ITT: Awful gay characters.
ITT: Awful gay characters
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All of them.
Being gay is a mental disorder.
so is being a Sup Forums user
He's fine though.
He's the exact thing people ask for in a gay character, for them to basically be written as straight who happens to have a boyfriend
A fag is still a fag.
Do you think this is normal?
Found the Hillary voter
you can't say that don't you know it's 2017
>two guys
>with kids
Neither of those two things are normal you degenerate freak.
>two consenting adults behind closed doors miles away from you
>"stop that"
Stop brainwashing society into acknowledging and accepting your deviant behavior.
There's literally nothing wrong with being gay.
>there is literally nothing wrong with being a biological deadend
I've never understood why people get MAD gay people exist
Like how can you possibly spend even a second giving a fuck about it?
I seriously don't get it
I do get that lefitsts and SJWs and them are annoying as shit.. but that's your fucking fault. If you didn't go into an autistic rage that some people like tight flesh around their cock with manly pubic hair instead of womanly pubic hair or no pubic hair.. They'd have no battles to fight.
it was never really addressed was it?
Because it's degenerate and abnormal.
People respond to abnormal things negatively.
It's that simple.
I'm gay and relatively quiet about it but comments like this make me want to put on a skin-tight fishnet onesie and eat my boyfriend's ass on your front yard.
>implying monogamy is possible
Kek. Enjoy the AIDS faggot.
why do you think it's degenerate?
Do you know what's degenerate and abnormal?
Sitting on your ass every day looking at a screen.
Way more unnatural than homosexuality. Are you going to stop doing that?
>I'm gay
You're already how you described, I bet you tell people you are gay online 10 times a day at least. You know why we hate you? Because you're the new vegans. I have never felt the need to tell people my sexual orientation on a Taiwanese finger puppet blog
Not this intensely for no reason (even if I accept it's 'degenerate', whatever that means. Is it more or less degenerate than fucking a female ass? Why or why not?), no, most people don't. That's why your kind is a minority and you have to keep your opinions to yourself when you're out in public.
>I have never felt the need to tell people my sexual orientation on a Taiwanese finger puppet blog
You're literally doing it right now, and literally getting mad and posting about other peoples, because it's not the same as your own.
How dumb are you? Why do you care?
lol ok dude
He only brought it up because someone else did.
This is the "why won't you people stop talking about pancakes" fallacy.
Never addressed, but there were a few winks and nods made
I didn't say my orientation dipshit. Stay retarded and keep having no morals (I know you will)
Why do you think dipshit? A man is meant to be with a woman. Not a man with a man or woman with a woman. It's bilogically based. Our bodies were made to reproduce with the opposite sex.
Is it really that hard for you to grasp that?
Who the fuck said I sit all day long? Are you retarded?
You're the fucking minority you retarded fairy. Go get AIDS.
Not in an overpopulated society.
>that's why all sterile people or people unable to conceive must be purged
>You're the fucking minority you retarded fairy. Go get AIDS.
No I'm not, I'm straight and I don't give a fuck about gay people.
That puts me squarely in the majority of sane, well reasoned people who aren't autistic, have anger issues, or general hatred, probably because of your shitty life.
Enjoy being isolated from society because.. you're really, really bothered that some men like man butts instead of woman butts. Some life. Good luck with your crusade, though. I'm sure god will reward you in heaven for making the lives of his children harder ayy lmao
Please explain to me how homosexuals contribute to the Survival of our species?
*blocks your path*
>"where are you going, honey?"
>thinks homosexuality is ok
>calls himself sane
>what's wrong with being gay
>"you're not supposed to do it"
humans aren't "bilogically" obligated to do a lot of shit, but we do it anyway. It's only you that's intervening with something that people like that does literally no harm.
Self hating closet gays probably
By creating computers and doing whatever it is Peter Thiel does. There's more to contributing to society than making babies.
How do women with menopause you dumb fuck? should we genocide them, too?
The Earth cannot sustain the current exponential growth in population. Homosexuals, who cannot continue to contribute to this population blight, are:
1) More educated, less likely to biologically reproduce (through surrogates)
2) More likely to adopt
Meaning that we are actually saving the Earth.
You're welcome.
What happened to this board?
Seriously, what the fuck happened?
It feels like I'm on /LGBT/
I can go pull a bunch of names of fag scientists who contribute a shitton to society if you like
Hey it's almost like gay people like watching TV and movies
You clicked a thread for discussion on gay characters you fucking retard.
Holy shit look who can't come up with an argument
>a bunch of no-names
No thanks.
They should be getting therapy, not watching movies.
Are you retarded? Read.
What argument? Being gay is wrong and abnormal. Simple as that. There's nothing more to argue about.
Found the fag who thinks fag characters should be flaming queers who do nothing but suck cum out of assholes.
films and television for years worked on by straight and gay people... boy why are there gay people posting on television and film
>scientists can be no-names
I bet those faggots are more useful than your shitty public school kids I'm paying for
Sup Forums has actually always been pretty gay. Turns out drama attracts gays. Who'd have guessed?
Since when has therapy been recommended for curing gayness? Where did you read shit like that?
So what is your solution? Outlaw homosexuality?
im going to cum in every homoephobe's ass and turn them into big flamers
>They should be getting therapy, not watching movies.
So gays aren't allowed to watch movies? They don't need therapy, homophobic assholes like you do.
>degenerate freak.
You're on Sup Forums, faggot. This place is a hive of degeneracy. You'd probably know that if you came here more than 2 years ago.
No, fags should be in conversion therapy.
And those fags are ruining entertainment with their propaganda.
Yes, scientists can be no-names, especially the fag ones.
We should be repelling them, not attracting them.
Conversion therapy was very effective and underrated before homosexuality got removed from the DSM.
We should be punishing deviant homosexual behavior the same way we punish pedophiles. Through therapy.
im going to put a gay load of semen into your asshole lol
>Conversion therapy was very effective and underrated before homosexuality got removed from the DSM.
Please consider substantiating your claims
Keep your AIDS to yourself, faggot.
i'm going to subject to a life of loving men's asses
Joke's on you, I'm on PrEP faggot.
>it's a newfag Sup Forumscuck gets destroyed episode
Who's he please?
It conditions you to react negatively to deviant sexual stimuli. It's very simple and effective, actually.
I don't think you understand what proof means. Like im asking you to post a source you fucking moron
That's not how that works, and there's no actual proof it works.
>several posts later he still hasn't substantiated his claims
heh, better luck next time, kiddo
*teleports away*
Is one of them an actor? If yes, what's his name please?
>I don't think you understand what proof means.
I am totally shocked that the vehemently anti-gay guy is an idiot who doesn't understand basic science.
Also resulting in depression and increased suicide rates in youth who experienced it!
Here's your pubmed evidence from 1994, fucko. Can get more recent studies if you wish
Depression is for pussies and snowflakes.
It's a made up "mental disorder" that people use to avoid responsibility.
old therefore ugly
femme therefore disgusting
Yeah, the dude he's with is a shitty character though.
The last scene the two were in was so forced as if to remind you he exists and that hes gay.
Epic, dude, you're making Sup Forums flip!
you'll be diagnosed with it post-mortem when the cops kill you after you try to shoot up an elementary school
>fags committing suicide
Is that supposed to be a bad thing?
That's "Saint Kurt" to you.
Interesting. Cripples have a higher rate of depression (which doesn't exist).
Are the cripples lying about being depressed to avoid responsibility, in your opinion? or attention? why are they lying about it?
Any gay character where their defining trait is being gay and/or suffering because they're gay
>clinical depression doesn't exist
well now I feel retarded for being baited for so long so easily.
you win I guess
That tight flesh is a butthole, sir.
Its sole purpose is to push out shit, not have shit pushed in.
Yes they are lying and seeking attention.
They're fucking crippled. Ok. Get the fuck over it and move on.
ah okay
>"daddy why was I born without legs?"
>oh boo hoo you're crippled get the fuck over it you snowflake
was gonna reply and say what this user said. the most rabid gay-haters are actually self-loathing closet gays.
except when the gay being hated is a flaming femmefag. it's normal to hate flaming femmefags because they're pukegusting.
There was a scene just like this in Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence
Then Bowie kissed the jap and got put in a hole
in the real world yea
Well you could certainly prove him wrong about gays being degenerates.
That pervy stalks-guy-stares-at-him-outside-window attention whore is a lot of awful awful things. A saint Kurt is definitely NOT. I stopped watching Glee because of that apocalyptically awful Kurt and will only watch again when Kurt is agonizingly killed in the most horrific manner possible.
>its okay to be gay because over population
>being gay means automatically being more educated and more likely to adopt.
fucking lol
MSM has pinpointed Sup Forums as a major meeting place for the fictitious "alt-right". Now we have loads of leftards who usually spew their bullshit on Facebook.
Just weather their presence. They will leave soon enough.
Fuck this board