>the trailer is nothing like the movie
The trailer is nothing like the movie
is the one on the right a man? it looks like a man
>Caroyln Petit
what do you reckon
Anita sarkeesian looks like that?
I really truly thought that was mia khalifa.
someone make a chrischan version of this
I think Anita is kind of hot
Cuter as a highschool grill.
Awww carolyn used to be alright when she was in GameSpot. Didn't know she joined FF
>that illustration
an Armenian girl I knew in college was cuter and slightly less crazy
Are they trying to kid us or themselves?
what the fuck
Both, we're supposed to play along because bewing aware of one apperance is now insulting.
You'd think that once you hit 250lbs, you'd start feeling a little shame and start being more conscious about your slovenly lifestyle.
Never stops being disgusting
>fat activist
Lmao I remember the first time I read a Carolyn Petit game review and thought it was extremely shitty. Then I saw her photo and thought "that looks like a dude" and googled to see if s/he was transgender.
Those drawings on OP's photo are really gross. Idk why but it always annoys me when people use good looking drawings of allegedly themselves as avatars. Also the idea of a transgender feminist doesn't make sense to me because most feminists are vagina worshippers but if Anita is cool with transgender women that's pretty cool of her.
By the way, is anyone else worried that it feels like most of the women in mostly-male hobbies like videogames turn out to be transgender? I also think it's pretty dumb that a transgender woman tries to give a "feminist" and female view of a male hobby, considering she has male genes, was born a male and grew up as a male.
It's the clearest case of special snowflake syndrome.
As for "the trailer is nothing like the movie" have you seen the old Predators trailer where Adrien Brody gets a ton of lasers on his face, and in the movie he only gets one?
>This isn't even my final form!
>Rachelle is a designer, fat activist, and cat mom. She is the founder of PNW Fattitude, a group that hosts events for people of size in an effort to foster a fat positive community in the Pacific Northwest. Rachelle is best known for the “Self Care Journal” and the “Self Care Zine” series. Her most recent release is “The Little Book of Big Babes,” a collection of photos documenting fat fashion all over the world. When she’s not busy pushing pixels, Rachelle spends a lot of time thinking about the intersection of fatness and fandom and drinking bubble tea.
She used to be, but then she got fat.
>fat activist
>her drawing is skinny
Aren't these the people that promote fat acceptance and shieet for video games and other media.
How much do you weight Sup Forums?
>people of size
I like to remind anyone in this thread that if you've used the term "fandom" in complete seriousness, you need to leave my board RIGHT now.
>anita is now Sup Forums's problem
>several threads have been posted here now to enrage angry males to pay attention to her
she's moved on to bigger fish I suppose
Are you serious? Her reviews were horrendous. She used all the cliché words of game reviews like "lackluster", "by the numbers" and always went with the general opinion. And she didn't provide anything relevant that helped you decide whether to buy the game or not. I started avoiding her reviews like the plague.
>inb4 she
Yah I know, I know.
About three fiddy
145, 6'
Absolutely disgusting. Not only trannies are an abomination, but I've been seeing the trend of having an idealized version of your fat and ugly self as your avatar in lots of places.
>cat mom
Every fucking time.
Find some loser and breed while you can you fucks! You'll be happier for it.
these people are mentally ill and desperate for attention
>and drinking bubble tea.
I know a lot of Tumblr-types think that putting stuff like "pizza-lover" and "eater of cupcakes" in their personal description is cute and quirky, but it's just sad and pathetic if you're obese.
>cat mom
>fat positivity
Defend yourselves RIGHT NOW for introducing these terms to everyday language, women of Sup Forums.
>I've been seeing the trend of having an idealized version of your fat and ugly self as your avatar in lots of places
This, I agree, it sucks.
My current avatar in places where I require an avatar (except facebook) is a photo of Negan. I like telling people that "I should Lucille you" when I argue, it keeps me calm. What's your avatar of choice, user?
Hover between 180 to 190, 6'2"
A smug anime girl like any red blooded, god fearing american should have.
77 kilos
Bout 95kg, 194cm.
Why do white people try to be traps if they can't pull it off?
Just leave it to Asians please.
>My current avatar in places where I require an avatar (except facebook) is a photo of Negan. I like telling people that "I should Lucille you" when I argue, it keeps me calm. What's your avatar of choice, user?
cringe. My only "social media" is steam my avatar is pic related. Ignore the watermark.
>Fat activist
>on fem freq
this fits somehow.
I guess it's because it's easier to find groups that tell you it's okay nowadays.
patrician taste
>A white man who's obsessed with Asian women
Wanna know how I know you're 350 pounds, and a loser.
Does he get paid to write that shit?
>movement and aiming feels dated
Right, let's reinvent the way people walk and shoot
150lbs, feels good to be average.
150 pounds for a male isn't average, that's actually underweight, unless you're 5'5"
150 pounds 5'4