Lets cool off from the shillary emails and nigger shootings for a bit and have a comfy Sup Forumslout thread
>he uses worthless paper money
>he uses currency entirely based on soda
>he has women in his army
Filthy profligates. When will they learn?
Lets cool off from the shillary emails and nigger shootings for a bit and have a comfy Sup Forumslout thread
>he uses worthless paper money
>he uses currency entirely based on soda
>he has women in his army
Filthy profligates. When will they learn?
hanlon was right
>over 200 since the war
>Not going House Master Race and advancing humanity
>comfy thread
>aka slide thread
Fuck off Hillary
>not going Yes Man and becoming your own Mr. House
>literally being a Jew
>implying the courier could ever achieve Mr. Houses intelligence and immortality
>he isnt a cyborg from Big MT
did you even play the game?
Not the DLC
Shut the fuck up you legion fagget. You are openly accepting on degenerate behavior such as homosexuality. Mr.House all the way
You should. Especially Old World Blues and Lonesome Road.
>he doesn't use his penis to assert his dominance over the slaves
If you don't they'd just revolt.
>working for a shriveled old jew
In all seriousness Mr.House is truly the best option. The man obviously knows what he's doing, and can be trusted.
Also Dead Money has an amazing storyline but the environment is rage-inducing
Any proof that he's a jew? He seems to be an anglo, maybe southern european in heritage. Also he's self made, because he got stabbed in the back (figuratively) at a young age, and had to take back his families company through hard work and being an all around OG. You have to at least respect the man.
200 years in ms paint
>didnt take the Cannibal perk
>buy new laptop
>has R4 graphics
>buy it because have heard APUs are good at playing games
>cant even run Fallout:NV without lagging like a bitch
>have to settle for fallout 3
Fuck this earth
>he didn't take 10 charisma and all points into weapons you refused to use just to make the game more difficult
holy shit, pollout is a thing on this board?
I never come here but I fucking love this game
>not using the most American weapon in the game
It's not a currency based on soda, idiot. It's what evolved from Hubscript. Bottlecaps are representative money, they represented a claim on a commodity at the Hub in NCR. 1 cap was equal to 1 bottle of water.
Also, nothing is inherently flawed about fiat money. It can, and has, work with proper control. See: Pre-revolution colonial script in North America, and the Tally Stick system of england.
You're an idiot
>most American weapon
You dun goofed
>annexed by USA prewar
lol leaf
>literally has Arret on the side
>produced in former Ontario
Kill me house. Take new Vegas for yourself
During the Depression, a California pharmacy issued carved and numbered seashells.
New Vegas is great. RPG's nowadays are written by faggots who try to appeal to leftist tweens (BIOWARE USED TO BE GOOD WHAT HAPPENED REEEEEEEEEEEE). It was nice to play a game where the slaving raping misogynistic faction who happened to be lead by a competent intellectual could actually win.
But #ImWithHouse
True story, just put this game down for the night because Lonesome Road fucks me sideways.
literally Sup Forums: the faction
>implying House isn't the rightful leader of New Vegas
skirt-wearers and bearfags need to fuck off tbhonest
>he struggles with combat
pathetic senpai
>implying any of your governments has the legitimacy of the republic of dave
>here comes blackoutfag
your enb is shit
also haven't played original Fallout since 1999 so forgive me for forgetting about hubbucks
#I'mWithHouse I just wish he wouldn't use his police force to impose high taxes and he wouldn't regulate the market with violent tactics. Securitrons more like lobster coats tbqh lads
the proper thing to do with cass is sell her out to the van graffs
republic of dave is fucking gay and so is fallout 3
>Not playing on very easy and simply enjoying the game while not dying all the time.
That's /pol
I can sleep now.
You should download the GoG version and install the high-resolution patch that got developed by a fan. Game is still really, really good.
I fucking love the Enclave. I actually started (never finished) a custom GURPS engine to play a Fallout tabletop just to be able to get my redpilled friends together and play an Enclave RPG. It would be cool to get a regular group on Sup Forums together
>>he uses currency entirely based on soda
In a post apocalyptic scenario, I think it would be a lot more realistic to use cigarettes, canned food, or even crushed aluminum cans. Or even get rid of a currency system altogether.
Homeless people already live in a post-apocalyptic lifestyle, and they collect cans for a living. If they don't want to have the player carry around huge sacks of cans, they can have banks and recycling centers where you can deposit your cans for items.
>you will never wander the Mojave with a genius radroach, a deathclaw in a top hat, an android woman, a reanimated corpse, a protectron that gives hugs, and a singing lunatic
>unironically siding with legion
>protectron that gives hugs
'Hugs', eh. You deviant Fisto fucker
too many meme mods
DLC is canon m8
but the combat in FO sucks. whats the point in playing on hard when all they do is ramp up enemy HP and lower your own. not like the AI is challenging, the difficulty is artificial. hardmode isn't hard its just tedious
blacks did nothing wrong
prove me wrong whitefaggits
fuck off
i was so disappointed when the game ended after the dam bullshit. luckily i saved before starting the quest. independent was very underwhelming
you first cunt lips
thank you. Holy shit are these pictures fucking stupid.
The combat is fine, it's the scaling thats the problem. Play it on PC and add some realism mods.
Thanks, I'll check it out
Do it faggit
he won't, er can't
its a bot to spam his shitty blackout enb for NV
he does this shit in /fog/ from time to time as well
/poltg/ sounds fun. I just suck at DM'ing. I would ruin the whole thing by running it.
This one enslaved Clover. He deserved getting swiss cheesed
I never played the expansions for New Vegas. Since Sup Forums seems to love them I guess I'll give them a try because new games suck. Even the radio managed to suck in fallout 4
At least he/it kept the thread bumped
Theyre all good, user. Dead money is a pretty interesting change of pace too
>Johnny guitar
Why the fuck did they make an Elder Scrolls MMO and not a fallout one? We could try to rebuild civilization from the apocalypse and explore a nuclear wasteland, instead we just got another WOW ripoff
>not using the ratslayer
Git gud
honest hearts for the survivor sidequest
Honest hearts for Joshua graham
Play Lonesome Road last. Its best to just play the production order.
The feeling after beating dead money was one of the most sobering moments in video games, in my opinion. It's even better because it's not forced on you, there's no dialogue, just *poof!* and you're back in the sunshiney mojave desert that you never thought you'd miss or think "this place isn't so dangerous".
Honest Hearts for setpieces and the Imperialist Perk
Just downloading the ultimate edition with all of them. I was playing through Oblivion again; it's 10 years old this year. It hasn't held up though, IMO
That's a great way of describing each of the DLC's. After Old World Blues I felt a sort of reverent nostalgia for all my adventures I had in the wasteland. It made me happy to live in a wild west style wasteland, and saw the oppurtunity and beauty of it all.
Yeah, but the contrast between dead money and the wasteland is the greatest out of all the DLCs.
I agree completely. I'm just adding, each of the DLC's are great, but make.ke appreciate the Mojave wasteland more.
Dead Money is so beautifully written. I love how most of the story is in the lore and requires players to dig. It makes you so scared to stay put (at least in Hardcore mode) and had a great cast of characters.
if you didn't bring back all the sierra madre gold, you're a chump