He going to be like Clooney and have a kid at 60... poor children desu

he going to be like Clooney and have a kid at 60... poor children desu

Other urls found in this thread:


>big af inheritance
>best education and career opportunities
>parents ded or in nursing home probably before you're even 20
>'poor children'
What did you mean by this?

he seems like kind of an asshole tbqh

>I have the same mod as a multimillionaire
does he have shit poverty tastes, or is that what he think the best mod is?

He's an unapologetic Chad. Leo will never want true love and he's fine with that.

I would like to be Leo's son

He probably buys a new one whenever the coils or whatever go out. That's why I went back to smoking, because vaping is such a fucking chore.

Or just not bother with one at all. Maybe he doesn't want to waste all his money and takes the MGTOW pill

He peaked at Titanic, which I'm watching now, the best movie Cameron ever did and one of the best pieces of kino in the history of kino

ain't seen no pill that look like at

Look in ur moms stash under the bed :3

I wonder what e liquid he vapes

please just go outside please user this is embarrassing

>Cameron's best

gotta bet he vapes naturally extracted colombian puro

>Waiting for as long as possible so the sluts dont rape you with alimony

I dont see a problem, you still leave your seed who gives a shit, the looking afyer it and all that family crap is a systematic construct, get red pilled and learn the new way

>Leo will never want true love
His true love is Kate

If he has a kid at that age the kid will have health issues.

This the mosr redpilled post ive ever read holy shit saved

Is this the truth?

The kid will be fine if he gets a young woman gregnant, the problems arise when middle aged woman with haggard wombs conceive.

If you have a kid in your older years, the child will have a higher risk of birth defects.

This is, he'd need a younger woman in their 20s or something.

Theres some evidence supporting that the quality of sperm begins to degenerate as a man ages, but not alot.

Women on the other hand is basically fact. "Wrong side of 25" is an old wives tale, but statisically/scientifically the highest chance of healthy offspring is before the age of 25, probably more closer to 23. While the rate is still pretty low, it rises rather quickly as a woman ages.

It's a marginal decline for men (somewhere in the mid 50s, where the testosterone production really slows down) and a sharp decline for women (north of 35 is gg, north of 30 is risky).


advanced age: dna damage, which you pass on if you have kids

What the fuck does it matter?

He'll have them with some 20 year old hot model slut so the kids won't be retarded and he'll still be alive until they're 16-18 and then they get an enormous inheritance when he does die.

I would kill myself immediately with the guarantee that I would be reincarnated as that kid.

Fuck it, I might just kill myself for free.

Which mod, any idea what tank that is also?

Dad too tired to go do stuff with you.

>most of those are >50 years
Stunning, simply stunning.


Vapers are the worst.

>don't grow and smoke your own tobacco!
>don't even quit smoking
>use this new device barely trailed or tested because we aren't actually burning plant matter or the generic pesticides used in tobacco cultivation

I honestly hope it causes irreparable cancer among all of you and kills all of your offspring.





He is on TRT sinse 90. He just can't have children.

Give in m8, you're 95% more likely to get cancer and shit smoking.