>race war starting
>global economy on verge of 2008 style meltdown
>US government rocked by a scandal that could destroy it
>EU falling apart
Where were you when it you realized it's fucking happening
>race war starting
>global economy on verge of 2008 style meltdown
>US government rocked by a scandal that could destroy it
>EU falling apart
Where were you when it you realized it's fucking happening
Watching the news
I know that they are all bought and paid for, but you can at least get the gist of what is happening.
In this case, IT was happening.
strap in boys.
>mfw Obama declares martial law
i;ve never been happier.
I need to get a gun.
I sure hope you poor souls have guns, if not.....
The Day has finally come. its go time lads
Don't let (((them))) slide the real story of global pay for play corruption that the Clintons are at the tip of. This ice(((berg))) of evil is the real story, not some false flag nigger sniper.
Good to go
We are in the later part of the mid stage cycle. Recession should come in 1-3 years naturally depending on government policies
Recessions are cyclical
A cleansing fire will retribute those sinful
Where the fuck have you been?
Friendly reminder that if we go down you all go down with us.
very /cumfy/ down unda
In a 98% white community.
>be home in my igloo
>buddy knocks on my moose testicles
>says "by, the big state pigs are kill"
>and you
>Not owning a gun
Cmon user
Now don't get me wrong, I hate niggers, but they are just useful idiots, sucking off the globalist teat and focusing the anger of Patriots on a false flag enemy. (((They))) are sliding on a massive level,
Just texted my dad and told him we need to go get some for the imminent rave war. He happily agreed. Hopefully it isn't too late.
If you had any idea how many biblical prophecies are ALSO happening right now you'd truly be concerned, senpai.
I recommend you research the following topics, in regard to end of the world prophecy.
>St. Malachy's Prophecy of the Popes
>Barack Obama's name in the bible, and his number
>Pope Francis and the Jesuit order
>Shemitah Jubilee year
>Masonic roots of United States
>Masonic connections to Lucifer
>How knights Templars are connected to Jesuits, and who they were.
>The all seeing eye of providence, through history
>Albert Pike's layout/prediction of the three World Wars
>Illuminati secret organization in U.S government discovered in 1784
>International banking cartel behind both sides of both World Wars.
What if I told you that there is a secret religious organization that is just as old as Judaism? And that this organization hides behind various charitable fronts all through history, with the sole purpose of acquiring power and influence, so that it may install agents within government and religious organizations? And that once they are in total control...the empires are conquered or destroyed...but the group is not.
This group uses deception, murder, blackmail, threats, dispensable idiots, and tremendous bribes to install their players into positions of influence first, and then into positions of control. And since they use underhanded tactics, they have a distinct advantage in their long term game of survival.
If you follow the thread from the Tower of Babel to America, you will see why this is indeed the End of Times.
Ordo ad Chao.
Me too.
Nice cat
reading material links?
prophecy makes me rock hard
I dont think so....
However I would have to worry about the future Chinese invasion...
I prefer the current state of things, I dont like the alternative
Always and forever fellow ausbot
>rave war
Fuck off, gook!
who /peacefully living away from the happenings/ here?
fuck i havnt seen a happening in so long
this feels like old Sup Forums
Ay no dios mio tengo mucho miedo! Me quiero regresar a México, me pueden ayudar a comprar un boleto de avion???
Please help buy the aerplane ticket
>illegal to sell guns to autists
How fucked am I?
Sitting on Sup Forums, shitposting ofc
I actually
México City
Now that's a RARE if I've ever seen one.
I think it depends on state but if you have a clean criminal and mental record you should be good to go.
I very scared, I from Guanajuato, I want to go back, this es very scary!!!
>And lo, there will come a descendant of Cush, a follower of the descendants of Ishmael, and he will be called Barrack. He will come to rule the land of Babylon, and he will be called Race Baiter-in-Chief, and he will sow much discord, division and strife in that land.
Literally unbelievable.
Fuck ya
The end is nigh.
>thousands of dollars on guns
>$50 crossbow from the 90's
you need an upgrade m8
Who else /comfy/ here?
Right here senpai
what is this?
fucken wanker
I don't, but my friend does. I'm headed where he lives when shit starts hitting the fan.
This is honestly the comfiest I have been in a very long time
>Conveniently raining outside
>Apple juice, chips, etc next to me
>Watching the USA in flames from a far
>Obama declares martial law
>Elections are suspended indefinately
>Obama is kill
>Hillary as a dem takes over
GG Usa
A1? Learn how to cook a fucking steak you scrub.
the A1 is worse than the pepsi
>Where were you when it you realized it's fucking happening
laughing my god damn ass off in front of a computer
Sirloin steak and onions my comfy food
Guess I'll have to stay up tonight with livestreams and CKII
Summer happening theme
We're about to see some serious shit
Chilling by my bed side.
My gf is sick tho and if something bad happens to her I will rage. Rage more than the niggers that shot the few policemen. That'll be my tipping point.
Clean on both.
But literally less than .003% of the state's population have carry permits. At least I can keep the house safe.
>new record breaking shooting on tv every 20 minutes
its happening
Canacucks completely BTFO'd by the based American Eagle
A OK here. As long as our government doesn't go full commie here yesterday we should be fine.
ya we may have to wait a decade or so for some real happenings
>the world is going to hell
>live in an irrelevant country that won't be affected severely
Good day to be alive, Sup Forumslacks
All we need is some Yosemite/Yellowstone action!!!
my nigga
I was everywhere... save me dr paul...
Sup Forums provided by far the best commentary on the Zimmerman trial. A lot of really great threads back then.
Holy Fuck, now NASA just reported "something" just appeared a little ways beyond our moon.
Feels good
Can't find shit
Biblical prophecies are effective because they are accurate in getting to the truth about humanity
One of Satan's titles is the accuser. He is the one who stirs up controversy for no reason.
The Anti-Christ will rise to power because he will say what people want to hear, and he will be loved by the people.
The Second Coming of Christ will be met with adversity because Christ will be widely hated by everyone. Only a few followers will trust him and follow his truth until the masses find out he was actually Christ.
Accusers lead to hatred and discourse.
People will love what they want to hear and give away power.
People will hate what they need to hear and will fight against it because it's difficult to accept you were wrong.
I don't think we're living in the end times but we are living in the end of a time. What we have to do is listen to what the ancients had to say about morals and values, because their values is what kept them alive. They were hard men in hard times.
We are soft men in soft times, but now times are getting hard again.
Stay together, and do your fair share. Be brave and unafraid to speak out against lies and vengeance.
Christ always preached forgiveness.
The tragedy is that the black community is currently succumbing to acussing and condemning.
We can work together to build a better tomorrow. Killing each other blindly is not the answer, but if someone tries to kill you, to condemn your people, you have to stand up and fight for what is right.
>petitioning the OBAMA Whitehouse to go against BLM
This is all I need
Who's comfy lads?
Sauce faggot
>rave war
don't forget to buy as many glowsticks as you can, senpai
been happening for a while now only continues to escalate in intensity
>pic related
Thank you
Get on it user. When shit goes sideways you'll need it to protect you and your lived ones.
Some of you murikans are completely nuts with your gunz. All you really need is a good 15-17 round pistol and a shotgun - could be pump action or semi auto. Might also want to grab a sub compact frame pistol like those cool j-frame Smith & Wesson revolvers *IF* you really want it. Otherwise... wtf is the point of rifles?
Anyone else hope the end times don't hurt?
HAPPENING sounds really entertaining but I don't want to become my neighbor's slave or something once law doesn't exist. Like if I don't wake up tomorrow or am turned to ash by something that would be cool but I don't own any guns, if it's gonna be a slow process I'm fucked.
there is still hope for the contingency plan to go through. There is always hope.
Kek is returning to us! Cleansing soon?
on fucking Sup Forums
Trump assasination will be the cherry on the Big Cake of the NWO
now that those BLM terrorists got power guns, killing Trump and overpowering his secret service will be a piece of cake.