what are some other 'nothing really happens' movies?
What are some other 'nothing really happens' movies?
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Actually bumping for interest. I haven't seen one of those in a long time.
12 angry men
The Neon Demon
the big lebowski
The VVitch
the viking movie with hannibal
The Big Lebowski, Burn After Reading, A Serious Man
Everybody Wants Some!!
Worked in a restaurant for a while and that movie is spot on
Slacker (1991)
>A day in the life of Austin, Texas as the camera roams from place to place and provides a brief look at the overeducated, the social misfits, the outcasts and the oddballs.
This is the one you're looking for.
A lot of indie films are like that, a lot, a lot, a lot.
The last one i watched was Old Joy a few days ago. Pure kino.
If you haven't watched Slacker yet you should OP
>duuuhhhh I just don't think he's derrrrr guilty
wow, outstanding delivery
Detroit rock city
A lot happens tho
>kidnapping conspiracy
>home invasion
>guy dies
>"nothing happens"
Nothing actually happens though
You mean "slice of life" movies?
Like 90% of linklater movies honestly.
No Country For Old Men
Poor Little White Boy #5
There will be Blood (There isn't)
The Breakfast Club
But a lot happens in Dazed and Confused, what the fuck.
>space truckers follow routine sos investigation
>mishap occurs
>some deaths
>space trucker goes to bed
>There isn't
Its literally the last shot of the movie.
A lot of movies nothing happens.
Dont blame me, I didnt make them
ALL these coming of age movies by a bunch of hipsters.
Last Picture Show
Dazed and Confused
Everybody Wants Some!
Fast Times at Ridgemont High
Frances Ha
ITT: movies people didn't pay attention to
>follow routine sos investigation
They violated protocol by bringing him back onboard.
Dude, there was a party at the moon tower. That was a happening.
How can you pay attention when you turn your brain off?
i guess it means nothing significant to anyone outside the lives of the people involved in the story, and even inside the lives of the people involved, it's not really anything extraordinary. it's just an interesting story.
>it's not really anything extraordinary. it's just an interesting story.
Its not even an accurate representation of the 70s either.
post timestamp when they say that
I still don't really know what happens in the big lebowski and I watched it twice
god i hate all these movies
It's a pretty accurate description of every decade.
>You mean "slice of life" movies?
>Like 90% of linklater movies honestly.
The plot of this movie is basically two pissheads go on holiday in the Lake District for a weekend. It's a great movie though.
All good movies, except for Frances Ha. Kill yourself for even mentioning, as will I.
Cremaster Cycle 5.
okay, that's not strictly true. that one dude does climb up the right side of the stage, across the top and then down the left side again, which is pretty exciting.
Same as Poor Little White Boy but why watch a bunch of gay sex for the money shot?
Alternately, what are some movies where something DOES happen?
Withnail and I
Michael Bay movies.
I thought the big finale was going to be someone dying at the end by falling off the moontower. But nothing happening and everyone just driving off at the end was actually better.
The poor 70s cliches werent even relevant in a 70s movie.
Its a movie for people who didnt actually grow up in the 70s.
Independence Day
i loved Frances Ha desu
1/10 I replied, but yes Drive is trash
Get the fuck out of here right now, I don't even care where you go, but get out.
The most pretentious film ever made.
>ywn have this much autism
Easy Rider (sort of) but it's actually the best panorama of the 60s hippie movement that I've ever seen.
i love this movie, it's amazing withnail can be so charming while still being an absolute piece of shit
Best coming of age movie.
The movie isn't meant to be the Godfather, it's about partying.
american graffiti
Thanks for your unnecessary input
Like superbad?
>it's a plebs think "nothing happens" means nothing explodes or no one dies every 15 minutes
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
Shit movie btw
Name 1 (one) thing that happens in Dazed and Confused that anybody will care about a month after the story. Shit, I'll make it easy for you, how about a WEEK
It came out a few months ago and has the potential to be the best boringkino of the decade.
Someone has never had friends.
>Domhall Gleeson spends his life savings
> the keyboardist an heros
Nothing else MAJOR happens
Manchester by the sea is the definition of "literally nothing happens"
reminder that elvis wouldnt go down on this.