All you faggots yelling "RACE WAR NOW!" and getting a hard on for violence are too fucking pussy to do anything yourselves. Additionally, there is NO organized action happening anywhere, just chaos in one location. Nothing will happen tomorrow, the next day, or the weeks after that, except you will lose more of your constitutional rights a little more each day.

Fucking cucks. No one will do a goddamn thing.

Other urls found in this thread:

People are getting excited for NOTHING.

Race war? HAHAHA. I think NOT.

Keep dreaming, idiots.

>1 post by this ID
Fuck off, cocksucker.

U MAD? The truth hurts, doesn't it?

But... but... MUH RACE WAR!



it must happen.

But it won't.

It just won't.

And you know it.

Nice samefagging

Oh, are you too stupid to understand the difference between samefagging and bumping a thread?

Yep, you sure are. Thanks for another bump, faggot.

Bumping to remind you that NOTHING IS COME OF THIS.

hopefully youre right desu senpai

There is no leader, no organization, nothing.

What there WILL be is a LOT of fat white people talking shit about thie around the water cooler tomorrow.

OP is another shill

No. Fuck you.

Show me any evidence that proves this "RACE WAR" you're lusting after will happen and I'll gear up and go with you. But NOTHING IS GOING TO HAPPEN.

Has a lot to do with 99% of the people talking about it being faggots.

try opening some threads in the catalog

its all downhill. go back to r/cuckold

We don't need to do anything, faggot. The police will do it for us. :)

You are. So. Fucking. Stupid.

Discourse terminated. You don't deserve to speak, type, or communicate with other humans.



le meem magic praise le kek frog xD


You're right bro. Let the special ed kids have their fun.

I bet it's ISIS/Daesh anyway.

Trained killer nigs wouldn't do this as a team. If these guys are really this hardcore they would've been active before. This has all the trappings of a Daesh attack attempting to sow social unrest.

How disappointing.


>Race War After Party






So mad. U mad? Yeah, pretty mad.

Wake up to reality.

this nigger is on a roll

the reality is that race relations in america are abysmal and will only get worse and worse. blacks are too stupid to realise they are being manipulated and are digging their own graves. meanwhile white people are arming themselves. there might not be a "race war" but there will be more violence and a general entrenchment of racial divisions, especially if trump gets elected, and it will get to a stage where there is no going back to the way things were. all it will take is for nigs to riot in a white neighbourhood - that's it.

also you type like a redditor, pls go.

kek wants a race war

when you sit silently in your bunker listening to radio, you hear of another nuke going across the country and you will say
>not happening

slide thread

You're all delusional.

It's hilarious.

>unstable retard makes belligerent posts: The Thread

yeah then we go full on South Africa mode, only this time the whites win

I hope nothing happens, but I have a muslim friend in Dallas, she goes to the Mosque almost every day and if the shooter has confirmed Isis ties it makes me worried the mosque she goes to is going to get shot up.

>escalating violence in the black community for decades
>white-target violent crimes particularly on the rise
>white police specifically targeted by radicalised racial-organized group
>reports of large mobs of blacks cheering the deaths
The truth is the race war has already happened, and blacks lost. No matter how many police, or white people are the victims of black violence, they can never recover from the economic-slavery they're indentured to. You want to know why blacks riot over one death while white people don't even seem to care? Because the white standard of living is so incredibly high, the deaths of their own don't even phase them. That's a level of wealth the blacks in america will never know. What we're witnessing very much is a race war, but it's one sided. And the fighting side already lost.

> Sup Forums BTFO

We'll be the ones laughing when the race war actually happens tomorrow.

Repeating digits confirm

Kek you're right nothing will happen. Normies would fucking destroy you once you step foot outside of your basement

What a bunch of neckbearded faggots. Wow.

>everything is fine
>nothing bad can ever happen
>it's the current year :^)

the only delusional one is you.

Oh, ok, my bad.

What exactly are you doing to fulfill your part in this "Race War"? Do tell.

In fact, what is ANYONE doing?
Stockpiling some ammo? WOW.
Buying some guns?WHOA.
Talking about it on Sup Forums? BADASS!

You aren't actually doing jack shit. None of you are.


learn to read nigger

I'm ready to start killing niggers

Let's pop this shit off

Sick pic desu sempai

>The truth is the race war has already happened, and blacks lost. No matter how many police, or white people are the victims of black violence, they can never recover from the economic-slavery they're indentured to. You want to know why blacks riot over one death while white people don't even seem to care? Because the white standard of living is so incredibly high, the deaths of their own don't even phase them. That's a level of wealth the blacks in america will never know. What we're witnessing very much is a race war, but it's one sided. And the fighting side already lost.

Most of the cucks here at Sup Forums war a full on arms engagement race war, and that will never happen.

You analysis of current events isn't inaccurate, however.

You won't do shit, pussy. lol

There has been a race war happening in the US since the civil war.

It's getting more intense every year.

And we are about to start slaughtering niggers in the street in retaliation for the one-sided nature of this war

Keep telling yourself that

I knew this was going to happen when obongo was elected

And I've been preparing

And I can't wait to start collecting nappy scalps

>Mom opens door

You are a massive faggot, and now we all know it.


First normal OP