>mfw there are people who don't like Jim & Pam
how miserable can you get?
>mfw there are people who don't like Jim & Pam
how miserable can you get?
Jim's def the bad guy tho
inb4 fucking beaners EL JUSTO JAJAJAJAing
Let it go Jenna.
Right on time, Juan. Now if only you could try to be on time for a job like you are for your EL JUSTO JAJAJAJAJA shitposting maybe you wouldn't be getting kicked out of America.
jim is a covert bully desu
You have severe autism if you think the only people bringing in bad memes to this great board are mexicans.
this is a show for numales
You're a loser, like Jim and Pam, of course you'll like them.
>he's never watched the right office
Do you think Jim is a big guy?
Whatever you say, Juan. You have to go back.
British people aren't funny and the only decent British show that Americans didn't make better was Darkplace.
You're the one getting butthurt over shitposting. Seems like you're the one who should go back, friendo.
>2 uptight smug assholes terrorize a well meaning, harmless beet farmer with mild autism for their own satisfaction for 9 seasons
>they do the same thing to Andy, who was literally the kindest and friendliest person on the show, but it's funny because "haha he's weird"
Jim and Pam can go fuck themselves
it's another let's see who can outquirk each other episode! except 20+ times. quality>quantity
Solid assessment, honestly. They're kinda dicks.
>pamposting triggers the reddicucks
You can always go back
How is this a thing? This can't be a thing, right? Wouldn't redditniggers be all about the office?
Why did Michael hate Toby? Why didn't he just cut him in the first season?
Toby worked for corporate, so Michael felt he was a spy. That's also why he couldn't fire him.
nigga they're all friends. do you social retards have no clue what "having fun" means?
Andy and Dwight are both terrible people for the most part and deserved it.
>michael wants to do something fun
>toby won't allow it
also toby was insufferably boring and the scranton strangler
>"You knew it would come to this, Blunt"
it's a kevin has a hot mature wife episode
I like imagining scenarios that destroy jim and pams life.
Imagine an actually Communist invasion of the US ala Red Dawn. Jim would definitely be a collaborator. Imagine his smug rise as the local commissar, and eventually being ousted by Dwights band of merry men. Jim is then sentenced to hard labor on Schrute Farms.
Jim has a stupid fucking nose
He has a very punchable face
>there are people who watch the office and claim to have good taste
Whats your favorite 'Jim gets BTFO' episode? Mine is when based Charles comes in and exposes Jim as the little manchild he is.
>there are people who don't watch the office and claim to have good taste
nu male detected
Jim and Pam are vindictive miserable cunts.
she has a manface
Yep. Something Jimfags always forget is that while Jim did nice things, he was fully cognizant of the documentary crew. Look at it from that angle and you will see what a boring douche he is.
>says nu male
nu male detected
They're great in the first 4 seasons, lose a bit of the magic leading up to their marriage and are mostly insufferable by the time they have kids.
I might be able to stand them more if they werent always talking about CECE. What an annoying name.
Brits are so much funnier than Americans it's unreal.
>projecting this hard because youre a dyel fat bastard that gets bullied everyday and gets triggered by tv characters
How fucking pathetic do you have to be to be triggered by fiction?