New Fargo promo. Are you hyped yet? I fucking am.
New Fargo promo. Are you hyped yet? I fucking am
>that hag
>triggered McGregor looking like Cassandra' Dad from Only Fools and Horses
not keen
I don't know why I enjoy Ewan McGregor as much as I do.
I don't mind the look as much, reminds me of Thomas Burke from Mafia 3.
What's the supernatural element this season?
Hopefully it's gnomes.
There is no supernatural thing idiot. It's just people lying when telling the "true story"
Ewan McGregor is looking rough
MEW dick
Is Fargo the best written show on TV?
Idk about writing, but definitely best directed and acted
Can you think of anything with better writing?
that coon?
Fargo is underrated, the fact that Sup Forums doens't talk about this series is a good sign
Nigga nobody talks about it. It's kino though.
The Walking Dead
Anyone else notice the DINER sign spelling out "DIE"?
Breaking Bad had better writing and acting
No. Nobody noticed that. It was just you.
Ewan McGregor
>wasn't here for the live threads
was talked about aplenty
No need to be a cunt.
I don't get you fargo fags, I'm not saying it's a bad show but you guys talk it up way too much
The Walking Dead is far better written than Fargo. It makes Fargo look like Sesame Street.
Was season 2 good?
Anywhere near the quality of the 1st?
You have to be over 18 to post here.
Good things are rare on the television, so here is your answer. And Fargo is better than anything aired in the last 5 years or so
No. It's so weird how the later seasons of good shows always end up being nothing but memes.
That's because you have shit taste and probably get off on watching pleb trash.
Just as good but with a weird moment toward the end that is pretty divisive on whether people liked that part or not.
Ewan will always hold a special place in my heart because of his role as Obi-Wan Kenobi.
He was the best part of the prequels for me personally.
Do you think we'll see Cthulu this season?
>Implying she isn't his daughter and her real name isn't Lorna Malvo
no need to think you're even slightly special
I'm over 18. Fargo is poorly written trash and The Walking Dead is well written and superior in every way. Fargo is boring trash for grandmas. TWD is what people who aren't 90 and have a working brain watch.
Which moment?
>He was the best part of the prequels for me personally.
Agreed. I didn't realize he played the same character in the first film and the two others though. He's completely different.
>had literally the devil for season 1
>aliens for season 2
>nothing for season 3
Pretty shit tbqhf
>Anyone else notice the DINER sign spelling out "DIE"?
This is really poor bait.
>implying there is any womb on Earth that can handle Lorne's seed
Why don't you fucking watch the show and find out you daft cunt
Friendly reminder that Iain Glen would have done it much better
Typical Sup Forumseddit response. You always know you've won the argument when they slink back to that, which you wrong faggots always do. TWD is superior in every way, you don't believe me? Check the ratings.
what else do you like reddit?
Iain Glen was too old to play a young Kenobi. He might make a good old Ben Kenobi though.
Aw jeez
Me personally I LOVED the Star Wars™ prequels and everything in them.
Best character.
What was the point of this post?
he really was
First 6 episodes of season 2 > season 1 >>>> dogshit >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> rest of season 2
Me personally I think it was to show what a fan of STAR WARS he personally is. Do you have Geek Crate? I have a referral link for $5 off if you would like to use it.
oh wow. is that actually him?
Damn, they got me
and why do you dislike the end of s2 so much?
Friendly reminder that they should have never made Obi Wan a teenager, thus making Iain Glen age appropriate
it went completely off the rails
Him being drunk as fuck trying to stop the Gerhardts was a great scene, funny but also really tense.
carrie coon is purdy. she reminds me of margerat thompson so much whatever her name is form trainspotting and boadwalk empire
>it went completely off the rails
that's the whole point
the whole show is supposed to be absurd as fuck
The end of season two is kino. Especially Milligan's story.
he can't handle the truth
The Leftovers
Another show made for grandmas that pales in comparison to TWD.
>please forgive the obvious death penalty snafu, I'm slightly inebriated.
>the jackboots are upon us
>Out of my way, tool of the state!
Fargo S2 had some great characters.
When was the devil in season 1?
The aliens in season 2 were irrelevant. They only served as a distraction, that was the point. A lot of people, especially back in the 70s in America, claimed to have seen UFOs. Someone at the end of S2 mentions that they'll leave the UFO out of the police report because nobody would believe it. That's another reason, we don't know what actually happened in the past because we only hear the official story.
There were no aliens in Fargo, just flashing lights that distracted people. And there was nothing supernatural in S1
Milligan's ending was a single good thing from season finale.
What I did not like it's how they tried to tie second season with first one. How Hanzee betrayed the Gerhards and how their family died. I didn't like how Ed died too.
Basically, last episodes of season completely ruined it for me.
Which was better?
Season 1
Season 2
Only problem I have with S2 is the dad making his own language. What a crock of shit that was. The rest of the season was great, better than S1 and the film.
They were equally good in their own ways. Which is exactly what an anthology show should be.
That wasn't really very relevant.
>When was the devil in season 1?
No it was very subtle
I love how her and Margaret are barely wearing any bras in the leftovers.
Bro please stop. It hurts. I can't tell if you are pretending to be retarded or really are; either way it needs to stop, and you need to get off.
Typical Sup Forumseddit response 2: Electric Boogaloo. You can't refute what I'm saying so you resort to namecalling. Proof of being a plebeian.
I'm hype
Did you miss all the threads all over the board when the UFO showed up?
I watched it late
stopped watching after s1, should catch up for this last season