Feeling pretty comfy in Vancouver right now.
Not one nigger within 200 miles, just hordes of QT asian girls.
Stay safe americans.
Feeling pretty comfy in Vancouver right now.
Not one nigger within 200 miles, just hordes of QT asian girls.
Stay safe americans.
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/Comfy/ Laval here, i know one ''fuck cops'' dude who is probably celebrating right now.
Studying up on your Mandarin I hope
Studying up on your ebonics?
What's it like living in quebec's shithole?
Asians are trash
Noone is jelly about you loser
Never thought I would say that, but I am feeling safer than americans right now.
Comfy as fuck in Prince George here. No blacks around for literally hundreds of miles. RIP ameribros
you have Trudeau you moron. Don't get too comfy. You're even more liberal than the US
MY BOY 438 whats good
Montreal is the shithole, Laval is pretty comfy, the only murders here are about mafia and they're pretty rare...
Meanwhile in Winnipeg...
Does anyone even live in Winnipeg?
no we only quebecois here
Is Vancouver more culturally American or Canadian?
Ottawa here
somalis and arabs don't give a fuck about BLM. They're too busying being in gangs
Enjoy your faggots, hippies and gooks
>don't you have a dog to blow?
>live in shit area in toronto full of blacks and shitskins
a-am i doomed?
American/Hong Kong hybrid is what I would call it.
Quite conservative, low tax etc. But with ramen.
Also some hippies here.
Chinese and gay
>not even joking
All the crackheads and brown people in Surrey are going to fuck shit up.They all think and act like negroes
In Edmonton
2 blocks for 107 ave
>implying the Asian girls want anything to do with a small dicked chink
I can't even count the number of WM/AF couples I see on a day to day basis here. You're getting cucked out of your own race, Chang
its more asian
i wish i was joking
>tfw 10% muslim population
there is very few white people that speak English in the Vancouver area anymore
is it at least east asian or is it like vietnamese, filipinos and thais, shit like that?
Oh wait, you seem to misunderstand.
I'm white.
I'm the last one. Looking to move to the states at some point in the near future. Trying to decide where to go.
I'm in appalachia man. Don't have to worry about other races, it's as white as Europe where I live.
The only fags who are screwed are in the major cities.
>not one within 200 miles
cool story bro
Sup Forums's collective yellow fever is disgusting.