Post movies where a corrupt nigger president leaves such a failure of a legacy Donald Trump gets elected over Hillary...

Post movies where a corrupt nigger president leaves such a failure of a legacy Donald Trump gets elected over Hillary Cunton

Other urls found in this thread:

The 2016 presidential election (republicans won)

Post movies where I report your retarded thread.

Awww it's okay libcuck just wait 4 years



OP made this thread because he has no one to talk to

death wish 1


Post movies where Sup Forums makes a thread on Sup Forums.

You've got a lot of hate in your heart user.

The Obama Deception! 15 million views!

not OP but that's almost all of us, is it not? I currently have no one I can actively speak to because it's past 10 on a Tuesday and I don't want to disturb anyone, so I thought I'd join my fellow Sup Forums smartposters for riveting discussion

Hes here from twitter/reddit/co/ for logan
Please don't be rude

You have to go back


Dem Glorious liberal tears


nice falseflagging


Isn't this pretty much the plot of 24?

Red Dawn

Can we make a new version of Roots where the Obamas get chained up and sent back to Kenya?

Fury Road


>tfw too scared of getting called dumb on Sup Forums so you make an off topic Sup Forums thread where it wouldn't matter if people call your ideas dumb because you never made an effort to present them seriously

Post movies where both political parties are puppets of the Deep State and the military-industrial complex, and the Shadow government has to resort to increasingly cartoonish and absurd figureheads, in order to prevent the public from realizing that both sides of the political establishment exist to fuck them in the ass.

Who Framed Roger Rabbit?

Judge Doom was the individual who was ultimately responsible for the aforementioned framing.

It's amazing that mainstream news doesn't seem to get that the Twitter account is on purpose. Or maybe they do.

>It's a Sup Forums numales fall for the pol bait every time episode

gods work OP

believe in yourself and you'll make it with the big boys one day, Sup Forums

>It's a Sup Forums triggers redditors on Sup Forums episode

t.Sup Forumsmblr

>pretend to care about the boards quality
>only report quote unquote "Sup Forums threads"
Why is Sup Forums so transparent?


reminder that Sup Forums is powered by kek
this was Sup Forumss last get at 80000000 and a butt blasted libcuck mod deleted the thread.

>It's a quick glance at the news camera to realize the best triggering performance on national Sup Forums

what are some flicks where the good dude wins?