>cylons hate humans for reasons
>instead of continuing to make metal versions of themselves, decide to make cylon block 3s as identical human lookalikes
>removes all advantages of cylons being artificial (the human-looking cylons are not more intelligent or strong than regular humans)
>pursue the goal of trying to "reproduce" when they have perfectly good factories lying around
Can someone explain the Cylons' endgame here?
Were the Cylons retarded?
A better question would be, Were the writers retarded?
Because it seems to me they bring up a load of plot arcs then don't complete them.
That was the entire point of Caprica; to explain the origins of the cylons, their religion and why they rebelled against the humans. Unfortunately, it was canceled before season 2 so we didn't get any answers
They were religious fanatics
They don't make sense unless you're some philosophy major or deeply religious person, that can extract a non-terrestrial purpose behind their actions. The Cylons were Skynet, if they also adopted monotheism, and human derived spirituality. The showrunners were trying to do some pseudo-religious-meta show and used the Cylons as both a foil to humans and metaphor for the human condition itself; they were dualistic.
>removes all advantages of cylons being artificial (the human-looking cylons are not more intelligent or strong than regular humans)
but you're wrong. skinjobs can snap human necks one handed and are able to connect directly to their technology. Most of all they're immortal as long as there's a resurrection ship in reach.
>pursue the goal of trying to "reproduce" when they have perfectly good factories lying around
but that's just the next step of evolution: eliminating the need for factories and being able to reproduce anywhere.
>instead of continuing to make metal versions of themselves, decide to make cylon block 3s as identical human lookalikes
the metal ones are more like drones, whereas the skinjobs have a consciousness
>Can someone explain the Cylons' endgame here?
I guess they were trying to surpass their creators. whom they saw as deeply flawed.
Also they believed it to be their God's will to erase humanity. Cylons as much as humans were basically just pawns in the greater cosmic cylce of death and rebirth.
This. They saw themselves as the next form of human evolution. Although they saw themselves as higher developed beings, they had huge existential angst about being artifical, and thus they wanted to procreate naturally like the humans. They seemed unable to unlock the ability to naturally produce like normal lifeforms. This made them envious of their former masters and thus embarked on a quest to reproduce with them, in order to become a human-cylon+ race.
Which /spoiler/ they ironically accomplished at the end of the show because of GOD'S PLAN.
You kidnapped a newborn baby from her parents, convinced them she was dead, gave them some fake ashes and gave the infant to foster parents.
You. can. fuck. right. off.
>mfw plebs are mad
they don't make skinjobs though. the final five are skinjobs that were known as the thirteenth colony, they had their own cylon uprising and escaped to warn the twelve colonies, but they were too late. so, they gave the cylons the technology of resurrection and made 8 new skinjobs. then one of the new 8 models went full-fedora and killed his brother, and wiped the 5's memories and placed them in the colonies. his plan was basically what you say cylons should be after, but the other cylons were all of faith and wanted to do good by god. in the finale, it's revealed that they were right, because clearly there is a god and he has a plan.
Oh yeah. And you committed electoral fraud.
yeah zarek would have been better
What bugs me is that when we first met him in Bastille Day, he had legitimate grievances about the ruling body as well as the President and wanted reforms to better accommodate the needs of the fleet given their new circumstances.
In Season 4 he straight up murdered the Quorum of Twelve.
>new Earth was the remnants of the last human/cylon war. That's why they could reproduce with them
>terrorist uses muh grievances to gain favour
>when he finally gets power his true nature emerges
also S4 straight up murdered the plot and lots of character motivations
That shit's confusing as fuck
I don't think there was a single character in the entire show who didn't turn into a cunt in one form or another by the finale
Congratulations you have all spent more time thinking about the Cylon plan than the writers of BSG ever did
>that Robot Chicken sketch with Ron Moore that was supposed to be a funny parody of how he chose the Cylons and it ended up being completely factual
>Cylon plan
There was no Cylon plan. The Plan was God's plan. As for Cylon is was quite straightforward. Until the revolution it was to destroy ppl. Then it was an attempt to control them. Next until civil war the 'wipe out all humen' was dominant. After the war breakout everyone was fighting with everyone. So basically human history.
and whats even more confusing than this is all the plot devices just picked up an dropped like some cheap hooker on a sidewalk during a raining evening.
I know
Some plot threads were the entire focus of an episode and then we never heard from them until over season later
I tried to watch that twice but I keep forgetting about it
The skinjobs were infiltrators. They never stopped using the centurions as muscle, and didnt have skinjob boarding parties or anything. how is this hard to understand?
>never heard from them until over season later
Whats even more spooky user is that most of them were never heard from again.
Skinjobs were stronger than regular humans though
Six slapped the shit out of Baltar on any number of occasions
The real question here is was OP retarded?
It's not a real question though because the answer's yes.
i wonder if athena ever threw agathon around and bullied him during sex
too many to bother remembering
But I did like the episode where Madame President and everybody else instantly became a boxing expert.
>Robot Chicken sketch with Ron Moore
You'll understand once you see it
Remember that time Tyrol became a Union leader for miners?
A season later, nope he's a cylon, never hear about the Miner's Union again.
Oh yeah
That was fun while it lasted
And Adama threatening to shoot his wife, priceless
Okay, I get it.
But why was Ellen a Cylon? Same with the Tyrol/Anders and Tigh- they were all part of the New Caprica resistance and then in the end they were Cylons but Cavill didn't give that away or appear to know.
There was this one too
Exactly, it was intriguing and then nothing ever came out of it.
Literally no one was punished for their actions apart from Zarek and Gaeta... everyone else could threaten to kill people/ actually kill people etc and then just got off scot free.
They retconned it
>Oh, I knew you were The Final Five all along! I just wanted to make you suffer by stripping you of your memories and dumping you on the colonies at the very beginning
I think there was a thing about how Adama let out all of the mutineers to help with the final battle against the colony
But yeah, seems like an afterthought that was tacked on
It wasnt as bad as cylon's flu
Oh yeah. That was nothing.
Floating pod that was left in space that kills Cylons. Never brought up again after that one ship dies off.
The episodes were everyone is wondering if they are the fifth Cylon and then Tigh realises it's Ellen despite her being the most obvious choice because of the whole Season 1 episode where they played with that idea.
Which time?
The original BSG Cylon origins and plan was better.
>Which time?
I was talking about the ones in The Oath but you actually bring up a good point
Oh. Bitching time is over. Now post your best episode or scene. My pick is "6 degree of separation" and especially the last scene where Baltar is seduced by the Six. Pure kino for me
You don't need to be a philosophy major or religious at all to understand that.
It's either New Caprica or the episode where Kat dies.
>in B4 it was bad.
I enjoyed it, it showed Starbuck that people do in fact die and that they weren't invincible, setting up Maelstrom.
I have never understood the relations between them. Yeah she was an admiral but Roslin was a president. Also I really dont get it why she changed her mind and didnt waste Adama after the battle.
Helo still should have shot her ass. Helo was best boy though.
The episode Cain dies and you realise she was a better leader than Adama or Roslin and was more likely to survive agaisnt the Cylons.
F Admiral Cain.
She represented the military unyoked by civilian government. That was entire point of finding out she destroyed her civilian fleet to feed her war machine. Whereas he chose to save humanity instead of fighting. They showed a clear parallel between them committing similar actions. Adam a in opening of the miniseries and Cain in season 2.
She never thought of Rosalin as a legal president and most likely saw her as the school teacher that she knew of back in colonies.
You have to remember there was 43 people ahead of her in terms of taking office of the president that died first during the war. Education secretary was way near bottom of the cabinet in terms of political power.
They both changed their minds because of an unspoken honor code among the military. Appealing to the noble, kind of thing.
>Race traitor
>best boy
>Father of the species, helps save species
>not best boy
Everything he did was trying to help the most people, no matter how politically uncouth it was. Whereas everyone else had an agenda.
Yes, he is thee best boy.
>a race
It was very far-fetched to me. Rosalin was the highest is command and that bitch was doing what he wanted. I would have understood if she had gone rogue and had disregarded orders competelly but she was issuing valid orders to Adama. She was a traitor and she should have been arrested when they had a chance.
the first two seasons of this show were absolute Gold
I really liked Hand of God and Pegasus
Basically every stupid shit with Baltar and Six was very good
yea but it got pretty wank tier latter in the series when Six came aboard in person and was this weak little robot in love instead of this ghost in baltars mind
yeah of course. I was talking about first two seasons
Her own people would never testify against her and they were the only witnesses, which was the entire point of the Razors.
So without witnesses, you have no crime beyond what previous Xo said to Tigh.
Longest thread on Sup Forums about a show that hasn't been on in 5 years. You stay relevant Sup Forums.
>took on the old man
>got btfo
Look at this catty bitch.
I am not even talking about war crimes but making her not waging stupid war. They had the same dilemma in mini series but they solved it quite quickly. And yet they let her be essencially in charge. Roselin should have demoted and arrested her during they meeting and let Adama be the Admiral without any justification.
user her crew might nominally be in the 'military' but once the organization died the ties that bound them together largely died as well which is why I pointed out joint mutual noble-ness of them not attacking each other. Think of them as acting independent nations, because without humanity around the idea is people will go to the wolves. So she had the largest ship and most military personnel. She was never going to surrender, which is why they wanted to assassinate each other in the first place and Lee pointing out that "this how you solve differences with your superiors?"
Even if Rosalin tried to demote her it wouldn't work since their military doesn't work like ours. president cannot get rid of military leaders in that way, at least as far as we could tell from episodes dealing with higher ranks.
It wasn't that Adama let her be in charge, it was that he agreed with her about saving humanity, she was never in charge of the military which is why the fleet went into civil war in season 2. He controlled the military, she was leader of civilians.
You need to stop thinking of direct U.S parallels because their government didn't work that way.
The Quorum was more like a parliament with her as the acting head. While she was President, he could veto her military decisions. That is a lot of power for a military commander attached to a civilian government.
When Cain came on the scene, she essentially stepped into Adama's role, and neither of them saw eye to eye, ultimately which put them in a de facto state of civil war. Neither wanted to destroy the other ship and without a larger governing body, she was an admiral. She isn't going to allow a school teacher to strip her of rank.
Which is why Rosalin saw this as only political solution, if you remember she was the one pushing for assassination from the outset because there was no civilian recourse to fixing the situation. She has shown that she will destroy civilians to feed the war.
>Which is why Rosalin saw this as only political solution, if you remember she was the one pushing for assassination from the outset because there was no civilian recourse to fixing the situation. She has shown that she will destroy civilians to feed the war.
Ok. Maybe. I dont remember it so clearly. The only thing I remembered is that Cain incapacitated both of them for no reason. They should have killed her when they had a chance.
I think if she had survived the Six, they eventually could have worked it out. Despite their differences, Adama was always a team player. And with his ship in the fleet, Cain could only muscle her way around only so much which is why she initially wanted to kill him too. I think she would have tried to bring in Adama to get him on her side and get the military clicking to her beat without causing dissension. Go getter military personnel are all like that.
I'm more surprised that moore sided with the idea that they wouldn't fight it out. I'd like to think they wouldn't either but rank can inflate ego's
>they eventually could have worked it out.
They wouldnt have. You forget what happened in the miniseries. Adama said 'we have to start making babies'. They all agreed that they had lost the war. Cain was retarded. The joint battle had some sense as they could have dropped the pursuit but the war was all over and Cain didnt understand that. There was no future for her in the fleet. Thats why they shouldnt have let her be in charge and liquidate her as soon as possible.