Spics, asians, and redmen, who do we root for in the upcoming race war?

Spics, asians, and redmen, who do we root for in the upcoming race war?

whites because we actually want a future

fuck niggers

I am half red here

White people have done more for the world than any other group.

You see fucking videos congratulating people in Africa for figuring out how to build a shitty well (after white people showed them how years ago)

Im going with the people that built sewer systems thousands of years ago

Yeah, I'm a spic and fuck, I hate to think where I'd be if the Spanish didn't colonize us. I probably would have gotten killed in a sacrifice to a rain god by now.

Also, I remember watching this video of this poor African village where the people had to walk 5km for water or some shit

They had a water system which was built by colonials, but when the colonials left the villages realized fucking nobody in the area who knew to maintain their water system.

The film crew (all white) happened to have someone with basic repair knowledge. He needed two spare parts and a few minutes to restore their water system back into working order

Nigs didn't even thank him

>but when the colonials left, the villagers realized fucking nobody in the area knew how to maintain their water system.

I butchered that sentence, my bad

>who do we root for in the upcoming race war?
our jizzskined overlords ofc

You support your own and go back
It doesn't matter if you support us or not
You're in OUR countries
You're OUR enemies

Same as every other time


Be like the Swiss: arm yourself to the teeth and be neutral.

This war will become Aryans vs Predators.

Lmao where the fuck is a half Aboriginal half Irish Canadian supposed to go

Deal with those Muslims first buddy.
Hispanics serve the States well. There are shitty ones around us, just like there are cucks amoung you who invited the Kebabs in.
Don't act so high and mighty my man.

Jew here. You know the answer already, Faggot.

you are a dumb nigger if you side with the nigs on anything. Them the muzzies, sjws and lefty scum are destroying this world

Just sit back and inherit American unless you're a cuck


Fuck you
Not only did you cause this mess but you're sixty percent "white" and you think you have the right to look down on us like that? Ridiculous cuck

ya nig nogs can shove right off

I always say, what's good for the white man is good for the Mexican man

Coincidentally, the Africans probably butchered the colonials too.

No you fuck, you're one from Britain and you're blaming Hispanics. You don't even know what you are talking about. How did we cause the mess? We go to the US, we serve in the armed forces, we work.
Don't be mad you fucks on the other side are getting fucked by your own race AND you're letting the Arabs in LOL.
Good luck over there you sack of shit.

You are a fucking disgrace to our ancestors, seriously kill youself stupid faggot who would love to suck a white dick. Im actually sad and baffled that you think spain shit dogs did us a favour.

Fucking homosexuals malinches, i hope you never return to prehispanic land puto maricón.

Being white doesn't mean shit. Aka, look at you. A basement dwelling neckbeard who can't hold his own and is bitter.
Aka white cucks who gave this country to the leftists on a silver platter.
Conservative values all the way, side with America. Eat shit you snaggle tooth fuck.

Id rather work alongside Mexicans striving for a better future for their family than a British cuck crying while his wife is raped by a muslim

mexicans cuz despite their shithole that mexico is, there are many successful ones in the US, u cud say that about asians tho, but mexicans cuz tacos de tripas at the truck are fucking bomb


t. butthurt indio

I'll be here in Canada enjoying European civilization. Have fun with your llamas, smoke signals and rocks

The Spanish did us a favour

carry on

tru dont be a fucking malinche but do it for the future

Your country is shit.
Fuck you. You guys get internet like 2 years ago, and you're all post happy and proud.
DIE, you fuck.

100% real talk

I have a degree and work a great job and have a serious relationship with the woman I love.

All the "idle no more" Aboriginal fucks just sit around all day and do nothing huffing gas blaming the white man for everything.

I was actually turned down for funding for my masters because more kids on the reserve needed money. I'm actually making something for myself and ended up working through to my PhD on my own.

Mexican-American here

>whites don't want you to fight for them
>blacks want you to fight for them but fuck them

I'm gonna go down to TJ and have a couple pints until this racewar thing gets sorted out, lads

> There are shitty ones around us

I think the problem is you guys are getting too many indio spics

Here in western Canada all of the spics I've met are at least castizos. No hispanic crime problems here, and I'd say most of us are actually assimilated. Only a few of us know Spanish

Fuck niggers and also because I am the one with the glasses in that picture

I said it in the other thread, ill say it again


Until every single one of those pink farm pig looking assholes is on the floor bleeding to death.

This user has the right idea here tbqh lads

Fuck everyone

hi fellow San Diegan


hehe, Hello. Try all the craft beer you see.

Are you fucking dense? What the fuck do you think would have happened to a civilization 2000 years behind that of Europe had European never come to them? There's no reason to believe that they'd be much beyond medieval age technology today.

Stay buttmad about shit that didn't happen to you fagget.

You're on your own buddy.
Blacks have given you? Shit.
Whites built a ton of shit, we pull our weight, and we can climb.

They even built your country you dumb fuck.

Sup bro. Spring Valley here

yea i heard you guys have a really good craft beer scene, i need to get back down there soon

Because no matter how much Sup Forums spics try, the whites will at the end of the day see us as subhumans.

You can meme with them and eat their assholes all day long, youre still a wall building spic to them, so fuck them.

Kill them all #teamblack

Fuck off white boi

so, butthurt

Damn Chile has internet now?


>cops kill a blacks
>the cops have to pay for it
>blacks kill cops
>the rest of the races have to pay for it
wtf? don't blame us because you can't control your cops and niggas

As a white nationalist, I don't dislike asians or natives. Although you're different from us, you act respectable and keep to yourselves.
Spics, in contrast, are a fucking cancer. They're stupid, loud, and trying to conquer our territory. They're as bad as blacks.

You god damn right we are on our own, and we will outbreed you, and with the help of tue brothas, we will take your shit, or should i say our shit back

t. angry chink

I'm a spic and I'm easily rooting for Whites. I gain nothing from nigs, and if anything they are a burden to this country

So you are a lame bolas, got it.

Too bad buddy.
I'm pulling my weight and climbing the ladder over here. Hope to have some sons who serve in the army, and gain some prestige. That's with or without your permission user.

Hitler admired Tecumseh's (who I am named after) ability to unify the natives to fight a common enemy

Its actually weird how many German people know the history of my people, compared to how many of my people do

the aztecs in tenochtitlan had more advanced sewers and watering system that the spanish you cuck fag

>natives are respectable

Either you haven't met any natives, or American natives are fucking saints compared to Canadian ones

how is that related to your butthurt?

Rooting for the whites. They have the best food and hottest women out of the 2.

I'm on the border so there's like 5 black dudes and they'll keep fucking quiet if they know what's good for them.

You can't even remain a cohesive force in Mexico. Meanwhile American Hispanics will flock to the conservative force, get Trump in, and take our chances with the Whites.

The Spanish had gunpowder

t. jew
oy vey

I'll just sit back and quietly root for the whites while they butcher the nigs, possibly join if it gets to that point but I doubt it. Thing will go back to normal soon because the niggers will be begging for mercy within the month.
>don't know Spanish
>have few friends
>don't know shit about Mexican culture or traditions
>too brown to pass for white
>too light to pass for Mexican
>family basically shuns me
>everyone I've met thinks I'm weird
>raised by video games/internet
>stunted social skills
I have no identity, no one wants me, or ever will. At this point all I want is just to be left alone.

the side with the wyte women
we need wyte to keep on breeding them

Indian here

Fuck niggers, cops never harass me

This. Though the current generation of Asians are inching ever so closer to be being full on fucking cancer. Not to mention "Birth Tourism" or whatever the fuck its called.

Im a spicasiaticredmanwhiteniggermuslim.
Where do I belong?

Well maybe they should've focused on muskets and ship-building.

In the real-life game of CIV, the aztecs and their homies lost. Now they sell oranges on the side of the freeway.

>>too brown to pass for white
>>too light to pass for Mexican
just say you are italian or greek

You do know that breeding with white women, there will be no more white women right?

Black hair usually gives us away. Maybe if we dyed our hair brown people would think we're Sicilian or something

Its the shit tanning too.

Even during winter I have a tan

i want to keep some of the black left as a safe measure
because after white people getting rid of them and they still can't sleep nicely at night, who know they might gonna go for my ass next even if i don't do anything

so yeah, rid of nigga is nice but i don't want them to be completely gone

Maybe you should look up just how bad Black people can be to Latinos and Asians and ask "Do I side with white people, some of whom hate me, some of whom don't, and are able to create cohesive societies? Or do I side with black people, most of whom are racist as fuck but say they can't be racist because they're black, and are so bad at society building that Muslim scholars were mocking them back in the fifth century?"

Got no clue how they treat Native Americans, but considering how badly they can treat each other, I'd say it's not good.

that shit keeps me awake every night user.
I want my sons to enjoy the wyte grills,
yet I want to muddle their qt genes with mine.

>implying a bong has any say in America's race war.

Time for prayers, Ahmed.

eh cuzzin what the fuck is your problem eh. you too good to huff a little gas buddy?

>Black hair usually gives us away.

Italians, Greeks and Balkan Slavs can have black hair mate. I know because half my family is Balkan Slav.

So congrats, you can pretend that you're Mediterranean.

Awaiting day of the rope.

I'll bring the sticks can have a pinata party.

castizo + white = white in the eyes of Spanish colonial law tho

It's what I'm banking on

In Colombia.
They actually keep to themselves so much I rarely even see 'em. But when I do, they look and act pretty chill.
Yeah, I've noticed a lot more Asians are going in swagfag or SJW. Like how Asian college girls whine about how white guys oppress them.

tfw no british slag gf

Actual white guy here. When the niggers are gone, you tacofuckers are next in line to get fucked.

Spic here.
Whites all the way.

Blacks are fleas dawg.

Nobody actually likes them who isn't just role playing for likes.

Hey what about the Muslims first you ungrateful prick?

Seeing how Mexican gangs are specifically targeting blacks, they'll be on the anti-black side. And with the LA Riots, the Asians would also be in a similar faction (anti-dindu)

I'm hispanic but I'm hoping whites will let me fight on their side during the race war.

Like a racial foreign legion or something.

>who do we root for in the upcoming race war

just play it cool and let them kill each other

Underrated Kike

Hapa here. I'm siding with the White Man.

Fuck the niggers. They've given me more shit than any other race.

You can stay.

like the international volunteers who fought for papa Franco

never more have truer words been spoken

I'm going to make a killing capturing all the hot chicks in the middle of this conflict

it'll be bizarro world if mexicans dont go full 14/88 on niggers

Hahahaha every time you use electricity, drive a can, use a computer, a cell phone, a TV, etc. please thank us whites. You owe everything to us.

The race war shouldn't be whites againts blacks
It should be us all, againts jews

You americans are the only ones with "nigger problem". I get it. But there is a bigger picture then only your county you self centred assholes

>It should be us all, againts jews


>the aztecs in tenochtitlan had more advanced sewers and watering system


Most info about them has been exaggerated to a comical degree, they went from 1 million urban population estimate down to 5-4-300 000 and now again down to 60-80 000 in recent works of historiography.


my condolences

Not much has changed really, It's just the rain god changed to drug lord.