Did Soros reveal his true power levels tonight?
He needed to get the heat off of Hillary and the emails so he sends two of his goons to basically shut down a major U.S. city.
Did Soros reveal his true power levels tonight?
He needed to get the heat off of Hillary and the emails so he sends two of his goons to basically shut down a major U.S. city.
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Except it would help Hillary more if this was a school shooting. Not everything is a conspiracy.
no racial tensions in a school shooting you stupid goy
Get yo menthol scented tinfoil hats niggas
Uh, killing cops doesn't help Democrats or any of their pets politically.
>George Soros is the devil meme
Why doesn't Sup Forums have any worthwhile shitposting anymore?
It's summer vacation, you dip. That's why OP's here.
Give me the dirt on Soros Sup Forums
It's a distraction you stupid shill
You would think that. I fucking guarantee liberals think the cops "got what they deserved". You're a fucking idiot if you think otherwise. Actually, you're a fucking idiot for saying this, because its so obvious how blind the regressive left has become.
It brings the focus off of the Congressional inquiry
Who cares?
He's super old, likely dead within 5 years
I thought he got off on causing recessions, exploiting others peoples greed, and tricking people into voting for a guy named Barack Hussein Obama after two wars against guys named Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden.
I thought he loved ironic twists. He's the real life super villain. Even has the tragic rags to riches origin.
>tfw the white race will die out in the United States before it does in Europe
What? How does that help Hillary more than a school shooting where she and Obama can cry MUH CHILDREN. Right now this helps Trump more because he's been vocal about the police being mistreated, the only people who would side with BLM are brain-dead liberals that would never vote for Trump so they don't even matter.
or, you know, a few niggers just chimped out
imagine you are an unemployed nigger, IQ of 80, dropped out of highschool, no education, little work experience, and no future. there are millions just like this, is it surprising that some of them decide to go out in a bang?
yes, they are truly fucked in the head for that too
Here you go. World affairs, as they pertain to the kabbalah and the 10 Sephirot
Special thanks to Kabbalah user who got me interested enough to work this out the other day.
You think nigs can organize an attack like this?
Be certain of it.
this is about covering up the email hearing that happened literally today
not their gun grabbing shit that has been going on for years
try to keep up with the happenings
Are you retarded or a shill?
soros will be dead by november.
He is just one Merchant among many.
I worked on the ground in 2 color revolutions.
While it's every bit as fucked as you think, Sup Forums is terrible source material.
Fortunately, top bilderberg/illuminati/reptilian enforcer Gene Sharp wrote EVERYTHING down in textbooks.
it is a huge argument for gun control
>even the cops can't defend against the all mighty AR15
you clearly haven't seen the Rand Biart video yet
that dude takes an officer, with body armor on, and a shotty in tow, at close range, slowly and in methodical fashion. they were pros. that video was fucking terrifying
yeah a stupid chimp...
Whatever happens please don't let this become an argument for hillary.
shalom, faggot
Makes me fucking sick to my stomach honestly. I've seen gore but this is about the implications, not the sheer shock value.
its an argument AGAINST hillary
this is a soros paid mercenary thug if im betting
less than 24 hours ago #breakthefoundation is boiling. Dallas will end that in a hurry
the shooter is an absolute professional, he baits the officer with a shot around the left side of the pillar, the officer is slow to respond probably out of fear, the shooter increases his pace 150-200% and hes on top of the officer
after he executes the officer he stands behind the pillar to reload right next to the man he just executed.
thats not a human, its a machine
Are you calling me a Jew, or are you identifying yourself as one? you fail to make it clear.
Are you one of those absolutist altrightfags? because they are a very useful tool for the kabbalists.
Let's talk about genocide, and eventually cause 'justification' for the 'benevolent' UN to come and spread it's 'benevolence' at home.
You magnificent useful idiots.
>thinks Soros can die.