Who team bluepill here?
Good fake world > Shitty real world
stay mad lads.
Who team bluepill here?
Good fake world > Shitty real world
stay mad lads.
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I agree. What's the point in living a hellish existence where the food sucks, you're constantly on the lookout for killer robots, and even if you somehow miraculously defeat them, how the fuck are you going to dissipate the massive clouds that blotted out the sun?
I don't care if I end up as a human fuel cell, I'd rather immerse in a fantasy world full of indulgence than deal with the shit that my predecessors created.
>that steak
yfw Matrix had food porn.
Dude the truth is the truth, I value that over .
Ehh you've got a point
I would preferably live in a comfy house watching some comfy movies and eating great food
You faggots run off of your emotions
The truth and live the rest of your life in a shit hole, no thanks
Sure, the truth can set you free...into a shithole where nothing grows, you live like moles in subterranean cities, and when you realize that humanity themselves ALLOWED for the Matrix to exist and that the cycle repeats itself.
Ok baby child, I understand the world is hard honey baby, go sleep sleep in your baby battery crib. Night night sweety, you'll feel better tomorrow
Yeah but they have orgies and dance parties.
Why didn't the first people that got unplugged and learned to make their own matrix simulations not just end up fucking hot women 24/7 in their own cracked copy of the matrix? I'm pretty sure I would've been in that chair for two months until my body finally starved to death.
Are they really that sexually liberated? Would any top-tier woman fuck any guy just for kicks? And vice-versa? Because human nature doesn't change just because everyone is working together in a close-knit collective.
Living 2 months in VR isn't all that appealing. It's better to be blissfully unaware that you're connected to a power grid so that you're life is sustained for several decades. Meanwhile you're living your perfect life in the Matrix.
I'm fine with a fake world as long as I'm not a slave or cattle.
Then I guess you're not content with the life you live now.
>Good fake world
Humans lost the war, they're lucky they got to continue to exist yet they piss and moan. Even Smith said it himself that the first Matrix was a paradise yet the humans couldn't except it.
Because humans are NEVER satisfied.
Even if we come up with the technology to satisfy food, shelter, energy, etc. as well as find a means to satisfy everyone's sexual desires, there's always going to be something that humans will bitch about it.
Fair enough. Though I would be fine with doing that only if the ai overlords let me live in some fantasy world in the style of sword art online.
I think the end of Revolutions was the best scenario in terms of staying in the Matrix. Virtual world where you can do whatever you want trumps a shitty world where everyone lives underground.
No, he said something different, that just like the air, suffering is necessary to our existence.
The world in the Matrix isn't that appealing though. It's just like our own bland shitty existence. Better than subsisting off of Soylent Green in Zion? Sure.
I don't see why Cypher didn't have an elaborate life set out for his plugged in self to have. He could have asked Smith to be a billionaire oil tycoon or something.
I mean, look at the families that we saw in Zion. Who the fuck would bring kids to a hellish landscape like that? I want my children to grow up and live in better conditions that I did. That's the mission of any self-respecting parent. Why would you subject children to that kind of nightmare?
This is why I enjoyed that ending. The Rebellion failed and things return to the status quo until the next cycle begins.
I know. I'm just saying that humans are pretty fucking fickle. No matter how much you have or you obtain someone/something of great value, you can't stand the fact that other people have it too.
>>I don't see why Cypher didn't have an elaborate life set out for his plugged in self to have. He could have asked Smith to be a billionaire oil tycoon or something.
but he did
>He could have asked Smith to be a billionaire oil tycoon or something.
But the shitty real world was just another plane of the matrix.
I never knew Bill Burr was in the Matrix.
Our current situation is caused by the fact people have nothing meaningful to pursue, so they create their own meaning and its bullshit.
The drug was actually in the water that Neo drank, it didn't matter which pill he chose.
fake world was not good. you could be dumped at any second
you can know the truth and still chose toput your life into play and mmo
No, he didn't. All he said is "and I want to be someone important....like an actor."
And I feel like they threw in the line about actors somehow being important to pander to all the actors on set. Only Hollywood actors would think being an actor is being important.
I don't understand why he wasn't crystal clear laying out his ideal life to the agent. I mean for fucks sake, this is the biggest decision of his life, and he gives his new life 10 seconds of thought over a steak dinner? I get that the steak was good, but cmon Cypher. It's like he doesn't even really care what happens to him once he betrays Morpheus et al.
maybe he wanted to be an actor
There was no drug, it was volition and agency. the act of choosing itself.
Shit like this is why our generation is long overdue for another world war or something. Thin out the herds and force the survivors to innovate and rebuild.
are there homeless people in The Matrix? what if you get a shitty life?
Take the black pill. Don't live in a fantasy or reality, just get shit faced and use media for escapism. It's great.
Or just stop dicking around and go to space.
Some people in the matrix are part of the program, namely most of the cops and people they fight.
Your life is tailored to the level of suffering and hardship necessary to keep you asleep.
Obviously some "people" aren't real and are simply plants for others to look to and suffer.
thanks greatest ally
>black pill
lol no
It'll just bring the battleground to another venue.
We need a Black Death-level plague that kills off 3/4 of humanity. It's serious enough to cause major disruptions, but leaves us with just enough people to prevent a Dark Ages collapse.
I've always wondered. What if you commit "suicide" while in the Matrix? Does your consciousness create another persona to live while your natural life is still running?
It depends on what 3/4 it kills though
You have black-pilled man right here.
Fuck you Ralphie
Where the wig at, Ralph?
I'd like to think it evens out. You can't enjoy the highs without the lows. Maybe that homeless man is bill Gates tier next time around. If there is no cycle for his consciousness (whatever that is) then he got the shit end of the stick.
>What if you commit "suicide" while in the Matrix?
you die. the movie very clearly explains how death in the matrix works.
You know how there's that quantum theory that after death, our consciousness goes to a parallel universe? In this life, we might be suffering or bored as fuck, but the next one might be full of adventure and privilege.
Imagine that's what the "afterlife" is really like. It's reincarnation throughout multiverses. You sometimes end up with good ends, sometimes with bad ends, and others are just mediocre.
>You know how there's that quantum theory that after death, our consciousness goes to a parallel universe?
That's not a theory user. Not at all how we suppose multiverses work.
What was the point of his request? Without any memories it would be a new consciousness. To him it wouldn't matter if his request would be fulfilled or not. It's basically suicide.
That steak is undercooked and needs ketchup
It's no less plausible to me than a god in the sky, who loves all of his creations... but, allows genocide and untold suffering happen every second of every day.
please tell me that guy isn't ralph from VAFFANCUL
Not remembering a certain short time period is basically suicide?
>Without any memories it would be a new consciousness. To him it wouldn't matter if his request would be fulfilled or not. It's basically suicide.
Ignorance is bliss. He can live a happy and successful life as some rich guy that bangs 10/10s, eat steak, and not have any memories of the real world. When you KNOW the fantasy world is fake, what's the point? But deliberately making sure you don't know is what makes the illusion all the more real to him.
It's a half-assed representation of Gnosticism. Basically, reality is a simulation to keep us under control of the Demiurge, who is a malevolent being that feeds off of our suffering.
>hurr why escape
Because part of being an adult is the realization that you can't run from your problems. A lot of the matrix is criticism about the rise of technology that would enrapture and control us, via fantasy. It's very "Brave New World" in that regards.
>mfw Jupiter Ascending has Greys, Reptilians elite bloodlines and the name Abraxis
>Not remembering a certain short time period is basically suicide?
He wanted to be someone famous in his new life. He wouldn't just go back in time before taking the red pill. He would be a new person. With a different consciousness.
That guy would not be him though.
chicken cacciatore tier confirmed
How did he plug back into the Matrix on his own?
It's literally just Ghost in the Shell in live action.
Solid blue pill.
Maybe all the tinfoil hat tipper are right about everything but I don't care because I've got so much sweet shit.
A bluepilled world would definitely be better. This is contingent upon being unaware that you are bluepilled. If I were bluepilled (and knew I there was a redpilled state out there) I would probably have more dread than I would have in a redpilled state. It would be like joining a religion you know is false. It may be cushy when they give you free coffee and donuts when you go to church every Sunday but I would feel like a fraud.
>Good fake world > Shitty real world
Wasn't the "real world" also part of the Matrix? Sorry I did my best to forget Matrix Revolutions
That was the only explanation that wasn't a plothole, so yes.
Sorry only watched part 1. Will continue with part 2 and 3 today.
This absolutely. Zion is another layer of the matrix people can act out their rebellion fantasies on. Still have to agree Cypher had a point, if you were some chad in the matrix and come out just to get cucked by Neo i'd rage too.
>you fall asleep and lose consciousness every night
>lol, you die every day
You talk like a faggot.
>life is too boring, a bunch of people should die that would be kewl XDD
t. manchild
You keep your memories when going to sleep.
Yeah probably, it's the difference between living in a flat or a decent terrace
So what?
Are you a different person for having forgotten something?
What do you even base your logic on here?
How the heck would people who get hurt in the matrix incur the exact same injuries in the real world?
How did the guy with the brick wall window get bullet wounds outside the matrix when he got shot inside it? How did Neo get blood inside his mouth after falling to the street in the simulation?
Wouldn't the damage more realistically just be neurological?
>fake world was not good. you could be dumped at any second
Yeah but you wouldn't know until after you died. It's better than worrying about being killed by robots everyday
>literally didn't watch the movies
"You know the woman in the red dress? I made her. Did you like her? I could set up a private program with her if you like"
There's no need to battle in an environment of infinite space and resources.