TLOU confirmed kino.
Pretty sure the surrogate daughter and washed up aging man trope wasn't created by TLOU.
Gaming > flicks
get with the times grandma
Considering TWD game came out almost a year before it and did it better, it most definitely wasn't created by TLOU
>the word gaming
I waste 2 hours max watching a movie, you spend 13 hours of wasted time on your kiddy games
it takes more than a year to create a game.
WOW?!?!?! :o
what do you mean. carl is a boy
>watching movies
jesus christ what are you 12? I only read literature ,I dont waste my time on childish hollywood tripe
Considering Wolverine always carry a preteen sidekick since 70s
>implying Logan and TLOU arent both Lone Wolf and Cub rip offs
If this was made 20 years ago she'd be dressed like a slut, with cleavage and some sorta net leggings.
What makes you say that?
Such a fucked up revenge movie. That scene where he has the baby choose between a ball and a sword.
this is what vidyashitters believe
>Implying TLOU didn't copy The Road by Cormac McCarthy
If they ever try to make a last of us movie in the future all the normies are gonna call it a Logan rip off
They're making that into a movie?
Bioshock Infinite did it too, a few months ahead of TLOU. Definitely not a new thing by any stretch of the imagination.
Yeah, but that goes both ways. They were both in production well before being released, of course, but TWD was almost certainly finished first which is why it came out a year earlier.
Haha, you played yourself, ypu pleb :' )
>Implying TLOU wasn't played by normies en masse
You don't change such a basic concept of the story a year before release. I'm not saying TLU invented the idea, but it did not copy it from TWD. It's not such a hard concept to think of.
TLOU is one of those games that gets more praise than it deserves because it is an exclusive title so gets over the top marketing.
when i finally played it it was garbage with a boring story and stupid ending. and the father/daughter thing was done better in TWD.
What a unique and challenging opinion you have.
Wolverine? with a young girl foil? impossible.
Damn, I completely forgot about that. The girl who plays Laura even sort of looks like a younger version of the girl who played Rogue.
>surrogate daughter
She was his biological daughter.
Wolverine a father figure? You don't say!
Rogue was ugly as fuck tho
Why are stories involving a cute little girl so good?
>but it did not copy it from TWD
Nobody said it did, retard.
Because no one wants to protect an uggo
read the FUCKING name of the PICTURE you shit-sipper!!!
Please quote exactly where it was said that they copied it. All I'm reading is a post that says they didn't do it first.
Rogue was objectively ugly
>tfw Logan is a great movie but Sup Forums is going to run it to the ground and I won't be able to talk about it.
go meow yourself!q
"they didn't do it first" alone implies that they copied it, even if it's not stated. If the point is only to say "they didn't do it first", it's a meaningless point to make, because as states such a large production takes a long time to create, thus it's impossible that one copied from the other, and also it's not hard to think about, therefore it's likely that the idea was just conceived identically on both sides. So saying "it didn't come out first" at best doesn't amount to anything.
>what is Papermoon?
Arya and The Hound is close enough too
So what is essential Girl-sidekick kino?
Leon comes to mind or in recent history Nice guys.
Kick-Ass. No, really.
Can't have The Last of US movie because people will compare it to Logan capeshit
I love it when people call Logan capeshit because it just proves that they haven't seen a single frame of the movie.
The Last of US movie has been confirmed and will happen
Does Wolverine and Professor X bust eachother's balls like Wolverine and Hawkeye did in the funnybooks?
Why didn't Logan just use the bullet and shoot all his metal off?
Also, why did he get his Adamantium back?
It's so far from capeshit. X-Men itself is pretty far removed from typical capeshit. This movie in particular is literally just Sci-Fi Drama.
Yeah Xavier tells Logan to go home and get his fuckin' shinebox.
This, pretty much. Uncharted games where way better tbqchwy.
Didn't Leon the Professional come out before all of this shit?
est. 1994