>british **humor**
what did he mean by this
This is a weird meta post and I don't like it. Also the Dailymail is shit. I find it funny you yanks believe anything that comes out of it.
>It's a publicly funded panel show imposes mandatory minimum numbers of women and non-white panelists episode
brits have the worst swear words
Is this supposed to be Andy Parsons?
Went to see him live once (got the ticket free from a friend) and he is fucking awful
I hate minorities.
I don't care about minorities.
I don't mind minorities.
Pick one and then leave.
dolphin in a bathtub?
>it's a farage episode
It's a piss take of liberals who do nothing but cry about the Daily Mail, through the medium of an unfunny comedian called "Andy Parsons" who is particularly guilty of it.
Sorry it went over your head.
>I find it funny you yanks believe anything that comes out of it.
Is the Dailymail factually incorrect, or are they just biased in that they release too many articles about certain topics?
Number 5's an ugly stupid mental wanker paedophile
i regret introducing Sup Forums to this
Both to a certain extent, though primarily the former. They repeatedly get in trouble with watchdogs for being misleading. They do get singled out a bit for criticism when most of them do it though.
They're fake news in the literal sense of the term.
They take news stories and spin them and omit information to fit a narrative.
They're basically a right wing CNN
yeah you were the only person to have ever watched it you daft cunt
The Daily Mail newspaper is fairly right-wing (in a right-of-centre way - not the modern Left's definition of "anything to the right of Lenin is far right") but it has pretty good exposes and the journalism is solid despite what people say. The Daily Mail can seriously twist the knife if they want to and have a serious turnover to pay for it.
The Mail Online is, like everything on the internet, complete and utter garbage but the comment sections can be gold if you want to see what the great British public are really like.
The Sun and the Daily Mail are prime targets for leftist virtue signalling.
Want to look good to your lefty friends? Tell them how much you hate those filthy rags and how Britain could become a socialist utopia if not for the scummy Murdoch press.
>the panel shows instantly take a nosedive in quality
What were they expecting when Jo Brand was suddenly on every other episode of every show
i regret introducing it to members of Sup Forums who hadn't seen it before captain autismo
do 1 you fucking muppet
Isn't the Mirror owned by Murdoch too? Because that is Guardian for blue collar joes who like tits.
Probably, but Guardian readers will hate that too because as much as they have a general contempt for the working classes
excellent point, well made
Utter melt
Fuck off you nonce
pure radgie
The Sun is a shit rag though.
They still to this day employ Kelvin MacKensie to write columns despite the whole Hilsborough thing. Not even a scouser, but most people who fuck up THAT badly and still laugh about it wouldn't get to remain employed by a company.
That and they'll willingly and brazenly lie on their front page knowing they'll just have to put a small retraction that most won't see it. They recently ran a headline stating a high number of Muslims support Isis. Now maybe they do, maybe they don't, I don't know, but they basically pulled the numbers out of their arse just to sell a paper. I'm no huge muzzie fan, but I prefer the truth or at least something close to it on the front page, as opposed to made up headlines designed to shock.
Fuck The Sun and fuck anyone who reads it.
blimey bit rough in here innit
jog on you massive ringpiece
all UK comedy threads go through endless permutations of political discussion but always end up calling stewart lee a cunt
Can we bully some old people now?
sod off you bellend
fuck off you bloody scotsman
only if theyre white ya fucking numpty
>Are you talking about my husband?
OP here, I thank you for it
end urself fannyflap
so whos gonna pay for my tv license ya fucking dogs the lot of ya
fish and chips anyone
spoon feeding
hmmm yes this is exactly what british people sound like, well done
Even the people who buy the Sun know its shit
Its cheap fodder only good for chip paper
eerrrrr ed milliband total cock up
The Hislop impression was spot on
>ya fucking dogs the lot of ya
Yeah... Nailed it user....
you fucking prick dont u backchat me ill fucking end ya cunt
wheres ur tv license show me it
it's in here...
*unzips dick*
you fucking prat
lads im really aussie but my dads pretty posh so i dunno i think i can pretend well
Theres nothing wrong with the Daily Mail
Lefties just cry about it because it isn't a Marxist echo chamber like the BBC or The Guardian
It's a mockery of what counts for humour on a panel show, you dolt
It just triggers SJWs but it called out shit like Rotherham and the mess that happens in Sweden everyday.
I would argue that most Lefties today aren't Marxist at all. They see inequality as something caused by white men rather than the Capitalist system.
Its cultural Marxism as opposed to traditional Marxism
You no longer have the proletariat vs. the bourgeoisie, its now the oppressed vs. the oppressor (white people)
Cultural Marxism is an oxymoron to begin with. Traditional Marxism was concerned as much with culture and sociology as it was with economics, the two were interlinked.
thundercunt! stop being such a tart.
That wouldn't be oxymoronic. It'd be redundant or misleading, sure.
american """"""""""humor""""""""""
dumb glascunt
has andy parsons been invited on any other show besides mock the week, I don't think I've seen him anywhere else, he's so bad even by panal show standards.
He was on This Week recently.
I want to know what dirt he had on the producers of Mock the Week to keep him on there for so long
Nope that's Trinity Mirror, although I agree with your second point.
The Mirror got off quite lightly from the phone hacking scandal 2bh, Murdoch's rags took most of the heat and were a lot more extensive irrc but they did their fair share too
fuck off downton abbey
Utter his frustration over the Daily Mail
he must have had some dirt on a bbc nonce producer i refuse to believe he was actually liked by audiences
>tfw nobody watches this currently airing underappreciated british kino
forgot image
Spot on for andy "the daily mail" parsons though
>I want to know what dirt he had on the producers of Mock the Week to keep him on there for so long
it's honestly baffling, you see it on shows that run for so long like mock the week or QI that certain guests eventually don't get invited back after a few awful appearances, and he just seems immune.
I do. Last week's episode was fucked up.
Haven't got round to it yet, but I enjoyed The Bill episode
Is this a porn parody of The Prisoner?
is it a dolphin in a bathtub?
Yeah, The Bill was good. The first half was too relatable. But I guess that's what a lot of the episodes are, relatable situations taken to absurd extremes.
They have better swear words than Americans. Seriously all we have is like at best 10 words while Brits have an entire dictionary of curse words.
The Daily Mail is less biased than the Guardian
Comments section is better too
I can't stand the guys who made it but I watched the bill one when my dad had it on the other day, it was alright
I'm not a huge fan of Shearsmith and Pembertons other stuff either, but Inside No. 9 is pretty good
all episodes vary in quality as it's all just short stories with twists but some such as 12 Days of Christine are fantastic
Is Ken Barnet /ourguy/?
>Boyish coy look
Solid joke, have a you.
Shitskin Paki Mohammed lover
Fuck off you big spastic, you're a mentalist!
Russel Howard was apparently liked enough to be given his own show, so you never can tell
piss off knobhead
user why are you copying my thread from earlier?
This is sad.
I'm pretty sure it's the same thread
UP AT THE START OF A SENTENCE, and then DOWN at the end.
>le 'don't hate us euros we're not all like this' face
Oh you can't beat a nice quiet night in for a change, can ya mate?