

in the coming race war, we AZNs are with you. Maybe the spics too.


Good, whites, asians and law enforcement. gg

No shit. You fucks fired the first shots.


Whites would kill you the first chance they get after. Fuck you, you beta white dick sucking faggot.

I don't want or need your help, you slant eyed faggot.

I'll only help if they give me a whitey girlfriend.

This poster is a nog sowing discord

Spics are actually just HAPA hybrids that sat in the sun too long.

Remember this my azn friend:

Israel is called the Holy Land because it keeps the unholy Negroes in Africa. It is the most ancient line of segregation.

All manner of criminal ape-like creatures tried to wander out of Africa in the past.

Israel has been known as the Holy Land for a million years, perhaps longer, and this is its true purpose.



ima love blasting you black nigger fucks.

I'd hope so. An Asian started this shit.

>race war
so something else the white man will use you beaners for then?!
>he thinks white Americans have balls to fight back

Lets fucking do this

>we AZNs

you are kinda late, mexicans in US have been in war with blacks for decades now

i'm a white washed hispanic (born and raised here)

i am completely down with the cause of repopulating the country with qt half breeds if/when the nigra kill all the white men

Are you fucking retarded? Apparently yes, because I have to explain the joke to you:

An Asian cop killed the guy in MN which is what kicked everything into high gear. Hence "firing the first shots".

Jesus. I hope for your sake you don't have a gun, because chances are you'll just end up shooting yourself in the face long before you come within 100 feet of a nigger.

Negrotic areas

Sholom to you too OP



all spics who fight on behalf of the whites will be granted legal citizenship in the united states upon conclusion of the war

>EFF is fastest growing party in my country.
>MFW South Africa literally turns into Zimbabwe

We know, AZN bros.

Spics need to be vetted though. Thanks to illegal immigration, they're bringing crime/drugs/rapists etc.

I wonder [[[who]]] could be behind this post.

(I'm a fucking leaf so of course I love asians. We've got 2% black population and they fucking suck.)

I'm mexican of chinese parents, we are not that uncommon

shit boy

AZN vacationing in Cancun right now. I've been gone three days and everything went to shit.

does that make you a flied lice bean bullito?

"Chinada" has a nice ring to it.

As long as you don't bring along the dirty Asians like the Filipinos, Vietnamese, Thai, Burmese, Cambodians, Laotians, Malaysians, and any other brown asians I forgot.

Spic here we like whites better

unless they're jews

Asian women are way better than white women anyway senpai. let's trade

I know, Mexicans hate niggers. I've seen the way they talk about those negritos. One painter told me that's why he carries a 9mm is bc niggers.

indians too

I understand about the Malaysian and Indonesians because they're muzzie and therefore to be excluded but I'm not sure about the other ones.

Spics don't always get along with whites, but they fucking hate niggers. No way Latinos would ever side with niggers. They hate them more than white people do, Mexicans are literally trying to exterminate blacks in LA.

T. yrone


I'm a fuckin Jew even and I'm in favor of White supremacy, Heil Hitler!

Spic here, fuck niggers! we are on the side of the whites.


fuck Commiefornia and the infected young spics

Alright spics heres the deal. You support us in the coming race war. We genocide the blacks, which we both know are the problem and attack both of us. For your support and aid during this we will officially gift you the entirety of California as your province to rule. Whites will be given 48 hours to leave and any who stay will be under your jurisdiction.

I'm a spic and I think blacks inferiour to us and of course whites are better.


Literally no one likes Nignogs

Even Nignogs don't like other Nignogs

Hopefully when we are done deporting the Nigerians from Roppongi we can start deporting the weird Muslims that have been showing up the last 10 years. Why we accept these people who bring shitty culture into prosperous places? Do they think functioning cities fell out of the sky with technology and infrastructure for free?

These are problems of the inhabitants, not the locales.

'till Underverse come

Any ome with a fucking brain would bet on whites if there really was a race war. After all, one horse went to the moon, the other raped a mare because it though it would cure its aids.

>t. Tío Tomás

I've been to Mexico City, Asians are as common there as they are anywhere else

I'm one too. I second that too

guys ask for gfs plz

What's happening in that pic?