Race War Comfy Thread


Where my latino and asian bros at?

>mfw the race war is happening and I'm not involved
>mfw I cant sit back and relax

chicano master race

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amen brutha
glad to be watching this from accross the pond

What are you supposed to do?
Kill niggers or kill crackers?

just sit back an relax

Same feeling OP
posting thread theme

grab the hot ones after the conflict I guess



tfw no castilian gf

And hello, fellow spics

>mfw hispanics will rule the us in twenty years

yeah do that when niggers come to loot your property. just tell them you're not white. surely they'll understand

Chink reporting, please eliminate the nigger population. They've been begging for bullets, you ought to oblige.

What about us in bumblefuck?


mah chinker

>race war happens
>Doesn't involve you

Well that went better than expected

What if I'm transracial?

>spics allying themselves with Asians
it doesn't work out. You still have to go back

with comfy music of your choice

Stay safe burgers in Dallas

Ironically, it is observed in times or war more women are born

Hopefully this means more american qts

Wasn't it a chink that ensured the race war?
Shot 2nd black

anything is allowed for you fellow spic


ChiCano and i'm brown and proud


So comfy, mang.

who /whitehispanic/ here

hope I don't get caught in the crossfire homies

>tfw Hispanics and Asians are seen as evil whitey by the left now for some reason
Zimmerman, Elliot Rodger, Daniel Holtzclaw and that Chinese cop that shot that dindu lately.

What up?

ChiCano and i'm brown and proud


what a fucking cuck

>mfw white and hispanic

>mfw when niggers and gringos are going to start killing each other because of Jewish propaganda

Are you kidding me?
spics are going to be involved as shit and they're going to be put down just like the niggers

Including this?

Yep. Based Chinks are keeping this ball rolling. May they get their gravel.

everyone hates you

even the mexicans

>mexibro dumping lewds again

Thank Christ I have Colombian citizenship. I'm out if shit gets really bad.

String up white liberals cuckolds.

hispanic here

Is funny how niggers think anyone would root for them

literally every race despises them, nobody likes big cities because thats where niggers are

>A chapter in its history is called "La Violencia" (The Great Violence)

Could it be?

keep them coming

It can!

Latinos are worse than blacks.

You did when 71% of you guys voted for Obama

you aren't fooling anybody paco


Colombia is much better now than it used to be. And it's fairly nice if you gave good connections and an education like me. I'm personally a European history professor, so I have no dog in this fight, I just wanna teach history until I die.

Many latinos are black


Poo in loo reporting. Fuck the insanely polarizing narratives that blacks love to spew. Fuck the fact that officers had to die. Fuck their movement if this is what they're ok with. I don't see cop names trending. Maybe because the niggers still want to be catered for through their meaningless lives. At least my east Asian bros work hard.

>tfw pale skin but not white.
Fuck it, everyone calls me white. I'll stand with them. The white way is the right way.

literally a nigger only good mexicans are mexican born in mexico chicanos are just nigger wannabes

I dont get it

Being mexican has its upsides but i will have to side with whitey if it comes to it.

Is this a lewd thread now

Chicano/Mexican/Hispanic/Latino is not a race


It's the current year and Americans still don't understand the meaning of the term "latino"

What if I'm half white half Chilean can I still be in the comfy thread.

kill whitey
once they are gone niggs will be ez to cleanse

>implying spics won't be a part

If the Mexican government falls and all the indio/ peasents get their way the US southwest will literally be Mexico. All that's really stopping it now is no foreign support.

Growing up as a non Mexican Hispanic was weird because Chicanos would just outright reject me as a young kid due to the fact that I had no noticeable Mexican accent (I'm not mexican) and because I got good grades and often read books.

Latinos can be of any race idiot.
You just get the brown ones over there.

No place for darkies on Sup Forums

im filipino

where am i on this side of the "race war"

>being mexican has its upsides
>fat fuck
>cartel killings
>ugly women

>Yeah instead of taking back our land and fighting against people who want to kill us I'll fight with the people who want to kill us
c o o n s

Hispanics should be siding with white people feverishly. The media fucking sold Hispanics out and branded Hispanics as White during Zimmerman's case. BLM now probably has hispanics as a secondary target.

With recent events, Asians are now on their hitlist too.

If this is really has to be a "war", then "Race War" is not an apt enough name. It should be entitled "Anti-Black War" and it should be in every American minority's best interest to get rid of these BLM-type fuckers once and for all.

You are only welcome here if you are noticeably non white by 70-90% of white people.



>tfw white
>tfw cannot enjoy the show
>tfw is the show itself

Enjoy yourselves.

El Salvador

>tfw Filipino-American but look totally white, like whitewalker white

I'm not sure I get to be comfy on this one.

Kill niggers

It is?



You're on thin ice

If you upset your din doo overloads you might as well be white

No they cant only shitskins are latinos

yes pal, as long as you dont hate us

As a teacher, the gulf between niggers and spics is wider than spics and whites. Generally, spics aren't as smart as whites, but they don't go out of their way to sabotage the smart kids from learning. Blacks, on the other hand, will destroy everything, especially one of their own that tries to learn.

TFW there are no black people over here.

Nothing, you dumb retard. Just sit back and watch some Smash TV, my man.

c o o n


I mean you guys can side with the nigs but just remember who created you.

I don't hate Mexicans who stay in Mexico

>Hispanics should be siding with white people feverishly

Hispanics have an average IQ of 87 and have invented as many useful things as Australian Aborigines.

They're just a useless burden, and the vast majority of their kids think and act like niggers.

You don't want people like that anywhere near your side.

we wuz kings n sheeit

My Nan's half-Italian. That help?

I have a white person IQ, there's zero reason for me to side with unpredictable nigs over proven white people.

>posts "TFW there are no black people over here."
>gets beheaded

Unless your some kind of Aztec or other north American native American your white Chico. The Spaniards were lily white Europeans...except for the ones with mixd arab blood.

Korean here, I'll be on the roof. Whoever wins, call me when you're done?

Hispanics are literally the worst people i have ever met

Eyyy someone else with colombian citizenship.

are you one of those disgusting mexican weaboos?

anyway most mexicans will just fall in line with the blacks and chimpout as well.

So many people came!

Alright then I'm ready and welcome here I either get people who think I'm an Arab or Hispanic

You described white people, especially the kids part.