I heard something was habbening in burgerland? Has anyone heard anything? Anything at all?
I heard something was habbening in burgerland? Has anyone heard anything? Anything at all?
You're late straya.
>15 cops dead
>39 niggers dead
>82 others injured
>39 niggers dead
>82 others injured
Sauce on that? That's not real.
We're fucked, everything is fucked
Get as far away from America as you c
>two niggers with guns were reaching for something when the police checked them out or were trying to subdue them
>both shot in self defence
>black lives matter chimps out
>niggers now snipe police in Dallas, at least 4 cops dead, several in life-threatening condition, 11 injured
>bombs allegedly placed throughout Dallas
So .... basically blacks in America have proven themselves that they are homicidal dangerous motherfuckers who ought to be shot on sight.
Nuclear weapon went off in Dallas, Texas
It's gone
Was this another democrat red flag activity for a hard gun control stance for the election or have niggers finally dundosumfing?
They are rounding them up in camps T_T wtf why is no one reporting this all the protesters they are throwing them in camps!!!!
>blacks are now the kid who brought a gun to school after getting bullied too much
race war basically just started
this will be the summer of the WILD NEGRO killing whitey
eventually its going to redpill even the bluest of white liberal faggots into going full KKK
At a black lives matter protest, 4 black snipers shot 11 cops, killing 5 and probably instigating a race war.
I live there. Did I sleep through it? Did sleep save me from the one thing I dream of? The irony is palpable.
I haven't heard anything newsworthy
If those two didn't have guns on them, they wouldn't have been shot in the first place.
Burger reporting live from the scene, I've been shot, I think snipers are in the buil
I thought BLM were a student protest group, did they go full retard
source: archive.is
I don't know what I expected.
Actually I do know what I expected, better fucking quality than this shit.
Oakland here.
I hear explosions outside. Repeated, somewhat quiet. Irregular. Maybe fireworks, maybe gunshots. Legitimately nervous.
BLM set up a trap for the cops, staged a protest and picked off the policemen that showed up.
3+ nigs with sniper rifles showed up, they had to have been planning this before the route was announced.
stay safe burgerbro
>Has anyone heard anything?
apparently it's to do with an amendment to their holy constitution... something about public shitting being a god-given right... dunno
Thanks. Heard a car pulling away at high speeds. Quiet for now. Now a helicopter above.
Feel like this is normal night stuff I'm shook from what happened in Dallas. Those gunmen were trained.
4 more years for obama, well played
in Dallas, can confirm there is nothing left
Chaos Reigns.
They're allowed to have guns Ahmed
That's not the question.
The question is when they told police they have guns, and police is pointing their guns at them, why do they reach for their pockets? Police must think they are going for their guns, so their killing them is simple self defence.
Any retard understands that except sub 50 IQ blacks.
>License and registration, please
>Officer, before we go any further I'd like you to know I have a license to conceal and carry as is my Constitutional right, and I am currently armed