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I dumped Jewgle years ago.
Now I just need to find the courage to dump my android based phone.
>racial justice
Sound really ominous when you say it out loud.
>CEO is literally a shitskin
Fuck search engines, real men already have all the URLs they'll ever need
holy shit is this a fucking joke?
are they legit trying to justify homicide?
So what email client should i use, Sup Forums? Already using duckduckgo for my search engine.
>Google advocating the sniping of police
Politically correct is a mental illness?
That isn't real
Duckduckgo nigga
No tracking botnet and still fast unlike the other Sup Forums approved engines
>company puts on a PR show
They only care about their investors.
Bing gives much better results when you image search for porn.
This a search aggregator which means you can choose to use whatever search engines you want. Your search will also be anonymouse and ads from search engines will be ignored. win/win.
Fuck Google. Fucking cucks.
Duckduckgo is your firend.
twitter posted this 3 hours ago too.
You didn't drop them for selling all your personal data? promoting LGBT?
>not already dumped Jewgle years ago
What the fuck? They have been the biggest tracking and data harvesting botnet for years
I'm now a #CruzMissile
Fuck cunt, what sort of phone should I get?
can they even define what this means or do they just think it sounds good
Setup an email server in your bathroom
duckduckgo my niggas
I have been using bing and windows phone for a while now. Sucks that windows phones are dying
Inferior Google and Bing
Join the Yandex Master Race
I actually just switched to Bing last week, I was surprised at how nice it is. One of the few things Microsoft did right.
Why do big tech companies think they get to dictate government policy?
>tfw microsoft has been getting better in general
the fuck is going on
Fuck google. From spying to putting their Jewish propaganda while I just want to search for hentai titties
Because they do?
windows 10
right now i'm using edge because it is my only browser (I uninstalled chrome)
what browser isn't run by complete cucks?
Apple iPhone. Best apps app/market
Windows phone. Best OS. Unless you snapchat or pokemon go, it has basically all the apps you want.
Duckduckgo any good?
Who DuckDuckGo or Startpage here?
wow I hate google now
>"in partnership with Yahoo!"
lol. Never change you stupid bastards.
nigger tier
it's mediocre
it doesn't get as many relevant matches as google, but it is okay
why not duckduckgo?
Don't get me wrong, I'm not a fan of Microsoft, but I really find Bing to be slick. And I feel i get better results than Google, could be my imagination tho.
White people are the the source of all evil, pretty much.
>let's fight racism with racism, that'll work out fine!
I'm stuck in the same struggle. I used to run Maemo Linux phone on Nokia N700, but they decided to be retards and fuck everything up 5 years ago.
Bing is the ultimate tool to search porn videos
i'm not kidding
so about bing...
Bing has always been better for porn anyway. I've got to be too specific for google to return explicit results.
Fuck the interne
They're just virtue signaling. It's like free "heart" points or something.
Duckduckgo is pretty shit though. Takes me 5x as long to find appropriate search results as google.
At least they're mourning Dallas.
>Gayben pushes more Steam Mobile gates on games
>considering getting google voice to skip Steam Guard bullshit
>this happens
You know Bing is owned by Microsoft and that Microsoft has cultural Marxist propaganda in its workplaces, right? Fuck everyone, everywhere you go you see Jews up to no good
alright, firefox, chrome, IE, and Edge are off the table
what browsers are left?
How can you fap without laughing?
SVR please go.
Just install a cyanogenmod rom that is gapps free. Crapple and Microshit are just as bad as Jewgle
Vivaldi is pretty good.
Firefox and DuckDuck, baybeeeee
Microsoft rigged primaries for Rubio, didn't it?
and they stand with those (((committed to change around the world)))
How's Opera?
>tfw pseudo racist porn is my fetish
>tfw I'll never get a source for this
Didn't some German political party from the 1930s and 40s want racial justice too?
Chromium, it's the open-source base for Chrome.
They don't. It's big government policy dictating them. They're just being the good goys here
>#Google demand's racial justice
Well you just got it. The left just got a bunch of cops killed.
Trump confirmed winning. No cops or law enforcement of any kind will vote Hillary.
>not getting root and running a custom rom
This so much, It gives me fantastic fapping options.
Just remember that Silicon Valley is still one of the least diverse areas and you're okay.
yandex best
Have you tried Cyberfox? It uses the Source code of Firefox, but it runs faster for me, highly recommend it.
>using an OS maintained by a script-kiddie and/or poo-in-loo
>All these idiots talking about boycotting google
>solving a reCAPTCHA for them every time you post
microsoft is good at making other ideas better
try Brave
the "justice" stuff has always been commie speak for murdering your political foes
Hiroshimoot really needs to implement a non-Google captcha
Like, just look at the definition of justice. It's when someone is PUNISHED. Boy, I wonder who these jew fucks want to punish...
mostly because they're fucking garbage
I run that on my T420
Sup Forums probably still hates me
Or just get rid of it entirely like the good ol days.
I'm fucking tired of clicking on pancakes.
Nah man, who /duckduckgo/ here?
>Microsoft/Google are literally run by poo in loos
>Apple is run by queers and women
The fucking state of the Amerifat tech industry
Edge really
Opera was good before becoming a trap of Chrome
I went with Bing as soon as Jewgle started making porn searches more difficult. Never went back
I use legacy captcha, no clicking for me
Not using duckduckgo
You silly niggers
I always think it's really fucking stupid for a massive company to give their 2 cents about bad shit happening.
Bing "Border patrol fucks Latina". You'll thank me later.
DuckDuckGo, Startpage, Disconnect Search, and TORCH will serve you much better than Bing will user.