Scenes men will never understand.
Scenes men will never understand
Other urls found in this thread:
>ask a woman to fuck me
>she says no
>tv lied to me
>tfw it won't work for me because I'm dyel and only average height
jamie, pull up the facebook of that buzz lightyear dude
>complaining about having easy access to a basic biological need
just take the good with the bad
>abloo bloo being desirable is so hard
So this is the power of female storytelling
You win. Is that about cat calling or rape?
I'm sure there's a lot to that scene but most, majority, almost all men can't get a chick to sleep with them at the drop of a smile.
So, wtf is her problem?
Post biopussy faggot
Try being a 30 year old manchild who still lives with their parents and have no job and see what it's like be a fucking loser virgin because all he does is sit at home watching capeshit movies and TV shows and wears T-shirts that say Suicide Squad on it while drinking a bottle of cheap booze to forget how pathetic your life is.
Women have it easy.
I'd really like to meet these supposed women.
What a cunt
So what did he do?
Maybe don't right Fuck Me on your chest.
It'd be nice if women gave me the time of day. Oh attractive people problems...
>women still don't get that being a beautiful female is literally easymode
But having to get into fights and be expected to protect and provide for the women/children or sacrifice yourself so they can live is just peachy
>Guy is a fucking chad
>If he wrote "Fuck me" on his chest he'd get loads of interested sluts and gays (she didn't say you'd have the fuck the gays just say thank you)
What's her point?
>I say 'fuck' in every sentence because I'm a strong independent woman
jesus, someone please tell me this was supposed to be tongue-in-cheek
>she didn't say you'd have the fuck
But she does. It's only after that you can say thanks.
ITT "scenes men will never understand" objectively proven false by my analysis of that image. ITT "scenes men will never understand"
Sorry I wasn't paying attention to well.
But nevertheless how's it his fault that she's a whore (like all women)?
>women must fuck everyone on street that wants to
Is this correct? I am 12
films that men will never ever understand
what did he originally do to her? I'm curious
>jesus, someone please tell me this was supposed to be tongue-in-cheek
That was supposed to get nominated for a Golden Globes, you pleb
I watched it. It was a buy the numbers, un-imaginative film. You could take it and change the setting to:
>Police force
>Mayor's Office
>Emergency Room
Etc,etc and etc.
The only good thing was that Emily Blunt shined better than than Anne. I felt very sorry for Tucci.
>Making up retarded strawmen to fuel my victim complex
Yeah you're right, as a man that just seems completely fucking retarded.
ITT: Wall decorations that Westerners will never understand
Lel, just saw it on TV. Typical girl-movie:
>Obligatory makeover of the main character
>Fashion stuff
>Big city life
>Two guys obsessed with main character
Be sure, there is ugly PowerPoint presentation somewhere with these words made for studio executives.
>boo hoo i'm attractive and desirable!
Just pour acid on your face if you hate the attention.
Go away with your flying carpets and vodka, commie.
never date a woman that he main excuse is that she is a woman, not an overcomer.
this girl is trash and will never be productive.
she will pull you down and destroy you.
i want you to write KILL ME on your chest and walk down the street naked.
then yell bring it cunt the whole time and when you finally die in the street do say thank you.
this is what being a man is.
bitch stop crying.
Have it your way, women.
Wasn't she insane and ended up killing herself in the show?
Why do people who don't want to look fuckable wear make-up?
Stop mansplaining
>anybody that wants to fuck me
jokes on her
>Two guys obsessed with main character
One of them was her literal long time boyfriend what was he supposed to do "Oh sorry babe you have a new job so I'm gonna stop paying attention to you and move out and shit"
Came home from work and asked her how her day was
But women aren't forced to do this and typically don't unless their paid?
You're right I don't understand
L Word general? So how 'bout that last season. Fuck Jenny
proof here lol
It's super meta because this is around the time where her character was going crazy and became the "bad" guy.
I would love having to fuck every women I see. I go to a university full of hot sloots would be a dream come true.
Why are women so terrible at having existential dilemmas? Like seriously guys want to fuck you and that's at the top of your list of problems? Try living in a world where nobody wants to fuck you and everyone treats you like a disposable cog in a machine. Women don't want you, men don't want you, and you're expected to just smile and take it amd if you ever once try to complain about it some stupid bitch will have the nerve to say, "Oh yeah if you think that's bad try being stared at by a bunch of creeps everywhere you go!" I would love that. Every time I notice at least one women, maybe look and smile in my direction even if it was just to be polite, it makes my day so much more tolerable. In fact it might be the best part of my day. To walk around and get that validation all the time, to be wanted everywhere you go, and to be completely numb to that is a fucking tragedy.
no joke, my mom dragged me to see an advanced screening of this and I was bored to tears
I understood it.
It's stupid, but I understood it.
the grass is always greener user :^)
Then write "fuck me" on your chest.
Nothing, women are fucking insane 90% of the time. Good luck weeding out that crazy shit from the rest...wont be easy.
What is she even trying to say here? That women are all whores that can say no to sex?
The irony of using Jenny as a model for feminism is hilarious given that she lied and betrayed nearly all of her friends (straight and lesbian, male and female) during the course of 6 seasons of the L Word.
By the end of the show, nearly all of the people she interacted with were suspects in her murder.
yeah it's bizarre, she's >implying that if a man thinks you're attractive or catcalls you that you have to have sex with him
>its a '500 replies from underage edgelords who don't understand jenny was batshit crazy and even the most hardcore lesbot doesn't agree with her lunacy' episode
Not like this Sup Forums
reminder that Feminism enslaved women and is used as a weapon to attack men
Women used to have the choice to work full time, part time or not at all. Now they have to work full time.
Good going ladies. Your mothers enslaved you.
The actual plot was that she and another lesbian a movie producer was making a movie. The friend hired a gay male to direct it. The male claim that the film will be great that as a gay man he knows what it like to be a women. That character is the douche cunt of the show. The show ends with someone killing her and every character has motivation for it.
>emily blunt will NEVER step on your balls
just die in my sleep already
( ._.) ( ;_;)
Ironically a man who does thos will be labeled a sexual predator and get the cops called on him. A woman doing this may actually come off as an artistic display.
I have never felt so much contempt towards women as I have today, I was in my uni cafeteria, minding my own business, and these two short skinny bitches, one with a short pink pixie cut, the other with a black punk-cut, start walking around, all high and mighty, handing out all these flyers to all the girls in the area, only placing them on tables where girls were present, one of them passed by me, and I looked up for a moment and she snapped "these aren't fucking for you." And continued handing them out, later I took a discarded flyer to see what it was all about, and It was an invitation to this anti-trump, and abortion advocacy Protest on campus they are organising, strictly females only, "enforced" apparently.
How fucking up your own ass do you have to be? they had this shit eating grin as they did it as well, in kind of a malicious "I love being a cunt" sorta way.
You can say what you want, but this is a strictly female trait, acting vindictive, while still thinking you have the moral highground despite a purposefully mean spirited demeanour.
I also don't know why they're protesting trump or racism as this i live in Ireland, where neither of those things concern us.
My best friend since childhood just got sent away to the army this week as well, so I'm feeling lonely as fuck.
I never understood how all women supposedly suffer this 30 times a day. Sounds like the meme that a huge percent of them got raped.
Acording to youtube comments it seems on point
What horseshit
Fuk off
Does anyone think that men actually have it way harder, but we won't let it be known because we're conditioned from childhood to act like nothing phases us?
Because I feel like offing myself 90% of the time, and I'd honestly take random people "catcalling" (complimenting) me over this any day.
When you're a girl all you have to do is be thin, and dress decently and that's it. When it comes to girls every "type" has someone who's into that type.
Being a man, if you're not an alpha male then you're sloppy seconds, simple as that.
I don't think women appreciate how easy they have it.
>sponsored by SILK
fucking americans
iktf bro. i went back to my uni to get some documents and visit some old friends and a fat feminist (you know the one fishhook mouth coloured hair) along with his numale cuck friend handed me a flyer about women empowerment and white racism and shit. I waved it off and the two proceeded to make a scene on how i threw it. fucking pissed me off and went off on all Sup Forums mode redpill and went on a full shouting match. fucking security had to be called and had to escort me out of the premises in which these fucking libcunts rejoiced
still pisses me off
i was just about to post this
stop being me
In the show she was never presented as right and this was 10 years ago.
Obviously things have changed since then so youtube comments from today wont be indicative.
Lol thats ur fualt tho
As long as were going with the loser flip side, its probably harder being an obese landwhale tumblerite female.
would this be close enough
She was such a cunt.
>it's true, it doesn't make any sense whatsoever
At least I can't understand it.
I think both sexes have pros and cons but western culture has made dating for men a existential genetic shamefest. You're never good enough yet you have to constantly be the one to demonstrate your worth to constantly passive aggressively be told you're not worth anything.
Why do I love this movie even if it's not good and I hate everything and everyone depicted in it?
>As long as were going with the loser flip side, its probably harder being an obese landwhale tumblerite female.
You'll get constantly patted in the back for being a strong independent womyn and some sad fuck still want to marry you or just to be your slave.
Sounds hard.
from the comments in the video is seems like he had secret cameras and filmed her and her gf having sex or something
I like the part where she fucks the fashion editor but kind of regrets it and goes running back to her boyfriend with no recourse
>urr urr people wanna fuck me
i wish i had that feel
what a qt
She's so sexual
i'd sex her vagina if you know what i mean
he meant "want to be woman"
the danged Brain freeze just got in The Way
Well I'd bust a fat nut on her forehead if you know what I mean
ahahahaha feminism was a mistake
Holy shit, those are great.
What is she saying? That women HAVE to fuck everyone who asks? and this is the key to understanding what it's like to be a woman?
This doesnt make any sense, unless of course all women are massive sluts, is that what she's saying?
>buaaaaaaabuaaaaaa i got so much attention it makes me sick ;_;
God i'm angry reading your story, i would have picked their leaflets and ripped them all
>having to live with being desirable
fuckin brutal man
She is saying that she has had enough with people just wanting to fuck her and nothing else
Which is funny because if people just want to fuck you it's because you have nothing else to show
Seriously men have to deal with proving themselves while women take it for granted, that's why they complain and they are useless, cooking, laundry and cleaning were the easiest shit i ever did in my life
i would have said sorry and cried into my pillow that night.
Feminism was invented by big business and governments. They saw they could use women just like men when women had to work during WW2. So Government, business, jews,etc found man hating lesbos and gave them money to spread their cancer.
Women "liberated" themselves, by enslaving themselves. They literally gave their freedoms to be wageslaves.
I can't believe how fucking STUPID women are. It's insane. They went from being able to stay at home, raise children, pass down traditions, spend days with their girlfriends doing shit to being 9-5 wageslaves. This also lowered the price of labor, so wages stagnated and now 2 people working earns as much or even less than 1 man used to earn. AND to do this, women abandon their own children to daycare to be raised by someone else, the government,etc.
Feminism/Government even convinced women to MURDER their own unborn kids.
I can't fathom how fucking STUPID and insane women are. What the fuck is wrong with you? You've been played, big time.
And us men can't do shit, because you attack us, get us fired, label us pedophiles,etc. Government loves it.
You fucked over the entire world.