Don has been suspiciously quiet about the shootings so far.
How can we use this to bring people to his side?
Don has been suspiciously quiet about the shootings so far.
How can we use this to bring people to his side?
Probably sleeping desu
not say shit aside from giving condolences to the officers and letting the public reach their conclusions
unless it comes out its actually a islamic terror attack
what else needs to be said.
Waiting for the identity of the shooters to come out.
Fuck off he's sleeping, let the god emperor rest then he will deal with these niggers.
Not enough info, cant handle blacks like mudslimes
He's probably waiting for more information.
No one knows the exact identities or motivations for the shooters
He should side with #BLM
Blacks will flock to him
What are the changes this is muslims?
tick tock... Coulter's law
I wonder if we can spin this with the domestic terrorism angle.
Do you really believe that Trump is low energy enough to sleep?
I'm sure we will hear about it in the morning. If he plays it off right it will be a significant blow to Hillary who has been supported by BLM since the beginning of the primaries.
>we love out police, folks, don't we?
The situation is still developing.
But not all happenings have to be Trump related
The man is 70.
He should do two things;
A) Keep roasting Hillary on the FBI investigation
B) Wait for Hillary's response for the shootings and tear it down
>this homo
if it's muslims, a direct benefit to Trump
if it's BLM, it's a detriment to Hillary.
Both situations work to Trumps interests.
I'm sure he's aware and has already been briefed or at least talked with his team
He is biding his time and waiting
He's already said everything that has need to be said. No need to go repeating himself unless the timing is right
The God Emperor rests and gathers his energy before announcing the new crusade.
he can keep his fucking big mouth shut and not fuck it up like he does everytime. he needs to stay silent and not put his goddamn foot in his mouth
They took away his phone so he can't tweet anything stupid until the situation has been fully evalulated.
spread this on the nigger hashtags.
> How can we use this to bring people to his side?
Which side is that, cuck ?
The God emperor is just resting so that top tier bantz will come tomorrow in the morning. We'll probably have more information too. If it's BLM that did these shootings then you can that the normal black people along with on the fence independents will join the Trump Train.
You're right, this has all the hallmarks of a clinton/obama happening.
He needs to avoid coming out and acting triumphant about this event like he did with Orlando.
People will naturally turn to Donald after this.
So he doesn't have to say anything. He can just give some sentiments about the deceased officers
This, exactly. Have to wait until more info comes in before restarting the meme-dispensers
Meme Magick is real
We are Kek's Shepherds
all he has to do is support the police while hillary makes some awkward fence-sitting statement to avoid pissing off her black supporters
He's shot himself in the foot the last couple of times because he's gone to hard, better to wait and see on this and just do the normal condolence shit. This probably ends up being good for him he shouldn't try and spike the football like has in the past.
ayy lmao
If I were the big Don, I'd just hang back, aside from a basic "this was an awful tragedy" line. As soon as it comes out that these fuckers were black though, I'd take both the media and the Obama administration to task for spending the last several years throwing the cops under the bus at every chance they can get. This is all their fault.
This can absolutely work for Trump. BLM has been violently attacking Trump rallies for months now - and now they've shot and killed a bunch of cops. BLM is plainly a terrorist organization now. BLM is basically a proxy for the left wing media and left wing politicians like Bernie and Hillary. So Trump is the candidate of law, peace, and stability, whereas Hillary is the candidate of crime, violence, and terrorism. Hillary needs to be pressed to condemn BLM terrorism, which she will never do because she depends on the black vote.
There's not much need to spin. Anyone who isn't hopelessly brainwashed can see this instantly for what it is. Police killings is never the go to course of action for decent whites even if they buy the narrative of black oppression.
Niggers are shooting themselves in the foot.
he stays quiet, doesn't go after BLM.
he gives condolences to the police officers calls for order and sanity in america.
shillary won't survive this well with white voters.
It also helps that ISIL has tried to convert people from Ferguson/Baltimore to help their cause. Two birds one stone IMO.
he's hopefully keeping his big yap shut for a few hours to think.
the answer is simple- we know from her own emails that Hillary Clinton is perfectly ok with using black ops mercenaries to cause chaos and social panic in order to foment civil war. If she would do that in Syria and Libya for sure.... why wouldn't she do it here in the U.S.? We already know that she is an unrepentant liar. We know she deals in elitist and globalist circles. Why would she not use blackwater/academi to perform small operations like this? she'll start clucking tomorrow about 'gun control' and needing private military firms patrolling our streets.
He should let Ted Cruz speak out about this. It is his State.
He wants to ban guns.
He has defended gun ownership only on a utilitarian basis- they help stop bad guys, they're not bad if everyone has them, etc. Well, that argument just got blown away like these 10 armed cops. What now Don? How do you justify gun rights now? He can't because he is stupid and has no principles and therefore defends nothing based on principles. Gun rights exist solely on the basis of human rights of property ownership and if you cannot or will not defend them on those grounds shit like this will always be able to prove you wrong.
Fuck Donald Trump. And Fuck you all for having no principles.
No they wont.
Blacks will always have disdain for white guilt faggots.
It didn't work for Bernie and it won't work for Trump.
This. He'll keep his mouth shut unless it's revealed to be Muslims.
>being this much of a shill
>Liberal cumshitters are this desperate
He owns at least 2 confirmed guns and owns a very rare NYC carry permit.
>what BLM did in Dallas was perfectly acceptable
Yeah, that'll get him votes.
Ivanka took his iPhone away so he won't shoot himself in the foot again like he did after Orlando.
Gods don t sleep
Low energy m8
He doesn't need to say anything, after this I'm desperate to have him in the White House if only to keep that race baiter Obongo from getting more people killed
Oh sorry cunt. You're right, he should tweet "Fuck all niggers" or something.
He will fuck this up and you all know it.
Yeah cause that worked out so well for old man bern
B-b-b-but he's going to self fund.
And fix our country's biggest problem : political correctness
And bring back manufacturing jobs
>- Friday, July 08, 2016 -
>Donald J. Trump will be making a speech, "Succeeding Together"
Wait for tomorrow
BLM is coordinated by Clinton and her associates, so that probably won't catch on with the nigs.
he probably is asleep, i'ts like 1 am there + he's probably tired from te campaign trail
and never smoked or drank in his life. he's a young 70
because this was obviously a professional job and there is video evidence that there were foot soldiers using professional tactics, not just 'snipers'
Niggers will never vote for him. He should be on side of police not nigger terrorists
2 bad you'll never be rad
Trump is biding for Hillary to say something, so he can drop in and drop a statistic about how Bill Clinton's administration fucked the poor black community and only political chumps think Hillary is good for blacks
bonus points if he mentions how Bill ignored genocide being carried out in Rwanda. They made a movie condemning America for now intervening despite numerous acts of genocide, I think it won an Oscar (as if anybody remembers what movie got some jew award a day later). Black lives didn't matter back then, sad!
Trump isnt going to say something stupid. This is too big for usual shitposting for free media attention
Leave, shill
What if it's a black mudslime who happens to be in BLM?
then Trump just gained 3 points in the polls across the board
He's sleeping
I bet he looks beautiful
Trump can't fuck this up like he did with Orlando. He needs to get quality input from his advisors.
People have to sleep faggot
This. He doesn't have any tact. It's OK for him to think what he does but the when makes it way too easy for the media to make a headline out of his twitter feed.
pretty sure 1am to 4am is his sleep time, surprised he didn't say something before tho
MSN reports that Trump is the shooter. His racist statements did this.