What the fuck is this shit? I decide to watch Nocturnal Animals and this is the kinda trash I get in the first 3 minutes? Fuck this fat acceptance bullshit. Never dropped a movie faster.
What the fuck is this shit...
if you really did drop the movie 3 minutes in, then you did well, everything goes even further downhill after that, i made the horrible mistake of watching 30 minutes of that TRASH, sick suck bullshit movie
what was the purpose of that intro?
Eh it was okay, gyllenhaal's storyline was much interesting than the "wah i married a man for his money" bullshit that Amy adams was doing the whole movie. It seems like the movie ran out of steam at the end, they built up a lot of suspense for absolutely nothing at the end
The movie is fine. It's well acted, well directed and has an interesting way to connect the both storylines
Just skip the intro if you want
Why did they CGI her fat away if they want to accept her fat?
Contrasting Susan. They're ugly on the outside, but are most likely doing something they really love. Meanwhile Susan just has the veneer of fulfillment and is miserable.
>salty American gets fucking triggered
did Thom Browne hurt your feelies? eat some burgers
>director starts out movie with literal pleb filter
>countless linkfags fall for it and turn off film before end of opening scene
Based Ford
>30 minutes in
Saw it in theatres and sat through whole thing, it just gets shittier and shittier
Tom ford cant write for shit
A Single Man is also kino.
t. fatass
Lose some weight.
reading comprehension: none
>everyone completely missing the point
yes it is
Is that Amy Schumer's new comedy special?
What is this elusive '''point'''?
it's a meme, you dip
i think
It was there to get you into an uncomfortable/ uneasy mood for the rest of the movie.
Triggered pleb.
Now try watching more complex symbolics mmm maybe bergman or weerasethakul.
Okay, essentially when we meet Susan at the beginning of the film, she's a "successful artist", but she doesn't actually care about what she's making. It's pure shock value that vapid hollywood types assign meaning but which isn't actually there. Her life has no real meaning. Look at the party scene, it's full of moronic sycophants masquerading as things they're not. She's trapped in a loveless marriage that she only got involved in because she was too afraid of the possibility of failure with the Jake G character. However, had she actually followed through on taking that risk she might have found real meaning and lived a fulfilling life. Instead she took the easy route and what does she have to show for it? A nice house, meaningless praise, suck up staff, and a husband who's cheating on her. Essentially she cheated on Jake in order to play it safe and it all blew up in her face. She became her mother, which she was so adamant she would never do. Finally when she finishes the book and realizes how royally she fucked up her life it's too late.
>Finally when she finishes the book and realizes how royally she fucked up her life it's too late.
Reminds me of reading my diary to be honest
Essentially the opening scene is grotesque for the sake of being so and the ultimate point of the movie is Jake's character punishing her in the most devastating way possible. Because he knows she was wrong, and he forced her to know it.