>Also posting links and general happening info thread
Other urls found in this thread:
Then it's already too late. Martial law will be coming soon, after the RNC will disbar Trump from running.
The next 'protest' will come soon after, it will be in LA and a large police presence will be there.
don't let this be slid.
Why isnt this thread getting replies it has great links
>artist is shindol
Post all of the screenshots from unknown user. I heard there were dozens.
new rare for the collection desu sempai
Its a posibilety. Niggers got no skill and whites have again lead.
Like the white man gave the nigger freedom.
Like the white man created the black man. Showed him civilazation.
The white man will undo the nigger by his actions.
Looks like was completely right. This is someone that was trained. Niggers can't flank for shit. Anyone can hype themselves up to kill. This guy knows tactics.
Get ready for Martial Law.
Kill yourself summerfag
plump bump
delete this
bump, how fake/10 is this, and could mystery user just be FBI user that is now in hiding?
is the Zero Hour finally upon us, lads?
So I was late on this, just to be clear.
He posted this information before the shots were fired?
The poster we need, but don't deserve
More like newfag
Has that Intellibro guy posted anything?
After, Sup Forums is just in a habbenign craze
He posted saying bombs were planted all over dallas then i shit you not an hour later the police chief comes on tv and says that one of the suspects said they planted bombs every where
This deserves it's own thread
Did his flag really just say 'xx' when you went to save it?
Yes. He did.
I Pray for it.
The gov has to show utter dominance.
The is only the law and nothing more.
Dont listen to this fucking shill i was in the thread
What the fuck?
Yes, saved as a gif too
Haha oh god my screenshot is circulating. I love you guys.
Hold on, is this real?
Dude what time zone were you? When was that posted?
holy fucking shit
help, I am noguns and live next to 98% black city
Dat time
Dat date
Yup. In one of the generals not long ago the same flag posted
"Told you guys. Hope everybody is all right"
I think thats what anons try to find out. Must collect everything.
Maybe mistery user did hack nigger chats.maybe mistery user is one of them.
Stay in the basement and don't go outside. In other words, keep what you're doing, and you'll be fine.
Maybe one of the suspects using a proxy and posting on Sup Forums? Could be a possibility
Kekkers nice one russia
I saved it
so, it was a dindu this time or what?
>Who is mystery user?
He uses language like "race war"
Obvious troll.
Maybe the softair nigger from the fox vid.
Can I get a summary of whats happening here?
Is this before the dallas thing happened or is this mystery man saying more is coming?
East Coast near ATL. I noticed some stuff on here a couple days ago and just started screenshotting.
Move inland or join the police.
Post the screenshot
But the post about Dallas is from after the shooting started, no?
What time zone was this taken in?
Because if its US this is fake.
Let's see more of that thread if there are any clues.
I didnt screenshot it because i thought it was just some shitposter
Eastern user I screenshotted it
Also 5th officer killed. Last suspect held up in high rise
almost wish the shooter is white now with skills like that
How does one get a ? flag, anyway? What IPs are even seen as "anonymous proxy" rather than a country? tfw my VPN doesn't have non-country specific options
Checked ty
posted it here
Yeah it was. I refuse to buy into any of this until "Bombs" detonate like he said cause so far it looks like it all adds up, I guess.
Looking at his posts I'm spooped. There might be Muslim terrorists in Dallas.
You can use a satellite connection.
Press conference just said tomorrow they expect most of the city to be locked down. Police seem to think the bomb threat is real, mystery user was legit
Post already taken down, don't bother looking for it. Luckily my friend screencapped it immediately after I sent it to him.
I still have the webpage of it up. What should I do? Respond to it?
Reminder to not sell your soul to Kikes.
can confirm for real
I honestly don't know, man. I'm fucking spooked right now.
>implying mystery user isn't FBI user warning of a false flag to cover for shitlery getting out of jail free
user plz.
Niggrs must be wiped out.
5 man dead doing there duty to country and ppl.
So, this is the endgame? Fuck, I donno what to do.
Dallas here, I live about 7 mins from downtown.
I hear gunshots all the time but I just heard 10 in sequence that sounded like an ar.
I'm not a summerfag I'm just dumb
Late to the party here, fresh from /vp/
Best I can discern after browsing a few threads is that there are snipers posted up in Dallas, it's a false flag to distract from Hillary's email dodging and FBI cocksucking, there was some kind of ad posted on Craigslist regarding needing actors, and now this user with some sort of mystery flag posted a warning which has confirmed the now ongoing situation
Is that about it or anything I'm missing?
yes respond right now
New one in Tampa. Mystery user relied to the post!
What exactly is a crisis actor? A staged shooting of some kind? For what purpose? Wouldn't it just cause unneeded negativity for all parties involved, I'm missing where one gets leverage out of this
It was taken down. I am responding to the one that said it was a scam and the one in Tampa.
>Pic is another mystery post.
oh shit, confirmed
good thing I dont need to go to tampa today
Why didn't you include the part about white sjw?
God, Mars is perfect.
Do you guys think Blacks will be able to create their own state in Texas?
Not in Texas
Vet probably.
Hey anons, i´m back, from the other threads, the suspect is dead apparently but the bomb threat is still very real (hypothetically), there might be more people connected. A sixth police officer has died, apparently the others arent going to make it through either. I still advice any of you guys who are in Dallas to get the fuck out of there.
Spics could try. Blacks have no turf here
Fuck you, I want to go sleep already
My nigger with the triple 0's
Trying to breed pyroar male but no luck now I hear about this