Do you agree or disagree with this statement?
It's not the black race or guns it's mental health thats the problem
It's the Internet.
Normal people are being turned into radicals on all sides.
No. It's the fucking niggers and cuckold liberals.
>blem. user (ID: 3LFmD+Gr) 07/08/16(Fri)00:42:03 No.80169501▶
>Do you agree or disagree with this statement?
The Internet.
nah its pretty much blacks that are the problem
It's fucking niggers user.
Some would say being a nigger is a mental illness.
All black people have mental issues
Humans are the problem. They're a primitive species.
Its niggers
The problem. With niggers is that most of them would be qualified as functionally retarded if held accountable to white standards. Aka mentally defunct. Niggers should not be allowed to own firearms
Definently the niggers
Yes. Its the society. Glorifying violence and narcissism is surely leading to a mental health epidemic. You've got to solve the core issues to make a real impact.
I disagree.
It's totally niggers.
Its mass hysteria by blacks, leftists, and the liberal media that think cops are going around murdering blacks when its just some incidents where black suspects were resisting arrest and cops thought they were pulling a gun.
No, there is no correlation between mental health and violent behavior. In fact, people with mental health issues are more likely to be victims of violent crime than the general public. However, there is a strong positive correlation between being black and violent behavior.
>black people commit 50% of murders in the US
if being a nigger is a mental health problem maybe
We live in the new era where wars are fought with information and within the mind. Its a clash of cultures that transcends nations and nationality now, and perhaps even politics.
Durr. Yeah, that's why the majority of those incarcerated have personality disorders, which are caused by their upbringing.