Im black what should I do? Im scared blacks will force me to join the BLM movenment.
Im black what should I do? Im scared blacks will force me to join the BLM movenment
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I have no idea. Lets try to avoid WW3 if possible plz.
Get a job. Don't do any drugs, not even pot. Don't go to clubs. Befriend whites.
You'll be okay, redpilled black guy.
well my cocogin theirs one thing for you, become a successful black guy with a black wife and make your people live again as normal human beings with no BLM triggers.
dont join it. Not in your best interest. This will end badly for everyone thats in the BLM movement.
GTFO and go back to Africa you shit skin nigger.
Pick a a rifle and fight with your race. I'll see you on the battlefield. I'll give you a proper warriors death black man.
Im female
inb4 no females on the internet
Join BLM anyway, don't really participate in any of their shit, but show up to the gatherings just enough to fuck some naive white bitches.
1. Get good job
2. Move to good neighbor hood.
3. Invite neighbors over for a cookout or something, get to know everyone.
4. ?????
5. Profit
Women can be warriors too.
You need to wear an Oreo t-shirt. We will know to protect you.
If it gets that bad there is an actual fuck up of a war going on and you aren't ready to fight the bad niggers leave the fucking country.
Just act normal and you're fine. Don't get caught up in all this "it's us vs. them" bullshit. Be cool.
They might infect him with cuck virus.
Is it ok if it's a vanilla oreo shirt? I hate chocolate.
shut the fuck up, you 13 year old faggot.
what good will that do? one of the GOOD ONES, gone.
i hope you get robbed and killed by niggers.
It's an obvious psyop. You should let others knows.
become educated, disregard the rabble of the common man. you'll be fine.
Just be a good person and don't expect handouts, the rest will come naturally.
If he befriends whites he may end up dating a white women. It happened to my black bro in college. He was white washed as hell which caused him to end up with a WW.
Infiltrate BLM and snitch on them for cash.
There's like 1 black person in that pic like wtf lol
Promote #OneOfUs
Make Philando Castile the rally point for red-pilled blacks. At least his death wont be in vain.
Mhmm I like you
Sign this.
Go back to africa
Hey guys
we got a really big file dump today
So CTR is spamming us with this shit
Also, they killed a person to have a news story to deflect from the hearings today
2 people actually
These people are evil
FBI user did it for you
FBI user did it for his country
FBI user did it for free
Return the favor
Join CFG
We Are
Perhaps people like us (aka people who don't want a race war) should start some sort of cult and live in harmony and eventually drink some poison kool aid or some shit. Seems like the best option about now.
nothing will happen
>Being a bedwench
Did you see the based as fuck black cop in charge of Dallas PD?
Juss don't be a nigger
Be vocal and encourage others of your race to stop fitting their stereotype and do as MLK did.
And hear I thought Canadians were nice people
Good god, some black guy says he disagrees with black lives matter and now you are fine with coalburning. Fuck off.
Time to pack your things.
wez comin for u white boi
This will get very ugly for anyone who is uppity.
Just be intellegent and friendly and make sure you don't looks shifty or guilty. This is how white people act everyday. It works.
Fuck off, pussy.
Hang all the drug dealers and criminals in your neighborhood, then we'll think about sparing you
i grew up as the "token black kid" so i guess im "whitewashed" af.
i think blm is going about black pride in the wrong way. i know people are tired of being treated like shit, but whining isn't going to do anything. black communities have to be fixed from the inside out, but im not from the hood so what do i know.
Get a MAGA hat and register as a republican.
Hang out with a bunch of libertarians and constantly shit on Hillary to win the love of the old white men.
When the time comes stay in doors or even better with your new friends.
Haha one of the good ones, are you fucking kidding me. First of all I am not 13. Second of all I am not a faggot although Id fucking sodomize the fuck out you, you fucking bitch. Fuck skin niggers wont fuck with me you fucking nigger. There are no good niggers. None can be trusted. Its like a trained dog fighting pitbull...even the "good ones" are one second away from chimping out. A "good one" are you fucking kidding me. Send them back to Africa and be done with this shit.
They're no good ones. Fuck em all. Subhuman garbage. Can't wait to watch them die.
BLM is literally a terrorist organization now
>be black
>live in small 95% white midwest city
feels good man, things only go down in those diverse cities
>Lets try to avoid WW3 if possible plz.
The fuck is your problem?
> Im scared blacks will force me to join the BLM movenment.
If worst comes to worst everyone will side with their tribe because when trust and complexity break down in a society you have to rely on more primitive modes of functioning.
>be black
>slowly realize Sup Forums memes are turning real
>systems analyst sister saying america is an "evil white supremacist nation"
>my own black boss talking about "poor Trayvon" and "when will these white demons realize black lives matter!?"
Befriend non blacks that carry and start carrying, yourself. Get out of black neighborhood if you haven't already.
Just keep on going to work
>they won't find you there
Don't be an uncle tom homie
You have to go back.
>Be white
>Be only white person in my apartment complex
I think I'm going to live with the lights off for awhile
tits or gtfo
Nothing is going to happen you house nigger. How many people are even in BLM? Probably 5% of blacks at most.
They'll get this under control soon and things will go back to normal.
So race mixing is meh in so far as you value diversity and "your own" kind as well as the other "kind".
That's the argument at least.
Have a year supply of food in your basement and wait it out
If you're a straight up user, no worries
>never been happier to live in a neighborhood filled with slavs
>be ethiopian
> can't identify with blacks
>dad is prominent part of community (like 90% white)
>volunteer a lot in the community
>good job
>college student
>old white guys like me, I know of a few that wondered why their daughter wasn't dating me
Now this shit happens.
Time for me to get comfy.
Nigger tier music desu
You find trusting white people in your area, prove your worth and trust, and stick with them.
What the people sitting on this board don't understand is that in an actual race war we will need every gun we can get.
In the end we want niggers dead, not sane black civilians.
If you value the fact that there are many ethnicities of human then you have to realize that race mixing destroys that.
That's why race mixing is the explicit purpose of the anti racist. All of them are inspired by marxist ideology which stipulate that the end of conflicts will only come once classes are eliminated. If you transpose this theory to the context of race, it means destroying all races.
My bad syrupgimp
Stop hanging out on Sup Forums. This place is for losers.
Lmao lil nigga
Buy a gun, avoid niggers, if they start to chimpout at you tell them you're armed and will defend yourself if they don't fuck off.
Lmao, yeah, let's diversify our communities and encourage race mixing like said just because this nigger doesn't like BLM. You guys turn into the biggest cucks when you meet a black guy who doesn't support Democrats.
>not giving a shit what others do is the same as encouraging
wew lad, careful with that horseshoe
>See guys, I don't actively encourage race mixing! I'm okay with it if it happens though.
Not much better lad.
you're still a nigger
Holy shit u stupid cuck.
gotcha senpai
>get 14/88 tattoo in a concealed place
>spy on BLM for local Nat-Soc chapter
>they give you a pass on the day of the rope
>they let you have your pick of the captured negresses for your harem
Contrary to Hollywood propaganda the Nazis didnt randomly kill all nonwhites and many blacks and arabs fought for them during the War. Some modern skinheads are in for that whole genocide thing but they are mongrels that will be dealt with after the war is over and the Technocrats really wont have a problem with you existing so long as your a small minority with little power and never fuck with the dominant white culture in anyway or at least immigrate somewhere else should you find said culture intolerable.
There will be a major culling of the herd so to speak and some mass expulsions to regain white dominance in North America and Europe but as long as you fight for the right team you will get a pass
The real irony of modern day america is that a Black man as a significantly smaller chance of being assaulted or murdered at a Klan-Rally than he does walking the streets of Chicago at night. Even literal white supremacists do not want to kill you as much as other niggers do