Plot Synopsis

>Plot Synopsis

Retirement aged man with no savings, investments, pension or assets demands special treatment from the state. Be amazed at his fight against publicly funded services while using publicly funded services to protest against them. Observe our hero as he is abusive to multiple members of government staff and the unrealistic reactions of the general population. An absolute must watch for the modern champagne socialist labour party supporter. BONUS: Absolutely no social commentary on immigration.

Bravo Loach

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Why didn't Ken Loach direct a film starring a homeless man dying of pneumonia as he waits for a council house while a carpenter lives in a council house for 30 years?

Because it wouldn't fit his bullshit world view

>win at Cannes
>not even nomination for oscar
fucking plebbes

also I don't like Loach's realism. Too much life, not enough movie.


No. This scene

This awful, awful film and summed up by this one scene.

Two tramps start vandalising public property and the general public start cheering them on and start booing when he's arrested. Its meant to be a feel good, poignant moment but its so disconnected from reality. Does Ken Loach ever leave the house?


This, so much

>I'm a carpenter that has managed to save no money in thirty years despite having no family and marketable skills

Unless he literally burns his money there is no reason he shouldn't be able to have enough to wait a few weeks until his pity-money is sorted out.

I, Daniel Blake is a fantastic film in that it shows you how completely retarded people on benefits are and how they're virtually incapable of planning for the future.

>earn nothing
>plan the future
are you ok, sir?

He was a carpenter for 30 years.

With that experience he would be earning the average for an experienced tradesman, £19 ph

He constantly said he had worked hard all his life, assuming he worked 48 hours a week that's £912 a week, £3642 a month, or £43,776 a year.

He had no dependants, and yet despite earning nearly double the average national wage he managed to have nothing to show for it.

One can only assume Daniel Blake had a heavy coke habit, as that would explain why he has no money, no marketable skill, and a shitty heart.

What would have have done when he retired in a few years, live off dog food?

I know people like this irl.

I earn not much above minimum wage. Manage to scrape by.

I have friends who are tradesman, earning between 70-100k a year, live at home and don't pay rent, and are thousands of dollars in debt and spend all day whining about the government making it impossible for them to live.

Remember, this gif is our protagonist.

>so I just had a heart attack and can't work because my fibromyalgia
>Oh and now my car doesn't work
>Oh would you look at that a tree fell through my home
>Oh man, my insurance check for both the house and the car didn't get mailed since the Tories cut $100k of funding to the Royal Mail and so now I'm totally uninsured!
>I sure wish I could work.. but...
maybe there's an office job!
>Oh wait I'm computer illiterate and all I've been doing the last 30 years is laying concrete and the remaining 16 hours a day I just fill time with whatever.
>Fucking Tory scum
>I can't believe this government agency is deciding my gibs on a questionnaire rather than just how pitiful I look!
>I'll show them
>die from shitty heart from working as a construction laborer for 45 years making no advancement in life or career
>don't forget to vote Labour

I have nothing against plebs accepting state sponsored charity. I say charity as that's what it is. Benefits is a misnomer - it's not a benefit, as there is no benefit to anyone. The poor are encouraged to stay poor, at everyone else's expense.

What I object to is dole scum not feeling the appropriate amount of shame for accepting this charity. Daring to use it as a life style choice to engender their own laziness, rather than using it how it should be used, a stop gap between employment.

Also, his heart was fucked. He would have died even if the hospital didn't fuck up and didn't send his paper work across.

The system is difficult for good reason, when you're handing out state funds you need accountability and several checks to discourage fraud, as fraudsters will try to game the system.

Had his hearing gone ahead he would have got his money, the hearing would have cost the tax payer thousands and Daniel wouldn't have to pay it back.

Aside from the fact the film is very biased, it's shows the benefits system in this country works.

oh good another conservative thread

Watching it now. Wish me luck.

>What I object to is dole scum not feeling the appropriate amount of shame for accepting this charity
>poor people should feel bad for being poor

15 minutes in. Fuck it's like Tyrannosaur all over again. Help.

which was a great film as is daniel blake

I don't even have anything against the dole or poor people using it.

But when I see m8's who, if they limited themselves SOMEWHAT, could own a studio flat by now, crying that they can't get any Bennies despite having 50,000 dollar cars that they write off on tax, I feel like some people really have no clue that the government isn't their (already generous) parents.

Is the character just being a difficult smart ass there or are we meant to believe an adult male couldn't figure out how to use a mouse?

>as is daniel blake
it features really bad comedy and unremarkable cinematography. so far, not impressed. at least it's not edgy as FUCK like Tyrannosaur.

I'm sorry but if you cant into ken you are a fucking undesirable

Whatever, it seems to be a hundred minutes of hideous British people shouting at government employees. Cannes is a joke.

most people over the age of 50 havent touched a computer in their life m8

kill yourself you utter pleb

i've been on benefits before and honestly having to deal with the people at the job center was so uncomfortable i never want to be unemployed again

Sorry I offended you mate. But Cannes is a total fucking joke. Dheepan could have been amazing, but it turned into a shitty crime thriller in the second half. Fahrenheit 9/11 is garbage. The White Ribbon is well-made but that's not why it won and you know it. In fact, I can't think of a single winner of the last 20 years that deserved it.

why are you talking to me like im some cannes representative or if i care about cannes at all?

Because I am pissing all over your face and it's salty and in your eyes.

>I've been on benefits before
Get some dignity if I was you I would rather kill myself or be myself

suck it up buttercup snowflake sjw

typical plebeusz


My favourite hollywood capekino never won anything booooo


Any rightist propaganda never won anything boooo

Yeah leftist propaganda winning is soooooo much better.

Tree of Life is the only winner of the last 20 years that's good.

That is what I thought. Hollywood murrica must win. Go watch some ACADEMY awards

America has the most Palme wins out of any other country. We own you, we own the world.

You dont own me. All i have comes from china

And it'll be reduced to ash when we bomb the shit out of you.

T. Poland
We are friends and allies don't bomb pls

Then don't fucking defend Cannes to me you piece of shit.

Ok lets talk about Venice then

Ok. Fucking Jackie wins best screenplay. WHY?!

Revolutionary didascalia

>or are we meant to believe an adult male couldn't figure out how to use a mouse?
Yes, a good number of men who worked as cooks, machinists and labourers prior to the 80's and workplace safety overhauls now have hand tremors from RSI's or other workplace injuries and are incapable of ever competently operating a computer.

Tragedy is watching an old man reduced to tears trying to lodge a job application online because every time he painstakingly lines up the cursor tries to tick the disclaimer box his hand spasms and it gets thrown to the other side of the screen.

ITT: Americans

what dull twit would actually consider this TV movie a masterpiece?


>Had a full time job
>Lived in a council house his entire life
>didn't purchase a property in Newcastle with a full time job in the 70s
>A chippy with 30 years experience couldn't find work in 30 minutes for some reason


One of two things explains this film

1. He spent every single penny he earned in the bookies and in the pub


2. He burnt his money whenever he received it


The fault in the system is that he didn't have any savings, investments, assets or pension. I mean I'm 25 and I'm saving money for a rainy day, shit happens. Our hero Daniel Blake was what 55 and still living in a council house despite the fact he worked all his life? That's the real fault

That is ultimately his fault and the question should be how do we incentivise behaviours which would lead to the things I wrote above.

Basic economics

Don't call them benefits. Call them charity.


I was on unemployment benefits for 6 weeks over the summer. Shit was horrible and I made sure I sent out 12 applications a day, going on any interview I could get until I was employed. I didn't even need to because I have a lot of savings.

Being unemployed and on benefits sucks.

The Official 'what should you do in Daniel Blakes position' Tier Rankings

Partrician Tier
Live off investments, Early retirement, Alternative source of income

Responsible Member of Society Tier
Live off savings, Remortgage House, Rent out room

Acceptable Tier
Sell car, Sell luxury goods

Medically Retarded Tier (The 'Ken Loach/Daniel Blake' Special'
Do nothing for 30 years, Throw money out the window, Vote Corbyn, Die

Not meant to be enjoyable it's meant to be a safety net. The point of benefits is to get off benefits

This. People on benefits are living at the expense of all of us. It is our duty to make sure they understand this.

what about people with on arms, no legs or down syndrome people?

They can work part time. I see downsies ripping movie tickets all the time.

Most employers have a quota of disabled people. If you're missing a limb you're almost certain to get a decent paying office job if you put a tiny amount of effort in.

If you've got Down syndrome you should get assistance, but don't call it a benefit, its charity.

Two points

1. If they cannot be productive members of society then they should be viewed as charity cases and should be treated as such. Not in a derogatory way they are literally charity.

2. Many disabled people and their families are desperate for work because it gives them self worth and autonomy. Downs Syndrome in particular parents are DESPERATE for their kids to go out and do something. If you change the system it makes it even less likely employers will hire disabled people.

and you're honestly telling me that down syndrome type people can live off their part time job ripping movie tickets?

Why does this movie trigger conservashits so much?

no. that's why the majority of them live with their parents. that's why their parents collect a social security check every week on their behalf.

because poor people don't deserve dignity and the movie preaches the opposite.

hatred of the poor and the empathy gap


Why do you hate poor people ? And why do you live to work ?

>having to deal with the people at the job center was so uncomfortable i never want to be unemployed again

This is not a coincidence.

t. used dole for 18 months, never again

> carpenter for 30 years
> poor

>Sup Forums NEETs boiling down political and social situations that they've only witnessed through the lens of Sup Forums

I love these episodes. It's like watching monkeys discuss economics.

>Sup Forums NEETs boiling down political and social situations that they've only witnessed through the lens of Sup Forums
I don't know what this means
talk like a normal person

But I'm poor and have lived off of public welfare before and I think this movie was fucking retarded.

When I was on welfare I was 19 years old and didn't have a career.

Daniel Blake worked for decades as a tradesman living in a council house. Others in this thread have pointed out exactly why he is the only one responsible for his situation.

>Why do you hate poor people
Because they are a blight on society. Dirty unwashed beggars hanging around transit hubs begging me for money for "food" (heroin, alcohol, etc). Sick of smelling the urine in Penn Station, the shit, the cracked faces and sleeping urchins. Disgusting subway cars. Hopeless washed out eyes.

>Why do you hate poor people ?
why do you love them?

people in this thread should become Christians it would make them better people

Again, you can't use logic with these people

My Aunt's fella has been a chippy all his life and is fucking minted, he lives in Manchester, which is about as crap as Newcastle.

I want one of the bleeding hearts in this thread to answer.

1. After 30 years of non stop hard work as a well paid tradesmen did Daniel Blake, literally, not have a penny to his name?

I'm sure you work 9.5 hours a day. Get fucked, loser.

Because they are temporarily embarrassed millionaires and they can't comprehend the plot of the movie.

He isn't retired. He had a heart attack at work and his doctor told him he isn't allowed to go to work or he might die. So he tries to navigate the benefits system until that time he is able to work again. The system, however, is fucked and doesn't have a protocol in place for hos situation, he doesn't fit neatly into any of the categories. This is compounded by the fact that almost everything is digital now so someone who hasn't used a computer in their life (yes, people like that exist) needs help, but can't get it because the job centres are understaffed due to budget cuts.

This situation wouldn't happen in Norway or Denmark. If you lose your job in Norway, or somehow can't work, your job will pay you a lump sum of 9 to 12 months worth of salaries. If you haven't found a job in that time, the government will pay you 75% of your previous salary a month for up to two years. In Denmark the situation is similar, except the government will pay your full salary for a year.

Americucks don't know how bad they have it because they can't afford to travel to actual first world countries but go to shitholes like Mexico and then feel proud their country is barely not the third world.

And what is required for you to get all these benefits in Norway and Denmark? A tax number and a years worth of employment so that you have actually paid something into the system before you start getting benefits from it. That's it.

Enjoy the third world, cucks, I'm going snowboarding because I only work four days a week. Living in the first world sure is nice.

This is the best film of the decade so far, and maybe even Loach's best ever (big call). His anger at the injustice of it all is evident in every frame, as is his tenderness toward his characters, and in several scenes, the characters' kindness toward each other. I was in tears at the end.

To those who dismiss it as 'lefty crap' or something similar, you need to understand that this is what it is like. Government employees are expected to take the attitudes depicted in the film towards people. Human Beings. This world is of your making. It is what you wished for. I hope you are all pleased with yourselves, and I hope you never find yourself in Daniel Blake's position.

I, Daniel Blake should be required viewing for all elected officials and government employees.

>no yelling Polish people at job centre


>After 30 years of non stop hard work as a well paid tradesmen did Daniel Blake, literally, not have a penny to his name?

jesus christ you dumbass

This film is based in reality as much as Lord of the Rings or Star Wars.

Please stop trying to use logic to explain it or break it down as you can't because it's a fantasy created by a multi millionaire wanting to look good to the luvvies.

According the US governement, 45 million of american are poor

It's not about religion, i'm an atheist or non believer and this thread repulses me


Lads, we need to close down Sup Forums this guy has just pointed out TV and Movies aren't real and we shouldn't talk about them or their characters because they're not real.

How much is income taxed in Norway and Denmark? Let me look that up.
Ahhhh so this is the power of the "first world".

Gulag forrrrrr *scans thread* 20 please?

Many of these "poor" are on dozens of different socialized benefits that are burdened by the 250 million who actually work. They are incentivized to never leave the safety net because it pays to have kids without a father. The state is the parent.

What you pay in taxes in those countries (Scandinavia, France, ...) you would have to pay it to private companies in the US

When you leave home you'll realise just how easy it is to work hard and break even.

The film is about the lie of 'work hard and you'll be OK'. Lots of people work hard and die in the gutter, the world just isn't that simple. Everyone is out to fuck you, and old folk like this still live in a world where honesty prevailed.

Deal with an insurance company over a damaged car, or a court over criminal damage. See how far honesty and hard work gets you in the face of profit.

>Norway and Denmark
>50% income tax + 25% VAT

I love how you think your government is providing you with all those nice things when in fact it just takes money away from people and give it back to those who are incapable of planning their own finances.

> If you haven't found a job in that time, the government will pay you 75% of your previous salary a month for up to two years.
>Think this is a good thing

Gigantic fucking left utopian retard detected

>you would have to pay it to private companies in the US
Or I could just not pay private companies at all.

>Deal with an insurance company over a damaged car
PROTIP: If you get a police report on file for your damaged car insurance always pays out.

Yeah, but the roads are well maintained, the water is cheap, electricity isn't expensive, I have 100/100mbps fiber internet, university and masters is free, healthcare is ~200e for the year, after thay completely free even if you need open heart surgery.

Yes, you pay a lot of taxes but you get a lot of shit back too.

Fucking Americucks have been memed into believeing taxes = bad. America was most prosperous in the 50s when the top tax rate was 90%.

You idiots get everything you deserve. Have fun cutting out coupons, shopping at Wal-Mart and eating value meals at Burger Fast Food Place #256.

>If you lose your job in Norway, or somehow can't work, your job will pay you a lump sum of 9 to 12 months worth of salaries. If you haven't found a job in that time, the government will pay you 75% of your previous salary a month for up to two years.

That would be a contributory welfare system, and one I would gladly sign up for in place of the shitshow we currently have. In the UK benefits and council houses are handed out to people who have never worked, or do a little work, so that their lifestyle can be brought up to the same level as people who work full time and struggle to make ends meet. If the full time worker then falls on hard times they'll end up spending all of their savings and going through real hardship before they get any help. Really, the welfare state should help people who pay in, and let those who don't go and hang.

Oh, and if we had what you suggest then you can bet that Ken Loach's next film would be all about how unfair it is that the unemployed single mum of three kids by three different men gets less in handouts than people who just lost their well-paid job.

Like college and hospitals.

You think people are equal by giving them the freedom to do whatever they want and to care only for them and their family.
I think people are on free if some superior authority (the state) is here to ensure that everyone has an equal chance in life, especially on the matter of education and health

>but the roads are well maintained
same with here
>the water is cheap,
$5 a month
>electricity isn't expensive
$15 a month
>I have 100/100mbps fiber internet
$50 a month
>university and masters is free
Community college is a few grand a semester. Transferred to a state school for free after two years.
>healthcare is ~200e for the year, after thay completely free even if you need open heart surgery.
Yeah my employer's insurance plan is better than that.

You sound a little mad you have to have all your income taken away lol

Wait hol' up?

You have to pay an insurance company for healthcare on top of your taxes? Some socialist paradise

Ken Loach is vomiting as we speak

>having more of your own money to spend as you choose is bad

Why is it that more people emigrate to the UK rather than Denmark? Why is it that far, far more people emigrate to the USA rather than Denmark?

One thing America does very well is integrating new immigrants

>When you leave home you'll realise just how easy it is to work hard and break even.

I'm not going to get into a pissing match about where I am in my life but I left home many years ago. And I seem to be doing alright thank you very much.

Unlike the fictional Mr Loache. I live within my means, I save money, I have investments and am 2 years away from paying off my mortgage. I have other shit going on but I cba to go over it.

>Deal with an insurance company over a damaged car,
Yes? And? Some silly cow swerved up against me and the entire thing was sorted within 20 days? What's the problem?

>or a court over criminal damage
No frame of reference for this

This film is a fucking fallacy and it seems to be fooling reasonably well educated people...

>a few grand a semester

I think a masters degree (so 5 years of education) isn't even 800€ in my country


>Why is it that more people emigrate to the UK rather than Denmark? Why is it that far, far more people emigrate to the USA rather than Denmark?
yeah really why is that? I thought Norway and Denmark were paradises.

Hard to get a foothold one supposes...

I was once in a relationship with an achingly beautiful Norwegian girl who lived near a Fjord and everything, even spoke about moving there etc... then life happened, fuck.

haha, off to kill myself.