I'm looking for a clam, well paced film with a good story to watch tonight

I'm looking for a clam, well paced film with a good story to watch tonight.

Can Sup Forums please help me out, I appreciate it

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A single man


Mission Impossible 3.

john wick

What the fuck is clam? Do you mean calm?

What constitutes a good story? Le ebin explosions and deathy things LE DARK TONE POST APOCLALTYLPTIC!!!?

Fuck off back to Sup Forums shithead.

buzz.. what is safety not guaranteed

Yeah, calm.

The Beach
Unironically, Shrek.
Riddick (i've only seen the first 30 minutes but I'm liking it so far)

Do you have any examples we can base it off of?

came here to post this .. super chill, interesting story
and the ending is something im not going to spoil ;)

Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy
The International
In Bruges
The Friends of Eddie Coyle

i thought of some more
There will be blood
don't be a menace to society
Most space movies
Theory of Everything

Are you even reading these?


There's really not enough movies about clams.
Is there such a thing as clamkino?

BFG (this movie has no sense of urgency, it is very calm the whole way through and is surprisingly entertaining.
Swiss Army Man

Yes there is.


Calm and well paced...hard one

I think Finding Nemo might have a clam in it.


moonlight was good and I'm a nigger hating racist