
So what's the verdict on this?

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decent film

It's shit.

Well executed above average film about determinism and the human condition in a sci fi setting.

Normies overpraise it like it is the meaning of life itself so people who didn't enjoy it as much have to call it utter dogshit to balance out, but in reality they hate the people who enjoy it more than they hate the actual movie.

/ourguy/ absolutely loved it so we have to love it too

I kinda disliked it on my first viewing but each time I rewatch I like it a little more.

still not as good as Contact though.

They aren't even comparable.

While Contact is specifically about the first contact, the ayylmao's and the science are just the setting in Arrival where the actual story takes place in, the story of Amy Adams character relationship with her daughter and life/death in general.
It is by no means a "hard sci fi" movie about aliens.

The opening and the ending sequences are about that
All the major scenes are intercut with that.
And even when it's in the present narrative it's eithet a heavy close up of Amy Adams for half the movie or a camera placement of her characters point of view.

The ayylmaos and the "science" are only the setting where the actual story takes place in.

It's shit

Was let down, saw through all the plot contrivances, but was decent enough

I share similar views. Solid all around but nothing particularly standout.

Sicario is a better film from Dennis though. Yet to see Prisoners.

Everything was nice and dandy until they decided to fuck logic in the ass with the "le thoughts from the future" which totally bummed the ending for me.

It wasn't better that Contact, but at least it was something kind of believable, but come on, what's the logic between the language meme? What the hell.

It think it was shit but I give it a 7/10.
Dont see why people say that it's better than interstellar. And I think its a 9/10
Arrival. Shit visual.
No iconic moment
Didn't give a shit about the characters
Notting happens in the whole movie
Expected more

pretty much shit

unironically shit flick

>using "no iconic moment" as an argument ever

Someone just nuke this board already

dude thinking in circles lmao

I rewatched Contact recently and it's really not that great. It's campy as fuck and feels really fake.

Interstellar >= Arrival > Contact


decent. ending drags on for a bit too long and some scenes feel out of general atmosphere of the movie

alright, I like Contact better

Dey have memories of da future? She 'members what Shang would tell her in the future, but IN THE PRESENT. Y/N

people would appreciate it more if they can stop thinking it is a movie about alien

So, the aliens exploded themselves on purpose, since they know the future? Because future seems mutable in-universe.

Nothing happened in the movie. And the aliens just erased them selfs from earth.

no. just found this:

If the aliens can see the future, then wouldn’t they know that some rogue members of the American military were trying to blow up their ship? Why didn’t they save themselves?

The aliens seem to be aware, considering how quickly Costello flees the scene. But the other alien, Abbott, nobly sticks around long enough to deliver his part of the message that the aliens came to deliver in the first place. Later we learn from Costello that his injuries were fatal (“Abbott is death process”), meaning he sacrificed himself for the cause while still managing to save Ian and Louise.
The funny thing is that the question is not answered. If they know the future, there's no need to die like an idiot..

>DUDE love lmao
wasted digits



this is what butthurt haters actually believe

The highest grossing movie of all time. Not once. But twice though?

cry more

0/10 you're just butthurt

you can reply to multiple posts at once you know

bretty good

it lacks any deptth and mystery. once the plot is solved the flick is forgotten

not even 4-quads save this guy from having shit opinion

It was a willing sacrifice for the greater good. Abbott knew he would die. He accepted it.

Didn't make sense. It had too many things going on while being too slow so in the end nothing develops properly and it comes out confusing.
