>Back on the fields or back on the boats
Will 7/7 be remembered as the day when the great world race war started?
You just know that chick is stupid as shit.
Fuck off Yankee scum
jesus is the lord
>inbred as shit
FTFY. I'm sure she's from backwards ass Mississippi or some shit like that.
you sound like a jealous female.
if YOU were smart, you would have pointed out how her tits are photoshopped instead
I know it's shopped but she's probably still p. hot.
Hey guys
we got a really big file dump today
So CTR is spamming us with this shit
Also, they killed a person to have a news story to deflect from the hearings today
2 people actually
These people are evil
FBI user did it for you
FBI user did it for his country
FBI user did it for free
Return the favor
Join CFG
We Are
why these bitches not on my nigger dick
u can have this tory
Its also the 11th anniversary of the UK 9/11.
It will be the day that everyone jerked off super hard to the idea that a race war while Clinton walked away free as a bird because everyone was to busy to care about the trail.
>Will 7/7 be remembered as the day when the great world race war started?
As a Brit, fuck you
and the bombings...
>Confederate flag bikini
I bet this chick is blacked
blacks just killed 10 cops or something
where is the white people response? until we see reports of white killing niggas this is not a race war because white people are pussies and wont actually do shit
She is
> what the fuck did you just say
but is she IDF hot
More Brits died in 9/11 than in 7/7. 9/11 is British 9/11.
>As a Brit
Oh please. London isn't part of Britain.
strong breasts to feed the master race
They're showing video of the shooter
why is Poland so great
Holy fuck you see the guy kill the cop
Where, I need to see this
On the news. Phone shot footage
I would confiscate her confederate flags for sure
sounds like someones drank the media coolaid and now immediately associates the confederate flag with stupidity
I want this girl to step on me
kill yourself spic
you got a link?
Go away jidf.
>whas that goy, u said somethin aboud the jiddf, oy vey how would ya know aboud that! little italy anotha shoa!
LMAO how cucked can one country be when niggers are literally murdering blue collar lads just doing their job in cold blood and people are siding with the nigger?
First a black president and now this, the US is an embarassment to WASPs everywhere
only because of her tattoo
Patriots are sexy.
go away evil dogger
I looked to closely and I think this has been shopped
Yay I got a happening on my birthday.
Go away evil dogger
Clearly not Hispanic with that yard
go away evil dogger
happy bday
No, too many white people who are too pussy to stand up and defend their race.
At least Kuwait will wish me a happy b-day
I need her to sit on my face like right now.
Too bad about that graffiti on her body, it used to be perfection.
This. Tats are for peasant trash.
America is not the world. Most of the world will only have a healthy chuckle.
Nudes got leaked a while ago.
Why send them anywhere
Just dig a big hole
Why is it that whenever nudes are leaked they're from shitty angles where you can hardly see anything and super low quality.
Fuck off stealing our days burgers
happy birthday faggot
if i wasn't ruined I'd send you something
The solution to violence isn't more violence.
>inb4 cucked
>inb4 gtfo gandi
How's that stabilising the middle east through war going? Same principle.
I would still lick her asshole tho
Go away evil dogger.
Go away evil dogger.
dog damnit i need immunity cat
It's the best album so sure
Go away evil dogger.
Today is 7/7/16(7)
Go away evil dogger
id mow her lawn, if u know what i mean
imagine the two wrestling. Civil War: Part 2
>psycho killer
You cannot even make this shit up
holy shit
God I need her.
77 get
go away evil dogger
7/7/16 = 7/7/1+6
This is something that needs a Kickstarter.
go away evil dogger
go away evil dogger
Pretty shit desu
Should've done it on the 6th of June for maximum numeral memetics
go away evil dogger
Go away evil dogger
Go away evil dogger
go away evil dogger
brits remember
They won't because they use victim shaming for their own agenda:
>Well they had it coming with all the oppression
>Can you really blame the shooter? Look what they were wearing! Uniforms!
>Being a policeman is a choice, you have to live with the dangers
>race war breaking out
>stuck on the wrong continent
;^( feels bad man
Go away evil dogger, I send you back to the original poster of the picture
>:D mwahahaha
>This triggers my autism
thats some nice cornfed ass
go away evil dogger