The Doctor's Daughter Edition
Last time:
Worst NuWho ep
When will she get her own spinoff?
Th-they're not really going to fly, right /who/?
Will the Mondasian cybermen speak?
Pls let them speak
this guy's idea is probably right
>"the man who never would"
>he frequently does
reminder that we have another nigger companion with fucked up teeth and beautiful Jenna is gone
the finale will be SHEEP
Is finale legit gonna be defending the university from cibbers
Martha really had a good time with all those fish dudes. Underrated episode.
series 10 will be the best of nuwho
Reminder that the cybermen did nothing wrong
Ah yeah this seems likely, and it's probably there to familiarize the casual viewer. That would also mean the story is 100% based around the Mondas cybermen, since there were loads of Mondas cybermen seen but hardly any New Who ones.
The fact that they are cyberMEN automatically makes them rapists tho. Think about that logic.
yeah but :(((
I hope they do this with a Capaldi voiceover explaining how the cybermen evolved.
Shit this is going to be so good.
>mondasian cybermen are returning
>tfw it ends up being asylum of the daleks tier and they just sit around in the background doing nothing
Fuck. Meh we might see some based Mondasians killing the shitty iron men ones instead.
who even is that guy
why do we trust him
The Iron Man ones are so fucking OP though. Even if fans prefer the originals there's no way they'd stand a chance.
Not gonna happen because its pretty much confirmed it's about them having a conversion factory in a hospital. What I worry about though is them only being in it for 10 minutes, being presented as weak in comparison to the Nightmare in Silver ones, and having the new ones kill them all.
Cyberman?, I haven't heard that name in a long time.
Donna was a pretty THICC MILF in the last-two parter as well as Partners in Crime.
Parkin did it better
Maybe the 'preserve the cyberrace' aspect of the iron men cybermen is presented as a fault, and as a consequence, they recognise the Mondas guys as 'true' cybermen, so refuse to kill them.
On the other hand, the Mondas cybermen don't regard the Iron Men as real cybermen, so they're far less reluctant to kill them.
GOAT alternate timeline cibber story
Eh, the only time he really "killed" someone not in defense was the Family of Blood.
Why would the cybermen kill each other?
I just shaved all my back hair off, what classic Doctor who monster should I use the shaven hair to create a figurine off. Yeti's?
Looks like series 10's ''hub'' is Bristol this time round. It's actually Cardiff.
Give some to John Barrowman
My dad works at doctor who and he said cgi peter Cushing doctor who is going to be on doctor who series 10
Doubtful, BBC wouldn't spend the money to bring back some obscure actor who wasn't even one of the canon Doctors. Also disney had the money to bring back the guy who played Tarkin, but the guy who played Tarkin was a well known actor.
This is literally a show for cuckolds.
The Doctor literally calls a cuck out for being a cuck in the latest episode. Get fukt faggot.
Only if you self insert as Mickey.
Delete this.
Will there be another big reveal tonight?
Time will tell. It always does.
apparently so
>tfw you married your childhood hero's hot daughter
Dubs confirm trailer on Saturday/
>who is also your onscreen daughter
Celts always were into incest.
>you will never know that feel
So Peter annouced season 10 will be his last as the doctor. Who do you want to be the next doctor? I vote for her.
Jenna Coleman porn lookalikes, lads?
I sexually fantazize about David sucking Peter Davidson's cock and then David travels back in time with Davidsons cum in him mouth, still hot, fresh and sticky finds a younger version of Davidsons wife and spits the cum into her vagina, and then he shouts ''ALLONS-Y'' and it turns out Tennant was like a plant carrying the seed to be fertilized by another lifeform.
Shouldn't you be getting a hair transplant from your arse, Barrowman?
There was one posted her ages ago but I forgot her name. Basically just look for small brunettes with brown eyes.
>but I forgot her name
i need you to try and remember for me, user
Screenshot this big announcement tonight.
havent been here since the 50th
how long did the Za is no leader meme last.
jewel styles?
Za is no leader. Now that's a thing I've not heard in a long time.
What did you guys think of that episode? I mean, the whole cavemen plot. What was their endgame?
>When the CIA/MI5 spy on you through the TV and phones but all they end up hearing about is Dr Who and how to improve it.
I talked with my dad for about 2 hours after Capaldi announced he was leaving. Someone probably monitored that.
Keeping "spying" my Whovian overlords.
But Anons, have you not read Hunters of the Burning Flame?
Za is the leader.
absolute legend
Did pikeys steal your cable?
She looked hot as fuck in Time Reaver
Reminder RTD ended his era with a Dalek finale and now Moffat is ending his with a Cybermen finale.
What if Mondasian Cybermen are revealed to be an evolution of Gaimanmen themselves an evolution of Cybusmen, actually the first original Cybermen? Would that be a Moffat twist?
>2/3 Capaldi finales have been Cybermen and Missy
>The other one was a shitty Gallifrey story
idk what this means
but it's probably Genesis of the Cybermen
it's something Moffat would want to do before he bows out
Anywhere I can listen to Spare Parts or The Silver Turk for free?
>Missy and an army of NuWho Cybermen pursue the Doctor to a distant planet drifting in space
>turns out to be Mondas and the Doctor is now inadvertently responsible for the creation of the original Cybermen
That would be shit because their technology is obviously less advanced.
The Doctor is already inadvertently responsible for the creation of the original cybermen
Tenth Doctor Adventures Volume 2 WHEN
Eleventh Doctor Adventures Volume 1 WHEN
Never. It was a one off
Series 9 soundtrack WHEN
>the year is 2018
>12 has just regenerated following an epic Mondas cybermen story
>Kris Marshall about to begin his first series as the Doctor
>Big Finish announce 11 and 12th Doctor adventures
>Maximum comfy
>Eleventh Doctor Adventures Volume 1 is made
>It's not with Amy and Rory
The Big Finish app
Ay, Big Finish has put out the first 50 Main Range stories free on Spotify.
Thank you based /who/tube.
>tfw it's with God Complex's Rita
>was a one off
>volume 1 is on the title
Nah, I don't think it'll be yearly, but they'll make some more in the future.
The world just needs more Ten/Donna banter
They should add Wilf into the next one, too. Not nearly enough Wilf stories.
>Volume 2 is released
>it features Ten and Elton as the companion
Don't you mean
>Mondas?, I haven't heard that name in a long time.
>Classic Doctors, New Monsters is made
>None of the Doctors are with their regular companions
I want to hear Ace vinegar the fuck out of a Slitheen
You just know they'll ruin them by adding this fucking theme.
The Doctor didn't know that vinegar was lethal to Raxacoricofallapatorians when we first saw them on screen