>Be anonymous persecuted for hate speech
>Side with the fucking pigs
Daily reminder that if you side with police repressing its citizens you are a pig bootlicker normie siding with the ZOG cuck system
>Be anonymous persecuted for hate speech
>Side with the fucking pigs
Daily reminder that if you side with police repressing its citizens you are a pig bootlicker normie siding with the ZOG cuck system
Other urls found in this thread:
Niggers or pigs, I'll go with cops, thanks.
Yeah lots of ZOG shills and cucks in this board
holy shit
>picking a side
You might just be a fag
>police systematic government oppression.
>American law enforcement is completely decentralized and it's own entity
People who argue "Muh police systematic government oppression" completely baffle me. You realize that local agencies are all autonomous right?
Reminder that if you don't side with the police then you're officially on team nigger/argentina
You need to contribute to society to be a citizen. Niggers leech up welfare.
If not all blacks are bad
Why don't the "good" blacks do anything about the "bad" blacks?
It's called Internal Affairs, dummy.
Nah man, they're obviously all connected and take their daily orders from Soros himself.
Fuck you shit bag. Your nation has no law and no honor. Go fuck yourself.
This picture is exactly the same if you switch cops with muslims friendo
Kek. Obviously.
They probably all have their morning briefings with him in person. Soros is in every town just like Santa Claus
Because of sickos like him, the notorious Sam hyde
Niggers aren't citizens; they're scumbags who should be slaves picking cotton in fields.
You subhuman baboon. You literal nigger.
How dare you speak, you swarthy jungle monkey. How dare you open your big lipped, rim encrusted, menthol cigarette smelling mouth?
You are human trash, Diego Tyrone LeShawn de Maradona. Universally despised, derided and mocked. Your nationality and skin tone offers no hope to the world that South America can ever prosper. Crawl back in to the Brazilian jungle you came out of, you literal orangutan.
I hope you decide to sail your grandfathers skip to the Falklands and rape some sheep, as is in the negroes nature. It would still be the whitest pussy you ever had. Give Nigel and Robert a chance for some target practice, your sole use to the world. Argentinians obsession with a few windswept islands in the Atlantic is hilarious but sad. Coincidentally its the only worthwhile contribution Argentina has made to the medical field. The MUH LAS MALVINAS sentiment in the average negro Argentinian is both an early warning sign of autism in children, and early on set Alzheimer's in adults.
Take your black hairy fingers off your keyboard, and never talk about the human species again, you mockery of our supposed shared ancestor.. No amount of olive oil and wheat flour slabbed on your face every morning will make you white. It's about as delusional of an idea as your daydreams of European heritage.
You nigger.
You make Bolivia look like a beacon of civilisation.
You are the Baltimore of South America.
Go fertilise the pampas with you and your families corpses, its the best you can hope for in life. For the first time in your life, nigger, you have a job making food for beings vastly superior to yourself. Uruguayan cattle. Coincidentally, it would be the first time an Argentinian "man" provided for a family.
Die, Diego. Nao one would miss you. Except for Australian Aboriginals, who now would have no one to make them look good.
and they all operate under federal regulations and federal law, in lockstep with each other in spite of their apparent independance
Why don't good black people do anything about bad black people?
The solution is quite simple really.
Do the Obamacare system but with body cams.
Implement a Federal mandate for all uniformed field officers to wear body cams within 24 months.
Local agencies can either implement their own local system within the time frame or if they don't they will simply fall under the Federal rule.
We don't want to get shot.
What am i looking at?
They have to follow federal laws yes, but they don't take orders from federal agencies like many police state faggots ramble on about.
>Being a white and on the side of niggers
good ZOG cog
Wont help cause there has already been events where the police would do something to the camera and nothing on it could be used to prove good or bad
Is bad cop mad because he doesn't have a hat?
Instant Federal indictment for destroying/tampering with evidence.
woops...meant to reply to this
It would be an instant Federal indictment for destroying/tampering with evidence.
Or niggers
pig gets juked, then shot from behind
but moar guns, cause 'murica
>one post by this ID
One time I was in a car accident and the cops came and sorted it out. Thank you, police!
How would a 'good cop' go about doing something about 'bad cops'?
What would this look like?
You could say the same about Muslims.
>Race War After Party
Police are largest organized crime syndicate and gang in America and they work for the government and themselves.
good cops are a myth, they will always fall behind the blue line to defend each other no matter how corrupt. If there were a such thing as good cops they would never allow the police to have become what they are and they would be screeching like canaries in coalmines willing to give congressional testimony about how bad things are.
This is not happening and won't happen because there are no good cops.
How about looking at each case individually instead of searching for an all or nothing solution?
>Nao one would miss you. Except for Australian Aboriginals, who now would have no one to make them look good.
I think it's the other way around.
Maybe that's the problem. There isn't enough regulations.
Why don't good Muslims do anything about bad Muslims?
Ask liberals this and they'll self combust
yo I'm 22 and my childhood friend just became a cop, he's a good guy
yea but 3 by him.
It's going to be hard for him.
Cops have jobs, niggers don't
I know who I'd trust
That looks like fireworks. And why is the video such poor quality, like the one in the Charlie Hebdo hoax?
This is a bullshit ZOG Psy-Op.
>Not realising that the Middle east in in a state of perpetual war
Ladies and gentlemen, Australian education.
How about looking at your wife taking the BBC because you've officially joined team nigger
Rekt. Liberal logic falls apart with the slightest scrutiny.
Upon further inspection this nigger was just spraying and praying.
>that footing
This isn't a false flag this must be a black panther. He was fast and got the cop by surprise.
t. no guns
>black guy get shot
>let's kill some cops to show killing is bad
> and it willl solve the problems,hmmkay?
I knew some of them, a few veterans too. A few who claimed the moral high ground. Only go after felonies etc. They eventually show their true nature. Drunk driving, casual use of aggression while dressed as a civilian, intimidation, being careless with weapons while acting as a civilian.
Even if he's a good guy, let's see him be the first to do something about the bad ones.
>If not all niggers are bad, why don't the good niggers do anything about the bad niggers?
>If not all muslims are terrorists, why don't the good muslims do anything about the bad muslims?
And these hold up better than the OP argument since if a cop breaks the law and is found guilty, they are arrested just like anyone else. If anyone is to blame for "bad" cops going free it's a completely different branch of government.
It takes any "C" student to become a cop. The majority of our cops are literally all retards. This goes both ways. They're all too stupid to think of a long term game plan. They are the epitome of power hungry selfishness. I'm not convinced there's one way to consolidate them one way or another
Don't cut anyone with that edge
Why do you hate the police. Do you realize how hard their job must be? They don't deserve to die unlike niggers.
Citation needed
Why don't you become a cop yourself big shot.
gotta admit was a decent assault that nigger launched on the cop, he played some serious Call of Duty
I don't recognize these fucking niggers as humans, so I side with the police.
This is animal control. The police are just getting them off the street.
They don't have a hard job, they are modern highwaymen who do little in the way to actually protect the general public. Ever called the police to help you with something? Ever had weapons pulled on you because the officer thought you weren't white initially?
Ever actually been in a life threatening situation and had them blow you off? I had a transient sneak into my back yard 4 months ago and sleep in it and then confront my wife in the morning while he was sitting on my patio. He was mentally ill and was refusing to leave, even with my wife on the phone with a dispatcher as he threatened us. It took over 2 hours for a unit to respond, long after I had retrieved a weapon and handled the situation.
They had reports the last several days about the same person and weren't even trying to get him. That's just a speck of dust in my own personal pile. There are no good cops.
Does Sup Forums unironically think that they wont be fighting the police if their habbening ever happens?
>b-but they are white...
Provided your story is true, this is worse than I thought.
The ones wanting us to be persecuted for hate speech? Niggers.
The federal government is also on the side of the niggers.
Nice bait. But who exactly do you think is arresting and prosecuting the bad cops you read about on reddit, dipshit.
Sooo, that good cop is white and the bad cop is rather Hispanic looking? What are you implying Argentina?
What about when they're told that they need to get the nasty neo-nazi animals off the streets?
these niggers aren't my fellow citizens
The whole FUCK DA POLICE mentality is so overrated. Keep in mind, that's what all the BLM people think. In all these shootings that take place, like the Michael Brown shooting which is the first thing that really sparked BLM, it turns out Michael Brown attacked the fucking cop and tried to grab his gun, then BLM is shocked, confused, and angry when the cop retaliated. What they are implying is that they would have rather the cop just submitted to the angry black 17 year old and let him have his gun and do whatever he wanted with it.
Well, likewise, with this shooting that happened yesterday, it turns out the guy reached for his own weapon. Then the Chinese cop shot him, so BLM casts blame on white people and the cops as usual.
You have 2 basic kinds of reactions when there is an incident like this. You'll have the emotional reacting witch-hunt mob mentality people, who want you to jump to conclusions, cops are evil and they all hate black people, fuck due process, overthrow the constitution, etc. Then on the other side, you'll have the evil racists who say, "let's get the full story before we blame anyone" - And it turns out they were right yet again.
I'm not even trying to deny police incompetence, and the fact that it's often just a useless waste of tax payer money, but this anti-cop mentality is perpetuated by some of the dumbest people on the planet.
>Keep in mind, that's what all the BLM people think.
No it's not.
Not quite. You're comparing an occupation whose actual job description includes taking action against those who break the law (even fellow cops) and two ethnicities. You can't compare apples and oranges.
If not all Muslims are terrorists, why don't the """""""good"""""" muslims do anything about the bad ones?
They do, they run dozens of community and charity organizations designed to keep kids out of trouble and off the streets.
So BLM loves the cops? Ok then
i only think it's cool because most of the people who purchased their ticket to anarchy are going to have nobody to cry to about muh rights or muh free speech someday.
you're going to have an actual rape culture in a lot of big cities and nobody is going to want to be a cop when those sorts of people can just work private security for a big company.
>So BLM loves the cops?
That was not said or implied, Vader.
I like the police. I've never had one issue with them. Probably Because I'm not a degenerate fuck.
the police didn't police themselves. the citizens just did. Seems fair
>two ethnicies
It's one ethnicity.
Ok. Well then contradict what I said without clarifying, believing that it makes you some sort of intellectual super genius. Not impressed. IQ?
you never heard of internal affairs? the SJW of cops
I'm from the Dallas area, I went to school on the street in south Dallas where the shootings happened (yes I'm white)
black people in south Dallas have literally never been a problem with me. never bothered me, not ever. carry a gun and whistle Dixieland if you still feel uncomfortable.
cops meanwhile, harass me on occasion. and if I ever defend myself if one of them attacks me, they have the biggest gang in the country backing them up.
I'm not saying that we should murder cops, just that I don't really have much sympathy for people that harass other people for a living, instead of getting a real job.
Somebody said muslims and blacks
I support the BLM movement and do not have a "FUCK DA POLICE" mentality.
>I'm too stupid to take 2 minutes to research something I feel strongly about.
Should kill yourself fampai.
>Police officer not properly trained
Was he retarded? He's not being a wall, he's behind a pillar and he's facing one way cowering while crazy zerg rush nigger just runs towards him. Is he fucking aware that he's vulnerable from behind?
>Call of Duty: Dallas Protests
Dallasfag here. The gunmen nigger/niggers are now my heroes. Any who wish to impose their will onto me are my enemy!
>I support the BLM movement and do not have a "FUCK DA POLICE" mentality.
You're lying, you do support that mentality. I say this because the leaders of BLM support it. If you truly don't, diverge and join a cause that isn't aggressive and hates the police. BLM does.
>Well, likewise, with this shooting that happened yesterday, it turns out the guy reached for his own weapon. Then the Chinese cop shot him,
No. He reached for his wallet. Nobody who intends to pull a gun on a cop starts off with "Hi officer, just letting you know that I have a CCW permit and I'm armed."
This was inevitable.
You're living in a literal police state and have a pig problem. The IQ cutoff is real. The pigs are violent, stupid and trigger-happy. They steal your money and your possessions and call it "evidence". If you resist an unlawful arrest, you're immediately charged with "resisting arrest" bullshit.
They constantly "fear for their lives", when it's their job to put themselves in harm's way. Do firefighters refuse to enter a burning house because they "fear for their lives"?
Your system is rigged in favor of pigs. The judge will always take the pig's words over yours. The pigs divide the population into "us" and "them".
And finally, it was proven ages ago that pigs have literally no obligation to serve and protect you. Now the pigs are baffled because they realize that their actions have consequences.
Could be because his IQ is too high.
and argentina isn't siding with police? is anyone surprised their communist shithole breed this mentality?
Daily reminder that Socialism leads to collapse
Not all cops are bad, the overwhelming majority of them I think are really doing a great service to this country. There are vile cops who deserve to be a shot. However, a potentially good or bad cop in Dallas has no control over a bad cop in Ferguson, so the argument that there are no good cops is also one I do not support.
and ISIS isn't islamic ;)