>be spic
>race war happens
>no dog in the fight
>sit comfortably and watch both sides destroy each other
>rule the ashes of what used to be America
Be spic
Hopefully cops will be a little nicer to ous spics now.
>Spics ruling a barren wasteland
Seems about right
>Be white spic
>Can pull out the spic card in the case that im targeted by blacks
>Can pull the white card if targeted by whites
>Practically Immune
>race war
>No dog in the fight
If you aren't white, you are the enemy,stupid. Especially in Trump's America.
You guys have such a good job ruling all of your other territories. This time I'm sure things will go swimmingly. :)
Sorry mate, unless you're light skinned and pass for white, your dog has been thrown into the ring for you.
It isn't as though any of us have literally chosen to fight, we're all shit-posters on Mongolian sticker board.
I'm a spic and I literally never have bad experiences with cops. But then again, I have a white person IQ and I don't do retarded shit that would make an officer mad at me.
Somos mayoria puto
Viva Aztlan!
Spic here.
Urban Spics will pick the Black people side, rural and suburban white washed Spics will pick the White peoples side.
>somehow burn the ashes
>be black
>race war happening right now
>would rather shitpost on Sup Forums
To hell with you boy, us of hispanic ancestry good and well have a dog in this fight down here in Texas. Indio faggot
This, I look extremely white but can speak Spanish fluently so the spics automatically love me.
Still are you telling me you don't wanna get in on this? Team whitey is going to destroy team turd
I wish I could know that feel. My skin isn't dark enough to be a convincing spic even though I am mostly hispanic
Spic here,
You're fucking retarded.
Same senpai
I've never been harassed by cops and I grew up in a city
>Can pull out the spic card in the case that im targeted by blacks
Lol let me know how that works. You need to get out more
I probably will, i want to see team whitey BTFO team blackey.
Spic here,
You're a fuckin spic.
I don't think you understand how a race war works, OP. If you're a certain race, you have a dog in the fight whether you like it or not. You think a militant BLM terrorist is going to stop and ask you if you have a dog in this fight before he kills you for being a white boy?
>rule the ashes
You're already doing that in Mexico though
Jesus Christ how many spic Americans are there on Sup Forums
Spics and niggers will be treated the sams.
I'm 100% spic and I say you're fucking retard.
Chicanos fucking hate niggers, they even chase 'em down like hunters.
I was thinking this earlier
It's just like in school, where everyone was asking about Asians and Hispanics during Black History Month
It seems like we're pretty irrelevant
Blacks will recruit hispanics, because they will mainly target european looking whites, probably promise to give back some territories back to mexico or some shit.
last name of the cop that killed Philliandreroaquande was Yanez
the niggas will come for you too
I post here every day.
>rule the ashes of America
why are you guys happy with living in garbage?
>be native american
>everyone thinks I'm a spic
>don't get killed
Too goddamn many of them. I don't even pay attention to American posters because I know they're probably greasy, beady eyed, whispy facial haired shitskin fucks
>thinks racists are the majority
spic pride world wide desu
this race war shit is comfy af
i hope niggas get btfo though
>be jew
>race war happens
>be on both sides
>sell guns
>goyim auto-exterminated and my family richer than ever
feels good
don't urban spics hate niggers and they are constantly killing each other?
Do spics pull the "no hablo Ingles" card on cops?
It looks like cops leave spics alone because they don't want to deal with a spic who can't speak English.
after all we are like family pal
>be spic
>get mistaken for arab by nearsighted idiot
>get shot
have you seen the countries they come from?
living in a shithole is their natural habitat.
Oy m8 i got a tale to tell you
Of the ones from long ago (that never evolved)
There is a horde that has been dreaming
but now is softly chimping
From the ghettos their power will grow (white guilt)
Their voice are made of poison
When they chimp you are asure to be disturbed
You can lock your basement door
You can say your prays
No whitey can resist their bbc
Nevermind, that is just a propaganda
Of the apes of the older of (((Zion)))
>Sup Forums is one person
Make an Asian thread and see how many Asians come out if the woodwork
>but then again I have a white person iq
It's sad that you're such a a kiss up pussy for an anonymous forum. Hope you gain pride
yes, I have Mexican friends who use the word nigger more than I ever hear white people use it
>Do spics pull the "no hablo Ingles" card on cops?
Of fucking course. The problem is that there are plenty of hispanic cops.
>not siding with the white man
Fucking kill yourself you spineless spic.
I'm actually happy to be in LA right now. You guys keep the niggers in check and no doubt will be pitted against eachother if any race war breaks out.
yes but that doesn't mean they don't feel the cop's wrath the same. they empathize with each other on that level, at least.
Black people are calling Asians white right now.
You really think you beaners are safe?
>be Indian
>errrrrrrr I work at a pharmacy?
>white guys shrug and look at each and bumble soft yeahs and oks
Sup Forums is unironically diverse
You know that spics and niggers are at war, right?
Come home brown man
This, what a fucking cuck. All to impress little faggots that look like this.
Are Italians white, spics, or somewhere in between?
This. I'm Cuban with pretty fair skin. I can tan well enough but I'll never be dark enough to not be considered anything other than "white" to a Black person.
I've even been told by Ashy Larry that I was white as he heckled me.
A spic majority police force will crush the black menace. Soon, hermano.
>be spic
>call my cousin carlos, guadalupe, maria, jose, manuel, pancho, etc. to jump the border
>we take over the U.S while it's weak
>the new Spanish Conquest begins
>"history repeats itself"
Probably 10-20% of American posters
A lot of us are casitzo
>no dog in the fight
Bull. Fucking. Shit. Spics WORSHIP "white people". White casualties would be virtually nonexistent because beaners would be too happy to fight and die for them.
Looks like user there is going to be just fine. You though...
Epic. Simply epic :'^)
>Only interaction with a cop was a ticket I got 3 years ago because I made a left turn in a no-left hand turn intersection
Build le wall xdd
Sup Forums is a board of peace my good white man :^)
Just be fair paco.
>Sit comfortably and watch both sides destroy each other
Gunna be pretty hard for you to see anything from the other side of that wall paco
>implying spics aren't wiping out black people faster than the cops are
If you really believed this you would be back in Mexico where this already happened
But please, tell us more about how you want to rule a mud hut full of little shitskins
You'd better be rooting for whites. If blacks took over they'd get the Asians first, then the Slavs and Persians, then finally after you guys.
>that pic
You're not a Spanish conquistador, you mongrel mestizo.
>always thought it would be a war between patriots and traitors to America regardless of race
>realize that any "patriot" could be a Sup Forumsack ready to shoot me in the back
>realize that the coming uprising in the USA is going to descend into regional Mad Max, Bosnian War tier chaos
Well who better person to fight for than for yourself and your family right?
Doesn't work where I'm from.
Most of the cops are bilingual.
in his defense, I think in context, he just meant he doesn't act like a nigger thug, and the police considers him "white" enough
>Do spics pull the "no hablo Ingles" card on cops?
Doesn't really work. Even whitey speaks some level of Spanish in most of the Southeast USA.
Ironically, the only LEO who have ever refuse to speak Spanish in anyway have been CBP.
>yfw the mass importation of spics was for the purpose of using them as meat shields in the race war against the niggers
Joking aside, I sincerely believe that Trump's deportation forces should be made up entirely of niggers.
nah according pol cubans are mudpeople like mexicans or dominicans, when in reality most of us are of 100% European descent.
Joke's on you, I'm ironically on Sup Forums ;^)
getting on that 6th layer of irony
>Can't rule their own shit country
>Wants to rule the country he had to migrate to
Very funny.
>Have average bong look (very pale skin,blue eyes and dark brown hair)
>Speak Spanish fluently
>I'll never get that privilege
feels bad
>no dog in the fight
You realize whites and blacks hate spics right? No one is immune except maybe Asians and that is still a stretch in some areas.
We will crush the nigger threat together white man!
I try to pull that one, the cop have me waiting until another hispanic cop arrived.
Asians are the worst. Hang those fuckers high.
I would fight for California
thats funny coming from you lisping faggot.
I'm Latino, US born, went to school with lots of Chicanos and illegals. They loved calling blacks mayates, it means nigger in Mexican slang. We had a couple race riots that led to lockdown and a police response to break it up. This was in middle school.
Luckily admission to a magnet school saved me from going to a high school that was practically a gladiator school, which at its worst had 32 gangs!
>Can't rule their own shit country
>Sails over the sea to rule the country he had to migrate to
historically, countries that have done this have always been conquered by the winning party. the winning party has freshly experienced troops which always have an edge against inexperienced troops.
>half german
>half pajeet
>kill everyone then film scat porn
>be spic born in US
>never had any bad experience with police
>never witnessed or been involved in any serious violence
Feels comfy, man.
Spics are too white to stay out. The ghost of El Cid will rise from the dead.
Every 3 out of 5 americans you see posting are ¨¨¨¨¨¨hispanics¨¨¨¨
Hola Inglaterra!
>Urban Whites will pick the Black people side
Nice try John Smith. Spics hate niggers with a fucking passion.
>be Mexican
>girlfriend is white
>spends my money on crap