If only those police officers had been armed. This could've been prevented. Oh wait they were armed.
If only those police officers had been armed. This could've been prevented. Oh wait they were armed
Other urls found in this thread:
We need to kill niggers
only then will the earth be a little safer
Only a certain demographic contributes to gun violence
lmfao at all those false equivalences
Black ppl are the problem not guns
There have been studies proving stop signs or lights are not required and people will police their own driving and be more efficient without them. Nobody crashes.
The NRA guy is right though. I see these people doing 80 in a 45 out here in Texas.
>poor people are the problem not guns
Time to hand over your guns, whitebois. We coming for you. Lube on sale now, stock up for your boipuccis and get some for your waifus too. We fucking em all.
The NRA guy is still right though in that case
>lights are not required
>let's either buzz on through and have massive wrecks or have giant implied four-way stops and greatly reduce efficiency for literally everyone on the road
LMAO so true, only insane rednecks defend our lack of gun control. truly insane...these people need help
people cause murder ban people
Hell, some people have started doing 90 since the shooter started in Dallas...
True, though speeding and murder are not equivalent.
how can you know it's not working if you don't have a control? We don't know what the mass shooting rate would be if guns were banned outright.
The "Open Pointing" is silly but I bet if that were the case there would be absolutely zero mass shootings unless someone was adamantly trying to get themselves killed.
>The NRA guy is still right though in that case
So you think laws don't stop people from becoming criminals?
>what is the Cold War
Cars kill more people than guns do every year.
Cmon, you gotta step your editorial cartoon game up.
>he thinks laws stop people from becoming criminals
>We don't know what the mass shooting rate would be if guns were banned outright.
It's logical to assume it would be less since there is less access to guns.
>all this false comparations
this is almost Horsey tier
Not what I'm saying.
Murder requires a much higher level of intent than speeding. People speed constantly because they don't care. One must be more resolved to actually murder, and thus would be less likely to consider the law.
>laws don't prevent crime
el oh el
Your other option is for them not to be armed.
There is no 3rd option where nobody is armed. Criminals will have guns regardless
Hang on. I thought mass shooters only target gun free zones. I guess you guys were wrong.
America's suffering from niggers. We need fewer niggers.
There's an argument for recommending a speed, but speeding is a victimless crime.
>muh, muh US has the most gun deaths!
60% of US gun deaths are suicides; and it's the same relative amount of suicide as other countries like the UK and Japan, they just kill themselves in more gruesome ways because they can't get guns.
The US is also 111th in murder-per-capita. Countries like Mexico, Venezuela, and Brazil with strict-as-fuck gun laws still have higher murder rates. The reason we have lots of murders is because of shitskins; which leftists want to import more of for some reason.
The major city in the US with the lowest murder rate is Plano, Texas - where lots of people are gun owners, and the gun laws are lax.
>muh AR-15s!
All rifles combined account for less than 10% of gun deaths.
>we can take ur guns away if we want, you don't need big magazines, etc.
The Supreme Court case of Heller v. Disctrict of Columbia already ruled that owning a semi-automatic gun is a Constitutional right:
From a philosophical/Constitutional perspective, gun ownership should be a right. The Preamble to the Constitution states that people have a right to "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness". If citizens have a right to life, that means that they should have a right to defend their life by adequate means. Women, old people, and the disabled can't defeat a gang of dindus in melee combat - thus, guns are necessary.
>b-b, but, you don't need guns because you have cops!
The Supreme Court Case Warren v District of Columbia ruled that the police do not have a duty to risk their life to protect you:
Also, aren't you lefty types always shitting on the cops? I thought if a cop gets anywhere near you, it would trigger you.
>Stefan Molyneux shits on gun control:
>Bill Whittle shits on gun control:
But the NRA got is still completely correct
Way too many speed as it is
>People speed constantly because they don't care
>and thus would be less likely to consider the law.
It seems like someone who doesn't care would be less likely to consider the law than someone who is thinking about breaking it.
Did you know nuclear weapons are illegal? Why don't we see criminals running around with nuclear weapons? Because of the laws. Duh.
removing speed limits and stop signs reduces accidents
Basically, it's not guns, it's niggers.
Niggers nig, then complain when they face the consequences, then use that as an excuse to nig some more.
They don't.
They punish people for crime.
Using laws as a preventative measure has been shown time and time again to be a huge HUGE mistake
Exhibit A: Prohibition
We don't see criminals running around with nuclear weapons, Einstein, because all the nuclear weapons are locked away somewhere deep in the desert with a shitton of security.
or it could be logical to assume it would be more since there would be no fear of retalliation.
You don't know until it's proven. Postulation isn't base enough to remove people's ability to defend themselves.
>Using laws as a preventative measure has been shown time and time again to be a huge HUGE mistake
Alright then, let's remove laws and see what happens.
Really, because the last 10 "gun control" bills that went before Congress got shot the fuck down, and Obama literally cried about it.
He must have been remembering his bastard son Tray-Tray again.
If only he was unnarmed.. The shooter wouldn't have targeted him. Look at this footage.. Really makes you think
>since there would be no fear of retalliation.
Except from the law.
>liberal comic logic
>A+B=C therefore D+E=C
Jesus Christ is this 2010 Sup Forums?
Do you think society was just a massive bloodbath before huge government powers took over things like police and laws?
Are you actually that retarded?
>muh NRA boogeyman
Leftist kike anti-gun politicians have more money than the NRA.
What you don't realize is that the desire for citizen gun owner ship is highly-popular, with or without the NRA. Even niggers and gays are arming-up now.
stop this meme
>you think laws don't stop people from becoming crimin
people are criminals because of laws.
>dude call the cops and hope they're close enough to save you, lol
cuck mentality
>this is what libertarians actually believe
Do you think there has ever been a stable society without rule of law?
nigga that point is going to work when you are arguing with libertarians/anarchists. You just straight up cucked yourself.
Nigger that's not what I fucking asked you
>Do you think society was just a massive bloodbath before huge government powers took over things like police and laws?
>before huge government powers took over things like police and laws?
> huge government powers
There, is it clear what I'm asking now?
Many states outlaw the death penalty. They may not fear jail.
Even if they don't fear death and are just trying to kill as many people as possible before they die, the presence of someone with a legally owned fire arm would limit their ability to do that.
it has stopped shootings though, they just haven't gotten media attention
Oh you're making a non-sequitur.
>the presence of someone with a legally owned fire arm would limit their ability to do that.
As evidenced by recent events, no doubt? Where did this happen again? Texas?
They're gonna ask for funding for weapons with more firepower and suppressing capabilities in a small package.
B&T MP9s
MP5N with armor piercing +p ammo
>TFW literal hillbilly rednecks is the fucking hills who are poor as shit commit less crime than niggers
Maybe it's the thug gene that has something to do with niggers' behavior.
No, you fucking dipshit,
I'm making the point that laws served a purpose before they were taken over by government powers disconnected from the populace they were enforcing those laws upon.
It's only recently that large governments have come up with the idea of "preventative" laws and they've all ended as FUCKING DISASTERS.
Exhibit B: the war on drugs
Now take those 2 brain cells of yours and rub them together as hard as you can. Try to think at a level at least equal with that of a wet rock and comprehend what I'm telling you.
BLM rallies are full of Democrat niggers and leftists, not exactly the 2nd Amendment crowd.
If only Texas had more guns this could've been prevented!
What crime are they going to cause in the middle of nowhere?
There was an off duty cop at the orlando shooting who exchanged fire with the shooter.
It's a mental hospital worker carrying net to capture that psycho.
>hipster cucks
>having guns
Drunken rage.
On mobile, somebody please replace "guns" with "niggers" if it hasn't already been done
You are making a non-sequitur. You literally said that laws don't prevent crime. It has nothing to do with the size of the government. All laws are preventative laws.
Gun violence is still decreasing over all. Fuck off.
It's not exactly in the middle of nowhere, there are plenty of gas stations and small businesses and Wal-Marts to rob. There is also less of a steady law enforcement presence to tell them what to do.
They just don't. Go figure.
Always take the opportunity to blame leftists
you mean if they weren't pushed to be pussies and no shoot blacks because "muh racism" this wouldn't have happened
It was a solid response to your retarded argument. Logic doesn't cater to your fee-fees.
When's the last time there was a shooting at a Tea Party rally?
Holy fucking shit you're so dense I'm going to need to use a diamond tipped chisel to get this through your skull.
Remember that thing I just said about large governments having only recently come up with the idea of "preventative" laws?
Yeah. That's true.
Before about the 1900s it was all simple punishment.
Steal something? get punished
Kill someone? Get punished
This was universal because it made sense and was easy to control.
Then some fuckwits like you got the idea that you could somehow magically stop crime before it happened. Instead of punishing criminals you punish EVERYONE lest they think about trying anything criminal.
Just go watch the minority report. Maybe all the action scenes can keep you in your retarded coma for long enough to get the point of the movie through to you.
I don't have the patience to teach a retard how to stop humping a doorknob.
Seems all the violence occurs at leftist rallies, matter of fact. That, or it's lefties going to conservative rallies and chimping-out there.
You fucking gun banning libtards need to go drink some fucking bleach and kill yourselves. You filthy shits killed western civilization and you started BLM. Get the fuck out of Sup Forums, we have no place for blue pilled jews like you.
People don't speed with the intent of murder.
People illegally buy guns with the intent of murder.
>let's live like they did in the 1800s
>Blair Mountain
>Kent State
>Ruby Ridge
Good goys, everything's fine, the government is ever your friend and ally.
Somebody who illegally buys guns to murder obviously considers the law a lot more than someone who ignores the law completely.
>life was shit in the 1800s because of the laws, not because of their social and technological development
Its like all the mass shootings we hear about on the media have been in 'gun free zones' where the legal concealed pistol or the open carried pistol weren't allowed.
I won't deny that there are economic motivations for crime; but leftists mostly insists that it's the only reason for crime. They ignore genetics and culture almost entirely.
It's part of the lingering Marxist rhetoric. Basically, Marx was an autist and tried to boil everything down to base monetary materialism; and his political acolytes follow roughly the same path. They can't handle concepts like genetics, culture, or national identity; because they throw a wrench into the Marxist theory of history.
I don't see how this image even helps the narrative. Rednecks with huge gun collections are not the ones committing shootings. Usually it's some depressed 18-25 year old trying to show what a rebel he is.
>everyone knows mass shooters only target people who won't shoot back
Yeah because that's sure what we saw today.
link to paper?
would be an interesting lead, and a hell of a double blind control