Why does Drake just walk around Disneyland all the time now?
Why does Drake just walk around Disneyland all the time now?
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To find people that recognize him and give some sort of meaning to his now empty existence. Remind him he used to be someone in this town.
Holy shit, he actually turned into Tony Pajamas
>mfw josh unjusted and drake became JUSTED
in the show:
>josh is the fat loser
>drake is the pussy slaying cool chad
in reality:
>josh is the handsome, successful chad
>drake is the poor failure
He lives there, camping in spots hidden from view and camera. Always packing up in the morning when admission begins.
>this is where I buy most of the art I have in my house
Bitch you're half a million dollars in debt and live in a theme park don't lie to me
Why did he age so bad?
those dead eyes
$500,000 IN DEBT
Le leather skelton
Look at all those meth scars.
He has money now
What's he gonna do when they implement a no-singles policy?
That's not right, it can't be.
He filed for bankruptcy 2 years ago and owed over $500,000.
wow that's really good
Mandela effect
When you file for bankruptcy, aren't your debts forgiven?
Since then, he's also made a successful album that got him some money.
It's Paaaajaaaaaaaaamas
>When you file for bankruptcy, aren't your debts forgiven?
That would render the concept of debt meaningless dumbass
This guy is a creep. You can tell he's a degenerate pedophile.
>You can tell he's a degenerate pedophile.
That'd explain why he's been to Disneyland over 200 times in the last year.
He owned a $2+ million home.... The "net worth" listed on that website probably has that house factored in.
Last I heard though the house was foreclosed upon, so the website needs to update their shit.
thats how it works though
you file for bankruptcy and debt cannot be collected against you
>When you file for bankruptcy, aren't your debts forgiven?
No it allows you to restructure your debt. It also means your credit is fucked for life so you basically can't borrow money again.
for real though can you actually live in disneyland?
Yes, just ask Walt Disney's brain for permission.
its only forgiven when you scream it out loud
God damn that Greasers haircut just looks so shitty on him.
Why would a grown up go to Disneyland over 200 times? Why would a grown up go and buy mickey mouse art to decorate your house? Why would you go to disneyland alone and spend all day there? I don't get this guy.
So he must have connections with people in the park, he just goes to some desolate office area inside one of the rides and sleeps.
Depends on the chapter you file, and even still it's only fucked for seven years, and even then you can get things like auto loans and even small business loans if you have a good enough idea and model/plan. Several prominent business folks have had to file ch. 13 and basically start again doing something else and get loans based on merit and ability.
>So he must have connections with people in the park
He's probably visiting their secret child slave brothel.
You are a child and clueless. I have a family member who has filed for bankruptcy and know many others, your debts are basically forgiven. They will not be collected, also there are many credit companies willing to give you money at high interest rates.
jesus christ