Can you see what's wrong with this image?

can you see what's wrong with this image?

He dressed like a sand nigger.

Americans don't wear sand nigger clothes

Wedding ring before Michelle? That's my only guess.

I cannot believe that the President of the United States would ever be dressed as this.

He's dressed in traditional African gear?

He's hat colour doesn't combine well with his suit


He's not balls deep in a white woman.



typical African garb?

what's the problem crackas? scared??

me and the homeboyz got plans 4 tonite.

better hide yo wife.

anyboidy who wears this a person of terror?

It's okay, he can have 3 wives if I know the koran

photographed in private is the same as putting on a show for the news cameras


bad lighting and composition, eyes are out of focus

He's a nigger.

Oh shit, always thought Trump was a bit of a nutter in 2011, but maybe he was right that Obama was a Muslim

salam alaikum barak hussein obama.

That you actually have a picture of an American president saved on your computer, you gook.

Ah, salam alaikum, ma nigga

We Chicagofags tried to warn the US after his bizarre ties to Bill Ayers and other weirdos here.

Dammit Ditka why didn't you run? You could have saved America.

He's such a fucking faggot. A product of a white slut who got dicked by some fucking tribal dindu that wanted nothing to do with the kid. All that dressing up in his monkey clothes is him desperately trying to win the approval of daddy and identify with his niggerdom. He couldn't care less about his mom or white "values" or lack of. Only person worse than him is his wife who is the fucking devil incarnate. The daughter of a fucking awesome guy who worked a horrible job with a pretty severe disability only to have his child promote the welfare state and greivance industry. Disgusting people.

he is trying to hard. black people in africa dont wear that shit. even the ones in the last few mud hut villages wear t shirts and shit

i wonder how much of these are a jew marketing trick to exploit the black goyim and how many africans actualy dress like that

Where is the bomb vest?

top jej
always question the counter narratives
>uh, that's an african garb
Nigger, you have to be kidding me if you claim to be above it all by claiming that's an african garb and have never bothered to research the fact that this style garb is present in many cultures, including arabic ones with muslims.

You do realize that there are many muslim africans, correct? Why wouldn't they use a traditional garb mixed into the religion?

The broadcaster who used the image was right to bring up his past

It hasn't been relevant for more than eight years?

I wish it was socially acceptable to wear a robe around, looks comfy as fuck desu

The Masons do that with their hands a lot.

he looks like such a skinny fucking nerd lmao