ITT: Movies that wrecked you as a kid

The Fly

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>The Fly

Go to bed, Grandpa

Salem's Lot. I don't know what i was thinking.

Particularly the part where the Nazis liquidate the Ghetto and the part where the German SS officer played by Ralph Fiennes almost rapes his Jewish maid.

A visceral truthful expierence about Hitler's camps and a man who saved hundreds.

You will be dead in 100 years bitch..


I'm an old fuck so I mean the 80s mini series.

Get off my lawn.

stephen kings it

that drain scene

Also saw Jaws when I was like 2. It might have been jaws 2 or 3. I lived 2blocks from the beach. Didn't even bathe for like a month.

>stupid statement

are you okay?

The dog scene in the sequel.

The Fly


In my opinion, the fly is the scariest movie monster ever. It's not the scariest movie but I'll be damned if I don't think about how terrifying it would be to see it in real life

Good goy

Pet Cemetery 2

probably utter shit now but
> Zelda in the attic
just fucking destroyed me

oy vey! humans are the real monsters! *tips*

>wrecked mein sides

You watched this as a kid?

brundleflyteleporter is even scarier than brundlefly

Not number 1? That fucking sister..

>That fucking sister...

It's a cornerstone of the American education system. Once a year minimum from 6th grade on

The mummy

I had stucco ceilings (where they're like lumpy) and I had a fever a couple of nights after watching it and woke up sweating and seeing them colours when you press your eyes too hard, I looked up at the ceiling and scarab beetles started pouring from the lumps from the ceiling and crawling all over the room, started screaming my tits off and my parents had to rescue me, slept in their bed, guess what. They had the same stucco ceilings and I woke up seeing the beetles again. Wasn't allowed to watch scary films for a while after that

the twins from the shining fucking terrified me

not sure actually. l think it was 2 but l was like 5

It was 1, trust me I'm a King-fan.

It was 1, nr2 is a shitshow IIRC

Return to Oz.

The entire movie felt creepy but the hall of heads scene was shocking....
How the hell this scene got into a Disney kid movie??

Oh, I just remembered that guy who melted from the toxic waste in Robocop. I saw that when I was like six I think?

Fire in the Sky

oh shit nigga

The hell is this then? Dude's got no face?

Was it original back then? I despise any horror now where there is a kid that's possessed or something.





i watched it with my US relatives as kid too
it did fuck me up in a way
i got a boner when that guy was punching the maid and when those ladies were in underwear

Well gee user, I wasn't going to have a good night's sleep anyway.


why have you given me this nightmare sequence?!

Oh The Thing doesn't bother me at all for some reason.

I used to sit through all horror films no problem from age 8 but for some reason the suspense in Alien always really got to me.


I didnt found it that disturbing desu

the fingernails scene is pure horror kino

it's not massively bloody or gory or over the top, and yet whenever I mention this movie to someone, that's the scene that sticks out in their minds

just pure unsettling imagery that sticks with you for life


Original Fly is shit. It's a rare example of the remake being undeniably better.

The McPherson Tape

to this day i have a fear for aliens, i recently found some notebooks i had as a kid, and they're filled with aliens with red lights coming from their fingers just like in the movie, will post if anyone is interested

be careful of what you show to your kids, it can damage them forever

that bit in Poltergeist where he rips his own face off


Lost Highway

probably more i can't remember

This scene popped up and i was mortified

that movie is a lie, the whole thing never happened.

uncle ben pls

hey man was like you then i was over exposed to the ayyy lmao shit from /x/

it cures you i swear

127 hours

>This is what we do to fuckboys around here.


I don't remember the movie but a couple adopted or just had a child and he was some kind of monster and like bit and chewed people's flesh.

>arm wrestling scene

nymph with chasey lane. its not very good but it was my first full porn movie

I want scenes similar to this in Covenant. None of this stupid cgi, space bug and act like a total retard bullshit.


omg so spoopy, the zero mobility and the clearly visible harness & string truly made this scene a work of art


Poltergeist. I had a big tree outside my window that I was afraid of for years

>help me, help me
It was the best film ever

You know it played on TV all throughout the 90's right?

I remember my dad would not let me watch The Fly, which only increased my interest in it. I heard about it from friends.

>Super grosss dude!
>breaks a guys arm
>he becomes a freaky mutant
>kills monkeys and shit

I would longing look at "The Fly" and "The Fly 2" boxes at the video store. Saw "Lord of the Flies" one day and my dad was like "oh you can watch that". We didn't rent it, but one day it was on TV.

>No adult
>Piggy brutally murdered
>weird chanting music as the boys dance around a fire
>Hunting down their friend
>be 12 years old, do boy scouts with "friends"
>no idea who I can trust
>become more reclusive
>stay in more, finally watch "The Fly" barely affected by it
>still haunted by the idea that friends could easily turn on me
>the moment where the kids see's an adult and it all stops and he breaks down crying sits in my mind all through middle school

Yea...... think my dad made the wrong call. He didn't let me watch Star Trek 5 as a kid either, so he did make some good choices too.

Pricks like you deserve the gas chamber

original fly is unironically a good flick, but it's more of a creepy murder mystery, not a monster or body horror flick like the cronnie one.

alright you seem like a nice guy, so I confess I was only memeing. I do think the covenant ayy looks retarded as fuck. after the shower scene in the first trailer I was hoping ridley will make them silent, sneaky and creepy again, but oh well. generic vidya zombie-bug it is

>Be me
>9 years old
>Into archeology and shit
>Love cartoon parody of Indiana Jones
>Dad notices
>Comes home one day with a copy of Raiders
>"Watch this son, it's about archeology."
>Start movie
>Can't even get past the opening scene
>Watch Last Crusade at friend's house year later
>Love it
>Decide to give Raiders another try
>Gif related
>Nightmares for months
>Years later one of my favourite movies

this scarred me

Daisy's Destruction fucked me up real bad. To this day I will never open a link sent to me.

This shit had me awake for days, man. What the fuck was this short?

Interview with a vampire.
The part were Lestat kills the poodle gave me nightmares for years.

Terrifying, the gremlin from the bugs bunny episode scared me as a child too.


That movie still wrecks me.


Yeah this, had nightmares for years

i dunno why but obscenely evil, demonic things in cartoons scared me and stick out in my mind more than anything else that scared me in my early childhood.


Truly a terrifying sight to behold



not a movie but it scared me just the same.

School just get out champ?


I'd usually suggest going to /pol, but seeing as you're probably underage, I'll recommend Reddit instead

No original thing is shit, OG fly was genuinely good and creepy.

By the way, did anyone know there's a stage production of Cronenberg's Fly? the shit you find out everyday...

This entire movie is traumatizing g and gave me nightmares.

This shit still fucks with me.

Day of the Dead was the first time I actually contemplated the concept of dying and gave me my first existential crisis.

Prepare to be disappointed

this scared the living shit out of me when i was 4 or 5.


fuck dude same. I was like 5 and I said to my dad "she's gunna turn back after super man destroys the machine right"

my dad just grinned, shook his head and said "noooope"


yeah lol, I used to hide behind the sofa anytime this scene came up. My parents didn't even care, told me there was nothing scary but shit I was petrified.

Nah, you're right. That bitch is still scary. When she ran towards Rachel... still creeps me out

>Semi-catholic 12 year old
>Watching Repossessed and my dad noticing being a parody of The Exorcist
>Obsessed with watching this demonic movie
>Ask everyone about it
>One glorious day, they show The Exorcist on TNT
>Didn't know if it was the actual movie, because it's a slow, talkative 70's movie
>Suddenly, the head-turn scene with Regan
>Cousin: her head just turned around!
>Me: NOPE. What the hell was that!
>I almost had a panic attack, had to leave the room because this seemed the actual devil in a movie

Good times...