Why didn't Elrond just push this stupid asshole into the volcano?
Why didn't Elrond just push this stupid asshole into the volcano?
Because it didn't actually happen like that, he never climbed Mt. Doom for no reason just to turn around and say "jk lol". In the books he takes the ring as his prize and walks away from the battle but that doesn't even matter because you're just shitposting and making the same thread for the thousandth time
>Because it didn't actually happen like that
It did in the films
>implying Elrond could have beaten a numenorean king with the One Ring on his finger
This is the equivalent of a 12 yrs old trying to push off Magnús Ver Magnússon off a cliff...
Gollum was able to get the upper hand on Frodo who had The Ring at the time.
I'm not too well versed in the lore but I'd guess that they'd be pretty even in terms of one on one fighting ability. If anything I'd give Elrond the edge
And as we all know Jackson is a hack.
the ring doesn't make hobbits stronger, it makes them stealthier
That's just a meme, right? Surely people here don't actually think that
let's assume he's pushed him and then he comes out of the volcano hall
there stands an army of men, who honestly believe they've just defeated the forces of evil and capture the enemy's most powerful weapon. they feel sad for their beloved old king's death and at the same time happy for a new great king rising. deputy king comes forward
- my lord elrond, where is our new king, Isildur?
- you know what, he didn't want to destroy the most powerful artifact in our world, so I had to push him off the ledge.
can you imagine what would happen next?
>an high elf with his own ring o power couldn't beat a numenorean king
>a bunch of orks killed him
The ring gives different people different abilities.
A Dunedain like Isildur will be way more affected by the ring than a walking potato with hairy feet will. Not to mention the reason Frodo carries it in the first place is because Hobbits are incredibly resistant to it's effects.
Wrong, if he pushed him and destroyed the ring Sauron's tower would have exploded killing everyone in the vicinity followed by the land collapsing and Mount Doom erupting so there would have been no problem and no need to give explanations to anyone
Protip: no one, NO ONE in Middle Earth has the will to throw away the Ring.
If Elrond tried to fight Isildur, he would only take the ring for himself.
Fuck off Redditor.
that includes Noldorin following Elrond army. or do you suggest he should secretly tell them to take cover while he strolled to the mountain of doom?
also iirc Barad Dur was not even built at that time
I bet I could
bet you can't eat just one tho
LOTR was saved by the amazing cast, the script closer to the books(I mean, in terms of dialog), the art department, and being released just at the right time where 3D were mainly just used for the things that really needed to be 3D.
A lot of elements Jackson, Fran & Phillipa added were kinda shit.
And you know, even a hack can make something amazing by accident. But it can't be denied that LOTR is pretty much the only thing he's done that is good.
because the ring betrayed him, no?
you forgot tom bombadill
The craft that went into the LotR films is amazing. Even if you don't like them, calling Jackson a hack is being a contrarian just for the sake of it. They're incredibly well made films from someone who really loves the source material.
>But it can't be denied that LOTR is pretty much the only thing he's done that is good.
Of course that can be denied, Hobbit is pretty much the only thing he dun goofed. Now do us all a favor and fuck off.
>the elven king
>literally multiple millenias of fighting experience
>has fought demi gods
>is the blood of guys who killed dragons with single teeth bigger than smaug
couldnt beat a numenorean king with the ring of power?
>not making a sacrifice for the greater good
why are elves so selfish
Nope, he was a scrub faggot
Not to mention Illuvatar literally intervened and caused Gollum to trip and fall into the lava.
Yeah no. His earlier stuff, while enjoyable schlock aren't exactly good. And King Kong and The Lovely Bones were mediocre to bad.
>thinking this faggy half-blood is anything special
Ilisildur would jump off falling rocks and leap back up
btw that was quite well elaborated in the canon. elves do not breed like people, they have a few kids in a millennia. the life of an elf is much more precious than anyone else. jackson should have made it more clear to emphasize the unnatural situation when lorien elves came to the helms deep, if he was brave enough to go ahed with this little invention
>Elrond and Elros were given the choice at the end of the First Age to be counted among Men or Elves. Elros chose the Fate of Men and became Elros Tar-Minyatur, the first King of Númenor. Elrond chose to be counted among the Elves,[5] and remained in Lindon as captain and herald of Gil-Galad, the High King of the Ñoldor.[6]
it would literally be kinslaying
elrond wasnt pure elf anyway, he had 1/4th Men blood
Elves are physically slight compared to men. Numenoreans were like Samoans compared to most other races of men, too.
Pretty sure that far down it doesn't count as kin anymore.
Why didn't Sam just push this stupid asshole into the volcano?
because he loved frodo (no homo)
>You were the chosen one! you were supposed to destroy the Ring, not take it!
>You were supposed to share the load, not swallow it!
He must have supported Isildur tax policy
>Yes Aragorn I will honor my pledge to you and fight for the true king of Gondor....
fuck you hackson
Why didn't Iluvator just create hell, like the Christian God did, and put Sauron in charge of that hell? Naturally, stressing that it's a very important job for World Order, and without it the world is gonna be overrun by degenerates and whatnot. So Sauron has to round up degenerates and put them into hell, and then.. I don't know, like, punish them, or try to reform them through strict discipline, structure and therapy, or whatever. It's a winwin solution: Sauron is busy and convinced he's important and doing something important, Hell is hella scary and there are more righteous creatures, but at the same time you never run out of crooks so Sauron never runs out of work.
tl;dr Iluvator's management skills are so shit!
>share the load, not swallow it!
>when you propose to your bae and she gives you this face
Welcome to non-abrahamic religions 101
The silliest part is that the rest of the religion seems pretty Abrahamic. If you can call it religion, of course.
So who's the Abraham? Finwe?
well Tolkien was Catholic after all. Of course it would have Abrahamic elements
Wasn't Tolkien crazy religious?
>crazy religious?
no need to repeat it
Once again LOTR threads prove themselves to be a pinnacle of comfiness
>no need to repeat it
Post of the day.
He probably was. And yet he leaves such obvious things as concepts of Hell or Heaven out, replacing them with Le Magickal Land Where Creatures of Certain Race (or That Race's Pets) Can Sail On Magick Ships and, for unfabulous mortals, some lame hints at possible reincarnation - perhaps in a proper, more complete universe.
Elrond was one of the most powerful Elves in existence. Glorfindel & Galadriel were the two more powerful Elves alive that I can remember. Elrond was still an elf in spirit and had the power level of the original elves. In the mythos, you get weaker the more generations you have. 1v1 Elrond would have wrecked Isildur. In the book, Isildur has just beaten Sauron and his elite bodyguard are helping him up. They are all super humans and vastly superior to the humans in the 3rd Age. Even if Elrond could have bested his bodyguard and beaten Isildur, he'd still have to get inside Mt Doom and he's STILL have to then justify his actions, something the Dunedain wouldn't want to listen to. Regicide is a bad thing. Noldor would have been utterly destroyed. Hell, they might have even marched on Mirkwood to get rid of those faggy Elves.
>Reading up on Feanor on tv trope
>He believed that the sound change of th > s in Quenya was a conspiracy of the Valar against him and his mother, and used it as a political litmus test in his feud over his brothers' (equally nonexistent) plots against him. Ironically, most elven scholars believed that the change was a mistake, but Fëanor made it so political that he turned every sympathetic ear against him.
Kek what the fuck is this autism made of
Bilbo gave it up with some prodding but still willingly.
>tv tropes
>hurr durr Tolkien autism
kys retard
that motherfucker was fighting huns in WW1 when your grandfather was a fucking sperm cell. For what he has seen there, no one should blame him even if he draw hentai porn.
>"uh...no frodo you actually can't have it back. It's mine now you midget fuck. "
they really should have shown his pre-story with denethor in the theatres
it would have added so much context for normies
>first thing he does is drop Nasil on the floor and not even picking it up
>then he whines about Gondor being alone while keeping everyone safe
>then tries to touch the ring
>tries again
>constantly complains
>tries to forcefully take the ring
was he this bad in the books too?
Lmao is this virgin underage incapable of reading comprehension central
Ar Pharazon was closest in strength to the men of the first age. He was capable of 1v1ing or close to it Sauron himself. "Ar-Pharazôn grew into a Man of great strength, stature, and will, not unlike the ancient heroes of the Edain." and "Ar-Pharazôn was remembered by the surviving Númenorean lineage with a sort of grudging respect. Despite his errors, he was the first and last Human capable to beat and humiliate the powerful dark lord Sauron by himself."
I don't know if that second one is meant to be taken as he had the capabilities to defeat Sauron, however, I interpreted it as he could 1v1 him.
Literally what? It's Sauron and Melkor who casue the problems, not "degenerates"?
>Satan is in charge of Hell
But Jackson cut a lot of stupid shit like Tom bombadil
A lot of that was fed to him by Melkor though, he was just a vocal mouth piece for him to corrupt the Noldor with.
you mean melkor
sauron was a nobody then
When you are at school tomorrow, pay attention in English class.
It's not like it's unfaithful to the source the people running it I would assume are avid fans.
>It's not like it's unfaithful to the source
It is absolutely unfaithful, hence why you have made up bullshit like how he's remembered with "grudging respect."
Tom Bombadil was not stupid at all. That was an illustration of Tolkiens firm believe that there are powers among us, who despite being almighty and omnipotent, are absolutely not interested in any affairs of the present. A perfect antithesis for Sauron, Denethor, even Gandalf.
>Tolkien draws hentai porn
>In the middle of a second doujin characters decide to go on a quest
>Suddenly it's a series of 100 doujins
>A whole doujin dedicated to lewd words from made up languages
>Several races with entirely different ways of having sex: kinks, lingerie, positions, etc.
>Tolkien invents isekai before Japs
>100 years later all porn is fantasy isekai
Fucking glorfindel would have trouble soloing sauron pre ring-fuckup, how do you think a human would fare
Are you retarded? It's a human which kills Morgoth, who delivers the final blow who destroys all evil for good.
This is why people hate wiki scholars such as yourself, you have no fucking idea what you are talking about.
No, Melkor doesn't have an obsession with order, the offer wouldn't be attractive to him.
How about you neck yourself kid
>complains about wiki scholars
>cites things that Tolkien abandoned
>not reading all Tolkien.
Pleb's, I tell you what.
Nigga it says that on the Wiki so you could have read that yourself. The point is the line of numorean kings was strengthened in body by the Valar through Elros and Ar Pharazon was one of the mighest of that line, therefore, one would assume he is very powerful at least as strong as Elrond, who knows maybe more.
>It's a human which kills Morgoth
I thought he was thrown into the Void, m8. While still alive. Cause, you know, Valar can't be killed, being demi-gods and all. And you call someone a wiki-scholar.
Look at Hurin, and Turin, both of them were abnormally strong men, they probably could have taken Sauron on. Beren, Luthien, and Huan did, although you could say it was mostly Huan.
fuck you Ned
He comes back for the final battle and Turin is the one who kills him with Gurthang. Feanor is also supposed to be resurrected for this battle.
Is this from the extended edition or something? Those fuck up the pacing of this kino so badly
why didn't he just seal the entrance?
Morgoth was executed. Read fucking Morgoth's Ring wiki scholar.
Again wiki scholar, Dagor Dagorath was dropped by Tolkien.
Why would he do that?
Dagor Dagorath, senpai.
>therefore, one would assume he is very powerful at least as strong as Elrond, who knows maybe more.
Literally what? Elrond is not strong, see? This s your fucking wiki scholar'ing, he is old. Elrond was not an elf of war, he was an Elf of lore, want to know why I know you haven't read the books and are wiki scholar'ing? You didn't mention Elladan and Elrohir, his two sons who actually enjoyed war and who were sent on missions on behalf of elves.
Elrond was not a fighter, saying he was maybe even greater than Elrond means literally nothing, yeah he led armies, most noble elves did, he was known for his wisdom and leadership, not martial prowess.
In short, stop wiki scholarring.
>>therefore, one would assume he is very powerful at least as strong as Elrond, who knows maybe more.
>Literally what? Elrond is not strong, see? This s your fucking wiki scholar'ing, he is old. Elrond was not an elf of war, he was an Elf of lore, want to know why I know you haven't read the books and are wiki scholar'ing? You didn't mention Elladan and Elrohir, his two sons who actually enjoyed war and who were sent on missions on behalf of elves.
>Elrond was not a fighter, saying he was maybe even greater than Elrond means literally nothing, yeah he led armies, most noble elves did, he was known for his wisdom and leadership, not martial prowess.
>In short, stop wiki scholarring.
Meant to link
I imagine you as an angry man alone with your books who gets mad at other peoples mistakes because the factual correctness of the books on an anime website is all you have to hold onto. And the idea of people at least trying to get into the lore without owning the books eats you up.
so people can't enter it and throw the ring in the lava?
at least put a giant door that only a lot of people or some troll could move
Holy shit have you even read Lord of the Rings?
>The face of Elrond was ageless, neither old nor young, though in it was written the memory of many things both glad and sorrowful. His hair was dark as the shadows of twilight, and upon it was set a circlet of silver; his eyes were grey as a clear evening, and in them was a light like the light of stars. Venerable he seemed as a king crowned with many winters, and yet hale as a tried warrior in the fulness of his strength. He was the Lord of Rivendell and mighty among both Elves and Men.
This is Sup Forums not /lit/ you Oscars Wilde reading faggot
Why would anyone do that?
wasn't it because the mountain was like kryptonite to Sauron and his creations, including the Nazgul and other dark lieutenants? I guess a few orcs could have just chilled outside an active volcano all the time, but that seems prohibitively hot and dangerous for cowardly orcs to want to do that
Do you think a concept like that would works in a theatrical medium? Im doubtful
Turin is a very bad example of a powerful human, especially when you have a look at his downfall. All humans are flawed in Tolkiens myth, thats a given.
>wasn't it because the mountain was like kryptonite to Sauron and his creations, including the Nazgul and other dark lieutenants?
What the fuck are people smoking when they come up with this utter bullshit?
It is literally the place where Sauron's power is greatest.