Who joins who in the race war?
Who joins who in the race war?
I'm joining blacks.
White people draft The Rock, gonna need some protection
literally nothing white about him
>implying he hasn't been whitewashed over the past 20 years
Sounds like a bad pick, familia.
Humans vs Niggers
east-asians and whites against the world i hope
the world is no match that
nigs vs. literally everyone else
Pretty much.
vanilla, rice and poo vs taco, arab and didnu
Australia doesn't have many black people, so we don't give a shit.
All races vs. whites. Lol if you think otherwise
Anti-communist spic. I'll gladly fight alongside the whites even if it ultimately means my own destruction.
>be commiefornian
>post subtle anti BLM shit on kikebook
>spic friends always liking it and agreeing on most posts
>mfw they hate blacks just as much as whites.
It depends on how serious this race war is. If it's like full blown nazi germany, probably no one who is not actually white. Might even alienate some of the actually white hispanics. If it's like nazi-germany-lite, then maybe 1/4 of hispanics, along with an inkling of asians and blacks.
Blacks who join the BLM-led movement to fight whites will have some successes but their sheer incompetence and underestimation of whites ability to inflict violence and overestimation of non-whites siding with them against whites will be their downfall.
Asians will take to defending themselves initially, but will eventually ally with whites. Groups of rogue Koreans who have betrayed their Rooftop Sniper Father's and Uncle's ways will side with blacks and will be slaughtered without mercy.
Hispanics will continue purging black ghettos. In the US they will be the second half of the race war. It will be brutal and bloody. Millions will die on both sides.
Mormons will be the final round of the race war. They will attempt to assert independence and usher in the end of days because of how many of them are in the US government. They will see themselves as just and the rest of white America as racial terrorists who have done the work of Satan. Fortunately they have only 2 million but this final phase of the race war has the potential to escalate into nuclear armageddon. The race war will not end until Mormons are extinct or defeated and cannot hope to rise up again.
Unfortunately, a race war in the US will not eliminate der jude completely. They will endure.
fucking stacked one side, m80
>be me in appalachia
>98% of my county is white
no worries :)
feel sorry for you fags in the diverse areas. i have to drive miles to see a nigger, and cross state lines to see a spic. i have a feeling our area will be a switzerland should anything break out (probably won't happen though).
Mexicans hate niggers. Swap them sides.
White millet here.
I am a Jew
dubs decide who we will fund
You realize 90% of any soldier fighting nogs will toss you all on boats to Israel?
Idk, taco would either be on the left or rogue.
Please fund whites or rices, but you will most likely fund niggers and arabs.
korean rooftop snipers
they will try to lead the whites.
I am a Jew too. I say everyone vs Nigs and Mudslimes
The Greeks. They must pay debnts
>live in Dallas
>wasn't born white
Texan spic here. I'm with whitey.
His mormonism is white
almost all tongans and samoans are mormons
>vanilla, rice
trade poo for taco and you have a decent meal
id say spics are an independent faction that hate both sides
Whites and asians VS everyone else
This. Every race has its own self-interest.
I suggest you get a swastika tshirt, mon
We Brazilians stand by you guys, us white countries must unite.
Texan spic here. Will gladly fight alongside the white man against the nigger horde.
As if you had a choice.
niggers are way worse than spics or anyone else for that matter
Asians are never going to side with you guys.Fuck off now
Whites have dibs on Roof Koreans.
Gonna do it 19th century style.
Whites vs. everyone, and whites still win easy :)
niggers join the dirt
If you're black and pro-American, wear a cowboy hat. Cowboy hat is basically the agreed upon sign for people loyal to the Constitution in a SHTF situation.
Not all whites are going to be on the same side. The libs and Tea Party people would side with the minorities if I had to guess.
Whites you kike
you lose
The Fourth Reich
As a member of the Taco delegation we hereby pledge our alliance to Team Whitey.
Fund SAM hyde
He said FUND, not rape
Wha... Since when have Mormons been on the Sup Forums shit list? I grew up near a church and they are pretty conservative and laid back.
No more or less fucked up than any other denomination.
Like it always has been.
literally everyone versus niggers
blacks are so clueless about race they think whites are the most racist, when they are actually the least.
I join whoever realizes race wars are fucking retarded, as well as the southern US states.
Which side drafts the Vietnamese?
>Tea Party people would side with the minorities
Is this a typo?
whites obviously, vietnamese don't even consider blacks human
It'll be an ideological war split heavily upon racial lines.
This seems the most probable. Also pretty grim...tacos, arabs and dindu are pretty pro at murdering and terrorizing.
No dude, the Tea Party is very much against nationalism. They are the Cruz voters who started the #NeverTrump movement.
Thing is, those would probably be the most dangerous people because many of them are proficient gun owners and ex-military.
Fuck, I was gone for just a little bit, is the race war coming to a head? Personally, I'd like to have Hispanics, Asians, and Indians on our side. They're decent for the most part and I like their food.
Actually, this does kind of make me worry about the Asians who do live here (85% Black population). There are a bunch of pretty waitresses at the buffet. I hope they're kept safe if it does go all out.
Just because they don't like trump doesn't mean they aren't nationalist/patriots.
If it does go down, the Indians and the Asians are definitely on our side.
Mexicans hate blacks too, but maybe not enough to where they side against the looters.
> Mexican
Can confirm that hate is strong enough. You underestimate it.
Asians are almost always with whites desu m8, Hispanics maybe 50-50
I thought that was a sailing tang but it's not. Wtf is it?
Both sides as usual, and the winning side will make sure you get your pound of flesh from the loser plus interest.
>the Indians and the Asians are definitely on our side.
This. We got you.
This user gets it.
you think asians will side with ooga boogas?
we're not liberal yet
know know damn well youre not the type of asian they are talking about, poo
Sailfin* fucking autocorrect
South Asians not Asians?
re-read what i said you fat fuck
>Tea Party is very much against nationalism
Siding with blacks in this war is a right thing to do.
I purposely hid myself from the sun the last 6 years for this very moment.
>you fat fuck
stop projecting
Just carry this and you'll be fine
I am a fuckin Jew and I am on White Supremacy team. Lynch every last worthless nigger. They are obsolete farming equipment and should've been done away with long ago. Niggers are fucking worthless.
Atheist Persian here
What side will take me?
Red Team: Whites, Asians, Indians
Blue Team: Blacks
Wild Cards: Hispanics, Jews, Arabs, Lefties
Lefties are definite wild cards cause some would realize they'd have no chance "fighting the good fight" and take the ultimate red pill.
Very simple.
>Asians, Whites, and Jews on one side with a few rogue blacks, Hispanics, and arabs.
>Blacks, Hispanics, Arabs on the other side.
>Asians, Whites, and Jews on one side with a few rogue blacks, Hispanics, and arabs.
>Blacks and Mexicans on one side.
>Arabs on another.
>Asians, Whites, and Jews on one side with a few rogue blacks, Hispanics, and Arabs.
>Blacks on one side
>Mexicans on one side
>Arabs on one side or allied with one of the above two.
joining white people, because I'm self hating and want my race to to go extinct
Jews are meme magicking the race war into existence to sell firearms.
>implying whites need help