For while when we had a black president, we were living in this post-racial lie. The idea of...

>For while when we had a black president, we were living in this post-racial lie. The idea of, ‘We’re past it – we’re past it all!’ For me, and for many people out there – as all black people know – there’s racism. I experience it on an everyday basis. This movie was meant to reveal that there’s this monster of racism lurking underneath some of these seemingly innocent conversations and situations.
What did the director mean by this?

Other urls found in this thread:


>white people are racist against black people but they're also secretly in love with them and are jealous of their bodies

Did the word racism lose all meaning?
He should stop being such a low self-esteem cuck and find real issues to complain about.

I agree with peele here. Though we had a black president, I would never be caught dead in a black neighborhood because I'm not an idiot who wants to get mugged and beaten.

Hottest on screen kiss?

Niggers are dumb

>(Sociology) the belief that races have distinctive cultural characteristics determined by hereditary factors and that this endows some races with an intrinsic superiority over others
He's using it correctly.

By that definition, he's also a racist.

that having a black president isn't enough and blacks won't be "happy" until whites are all dead and they're living in mud huts again blaming someone else for all their problems, probably the Chinese

He's elucidating how leftists are the ones stoking the flames of racial divide in order to further their political gain.

>You can be racist without even realizing it!


>believe in evolution
>also have to hold the contradictory belief that all human subgroups are exactly equal despite evolving to adapt to completely different environments

That's why all those same leftists are fawning over this movie, right?

Maybe yes. Maybe some racism is inherent to humans and blacks and whites will always see each other as different.

everyone hates niggers and a half nigger pres wont change that overnight or over 8 years

Leftists want desperately not to fall into the "limousine liberal" cliche. However, in their efforts to avoid it, they usually just end up falling into it.


I don't think you could find someone who says all human subgroups are exactly equal, just that the individual variance within groups is greater than the variance between groups.

>I experience it on an everyday basis.
Some examples would help. People are constantly racist to a rich, non-threatening, semi popular dude?

I'm sure he experienced racism in his life, but I'm also sure he's imagining things here. Or at least seriously inflating the situation.

>rich black man experiences racism on an EVERYDAY basis
I wonder what the real lie here is

Jesus Christ when will niggers get the fuck over it. I never hated niggers until they all turned into whiny faggoty all of a sudden. It's gonna be year 4002 niggers still be talkin bout "racism still exists, we as a society still have changes to make". There will always be some sort of racism or another. Things are fuckng pretty ok for niggers now days. Pic related is real racism not some obscure subliminal paternalistic racism you conjured up in your head to still feel oppressed. Shut the fuck, go to work, nobody cares.

It was real in his mind

>I experience it on an everyday basis.


>fucking niggers complaining about racism
>society isn't fucking racist anymore, they're just lazy niggers
>They just need to shut up and go to work
Thanks for proving Peele's point dude.

>monster of racism lurking underneath some of these seemingly innocent conversations and situations
>I see racism in everything because I constantly need to validate my victim complex it's all I have and it defines me and my professional work without it I would be just a person with no unique or defining features beyond my race

Peele is literally more privileged than the average white person.

>niggers behaving like violent predatory apes is fine and should always be ignored
>white people distrusting a race of violent predatory apes is the worst thing in the world and every source of media should never stop shouting about it
How the fuck did it even come to this? Literal insanity on a transcontinental level

>Sup Forums is real life

Is Peele the average black man?

This is very true and both sides are guilty of it. See slave rapes in the past and rap videos featuring white bitches in the present.

Oh wow, so you're saying that you wouldn't say that kind of shit in real life, and you'd be perfectly cordial to a black dude you saw on the street? But you clearly have those thoughts, since you're fine with saying you hate niggers on the internet.
>This movie was meant to reveal that there’s this monster of racism lurking underneath some of these seemingly innocent conversations and situations.

>that having a black president isn't enough and blacks won't be "happy" until whites are all dead and they're living in mud huts again blaming someone else for all their problems, probably the Chinese


It's all so tiresome.

He's the one bitching about how he personally experiences racism every day of his life.

>durr u wuldnt shitpost n real life

umm... duh?

>thought crime is real


White people have no obligation to love black people in their heads, faggot.

>What did the director mean by this?
He meant that everything is racist against black people.

He hated it that the white guy in lethal weapon was the "cool" guy and the black guy was the "dork".
He was always hoping for mel gibson to suck danny glovers cock for that.

>another filthy rich black guy talking about how bad he's had it

Nothing makes me angrier than when rich black athletes or actors start talking about how hard they've had it.

Reminds me of those upper class Jews who kvetch about anti-semitism while stuffing their pockets with loadsa money.

>danny glover was a dork in lethal weapon

Did we watch the same movie? He's not a dork, he's just too old for certain shit.

>it's a Sup Forums shitposts on Sup Forums episode

>"omg blacks are totaly opressed and its impossible for us 2 do n e thing becuz evil murderous whites"

t. rich black man who can openly make movies about how evil whites are and will not only face zero repercussions for it but will turn a profit

How is the movie pointing out the hypocrisy of white people fetishizing black people while simultaneously hating them behind their backs accusing white people of thought crime?

You saw a different movie, but you watched the same. Peele saw a different movie where a conspiracy of white people made the black guy into an emasculated beta man, aka a family man.

Why do leftist anons always get triggered when Sup Forums discusses the politics of openly political movies?

Its another black people play the victim card episode . When will they stand up for themselves instead of screaming racist at everything. Because apparently now having a black president meant absolutely nothing. They're just like women. Nothing is ever good enough. No wonder women love black people so much they have the same level of intelligence.

Don't forget being praised by not only the general population, but also by the entirety of the media and even the regimes in most of the western world

we dindu's sho got it hard boss

this is bull shit, these people go out of their way to find hidden bias in everything anyone says

I just don't even want to get out of the house anymore we've all become these over-analyzing, hyper-sensitive pieces of shit

by that definition racism is real and shouldn't be treated as a taboo

The fact that they had to invent """"""""""""micro aggression""""""""""""" proves that racism doesn't exist anymore.

TFW you get a black president and society is the least racist it's ever been but you still wanna complain so you wank on and on and on about "Post-Racialism" being a lie and finally the white people agree and elect Donald Trump as President

Youre so right dude. I think white people need to start hating niggers openly like I do

This sums it up. Good job.


He meant that milk is racist.

>Now that Jordan Peele’s horror satire “Get Out” is No. 1 at the box office, it’s time to talk about the most insidious moment in the movie: The milk scene.

>Milk, it has been argued of late, is the new symbol of white supremacy in America, owing to its hue and the notion that lactose intolerance in certain ethnicities means that milk-absorbing Caucasian genetics are superior.

>A Mother Jones article even asked, “Are the U.S. dietary guidelines on milk racist?” citing a study that shows not every ethnic group, African Americans in particular, requires the three glasses of milk per day that the federal government recommends to combat osteoporosis.

>The source of milk’s recent spin as the beverage of choice for white supremacists is more directly the product of alt-right Internet trolling.

>And yet the parallels to “Get Out’s” disquieting dairy derangement are strangely well-timed. So what is it about the traditionally wholesome milk that nowadays feels so … evil?

>“There’s something kind of horrific about milk,” said Peele, not a dairy drinker. “Think about it! Think about what we’re doing. Milk is kind of gross.”

SOciety is the least racist its ever been? Where were you when FOX news called Obama and his wife's fist bump, "terrorist bump" or all hes not really black stuff rush limbaugh and the like were saying. The ape jokes are self explanatory. I think you're dellusional

>For me, and for many people out there – as all black people know – there’s racism. I experience it on an everyday basis.

How much racism is this multi-millionaire black man actually experiencing on a daily basis vs. the racism experienced by a poor white kid in a majority black public school in an inner-city?

I mean he is a mixed race man. He had to experience something but the white kids i knew in my inner city high school all assimilated into black and latino friend groups, no one was ostracized.

They understand at some level that they are mentally ill, but it triggers them when people talk about it openly.

They prefer the fantasy of being sane and watching movies to the reality of being insane and having people notice.

The fact that, that nigger was president it proof enough. Jesus fucking Christ, every day we hear nonstop bull shit about drumpf, and yet that faggot nigger can't even handle a monkey joke on Sup Forums.

>imlyin that people aren't immediately ostracized from society for bein raciss

Literally never. They're not wired for it.

wow youre right, thats way worse than lynching

>What did the director mean by this?
That this was a movie made for Hillary's America.

Wow!! Today I learned once you're rich you never experience racism ever again!

Thanks Sup Forums! You sure know your stuff.

I mean there are people that want to bring that back as well.

I mean there are people that want to bring that back as well.

Now I know you're being bullshitting. I grew up the ghetto and every single person who didn't act like some retarded faux gangbanger got ostracized.

Why are you slavishly defending bullshit claims made by rich Hollywood directors?

Stay beta, classcuck.


>Implying those niggers aren't doing the same thing
Actually they aren't, they're more open about their hatred and prejudice because they are seen as perpetual victims by limoberals.

Well, I'm not saying black people are fucking innocent angels my dude. As a black nerd I was ostracized to hell but I had friends of all races and didnt discriminate. But the white dudes that went to my school weren't bullied or anything

holy shit a goodpost finally. ofc there are hereditary differences between groups, you can even measure them and not be a racist because, its just that individual variance blows racial variance so far out of the water that its ridicioulus.

it makes much more sense to discriminate people based on if their parents went to university or on their income rather than race, if you choose to be a dick to somebody for any reason. but apparently thats either hard to get or shitposting racism is more fun

Ironic that he can't see the same thing in himself.

>he can't into Lewontin's Fallacy

It means what it always meant
Niggers hate & envy whites, and they feel not getting what they want is racism, and they think a white person saying "no" to them is racism

This is what it has ALWAYS BEEN, even back in the 50's

Sssssh, don't disturb the narrative...

Yeah bro, I totally have more in common with a nigger faggot because his parents went to school than I do with my fellow country man

I love how all you anti-racists dispose of all the cultural, sociological and psychological effects of race.

This movie is easily the best movie of 2017 simply because how much it triggers racist little manchildren.

but he didnt say that races dont exist, because they do, he said that the bahavioural differences between races are minor compared to other factors

This is fucking hilarious

>CTRL+F "Nigger"
>17 results
Yeah, racism doesn't exist at all

so what now, are you either implying that culture is genetic or that culture matters more than genetics.

>17 results
>83 replies
that should be considered an achievement for this place


I'm saying that culture is in part a result of genetics

that liberals are racist as shit

Of course it exists.

And with good reason.

>he said that the bahavioural differences between races are minor compared to other factors

there are racial differences in income, educational attainment, intelligence test scores, and other variables. What aspect of it is genetic, and how much of it is cultural?

that is weird considering that our genes and basic behaviours (presumably) have not significantly changed in ~100-150k years but entire cultures have come and gone since then. id even argue that the culture in the region the original slaves have been captured in, (at the time) and current black culture in the us have very little in common

>slave rapes
>rap videos
also liberals

what's your point?

>always trying to label everything either left or right politics

I don't get Sup Forums. You relish in being racist but as soon as someone points out you're racist, you're so offended by it. You yourself is the evidence that racism still exists, passed on and strengthened by your family, church, politicians, news, Facebook, etc.

years of liberal white guilt has overshadowed the ability to call people out on their bullshit.
I wont lie, institutional racism does exist, but lets not act liken they dont bring it upon themselves
>but not all black people were rioting those times
cant have it both ways, if youre a collective the deals with oppression as a unit they you are all also responsible for shit like that

Babbies. I'm a Norwegian nigger. I'm more privileged, educated and peaceful than most of you. I don't listen to rap, cry for handouts or bother innocent white people, and I don't break, steal or kill shit.

For all intents and purposes, you, being an American, are more "nigger" than I could even aspire to be.

However, if I posted a selfie here, you would hate me, literally only because I have comparable melanin content to Barrack Obama and Kanye West.

If I showed you a pic of me and my blonde, white girlfriend, you would be disgusted, filled with hate and rage, and claim I'm taking something from you, despite you having no claim or relation to this person.

That's why you are a racist. The fact that you harbor negative feelings towards me because of my skin, not my actions, is racism.

It will never stop. It will never be phased out. That's the director's point.

well education, income and social status are part of the same negative or positive feedback loop,and im not even debating that black culture is likely to further play into the loop, but for example on average lower points lower iq scores can certainly be genetic, simply because intelligence has not been the primary selection pressure for a longer time than for other groups

>movie that focuses on politics is made
>Sup Forums discusses the political points it brings up
>"go back to Sup Forums rayciss!!!! b-butthurt!!!!!"

The American black has more European admixture than the purely Africans. But You say they have little in common, but you still have American blacks, speaking in ebonics, playing simplistic music that is similar to that of the Africans, their culture still remained in their genes. Expecting the cultures to be the same is a false narrative, as the co-existence with the Europeans along with interbreeding would have a significant effect, and yet, it doesn't over ride genetics, as can be seen by test scores and crime rates.

you're worse than a nigger, you're a normalfag