset about memes
I know the original meaning of the word but I chose to use it anyway

so youre saying wew to the trailer because you think its shit? well fuck you anyway then you triple nigger faggot
this guy obviously didnt use it correctly

>I know the original meaning of the word but I chose to use it anyway
no you didnt you just use buzzwords to try to fit in you faggot
dont you have school?

>wow people had sex totally SJW

yeah just ignore that she was shot in the face for betraying the family, that the matriarch of the family was stabbed to death by a man and that Kirsten Dunst's character for all her self-actualizing lost everything, REALLY SJW guys.

If you think a single interracial relationship in S2 was "SJW pandering" you need to lay off the Sup Forums for a while.

>Waahh mom they didn't use my memes correctly

>muh sekrit club

>now hes trying to save face

wew indeed

kill yourself, you probably dont even know where the meme came from
i bet you banepost but werent even on Sup Forums in 2011

don't ever fucking reply to me ever again


Ewan McGregor yes
10 second search on IMDb would tell you that
Also face blindness

is this show spooky? interested in watching but dont wanna get spooped

no, it's comfy

Not really. Get on it it's one of the best shows of the 2010s

g-guys how does mew's fart smell?

mew doesn't fart

astroglide and poop

>DINER sign cuts out to spell DIE

what did they mean by this?

alright thx, ill give it a try. i liked the movie when i came out years ago. how related to the movie is the show? and is mew in all of it or jsut this new ssn?

She's actually a serial killer.

How does she murder her victims?

I think it's just inspired by the movie

just the new season but Kirsten Dunst is in the second season looking milfy

wow that's a serious improvement over the female cast

By strangling them with her thighs

Things that make you go WEW
get it like the song

>it's a single parent with a kid season

>tfw no coon gf with wife's son
qt levels are looking good this season lids.

Malvo is spooky, I think. Lester's transformation is kinda spooky as well.

Who forgot to take away Ewan's heroin after Trainspotting 2 wrapped up? Who fucked up?

So is this just going to be Dangerous Men done right?

New cast every season, very few references to the movie but there are a couple of plot points in the first season that you'll really appreciate more having seen the movie

season 1 is still the GOAT

nothing will ever top Malvo and supermarket qt is still the ultimate waifu

It's over officer, I have the high ground

My man.
