WHY does she go out with him?
WHY does she go out with him?
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She probably could tell he was a little socially awkward, but she wanted to give him a chance and see what he's like once you get to know him. Unfortunately, she found out he was just a lousy, perverted guy.
He dresses nice, he's bold, he doesn't care about the politics, he correctly guesses her feeling about her job and he makes her think on the spot about going out with him.
You can do it to. I believe.
>In the American Film Institute's AFI's 100 Years... 100 Heroes and Villains, Bickle was named the 30th greatest film villain of all time.
How is he a villain exactly?
Because he was a young angry white male virgin.
Baby Bobby D is cute. CUTE!
He tried to murder a senator. Did you watch the movie?
Because he's a Trump supporter.
cybill shepherd was smokin back in the day
Cause he's a prophet and a pusher, partly truth, partly fiction. A walking contradiction
Fuck this thread. I'm giving up
this is why you should never give "nice guys" a chance
Because she hadn't yet seen his power level. It isn't that difficult for a marginally attractive robot to get a FIRST date.
take hot bird to porno, good idea champ.
Who the fuck are you talking to?
He's the protagonist though. And didn't actually go through with the murder plot and ended up redeeming himself by saving the prostitute from a life of destitution.
He's more of an anti-hero I'd say.
damn breh
Shit this was supposed to be aimed at
he tried to kill an innocent man
film 101 : protagonist =/= hero
p much this
the boldness is the main part though.
hes clearly more of an anti hero with severe psychological problems. he was mad at the world that rejected him, much like Sup Forums. losing the girl was the final straw so he tries and fails to kill the senator wanting to go out big and having done something meaningful. after that he does a little reexamination and convinces himself he'll be a hero for saving the girl, and he genuinely felt bad for her. and then the ending is ambiguous because despite being a "hero", you know hes a very unwell man who should be receiving treatment not simply free to live in society, and so you dont know if its real or his own fantasy
>ITT characters who are literally you
plz stahp I can't take it
After seeing that he was the guy just staring at her from his cab, I would think she be worried about leading him on but I hear you.
These are very good points. He did have the balls to just come right up to her.
That's kinda scary, but he drives a cab. He has no ambition whatsoever. That should have set off some bells but I guess she was just giving him the benefit of the doubt.
She was a qter Diane Kruger
>go to skin flick as a date
Power move or spaghetti?
>Robert De Niro asked her out during the filming of Taxi Driver (1976). She turned him down, and he did not speak to her, except in character, for the rest of the filming. She later said that she regretted turning him down.
fucking bullshit, diane kruger is perfect and no one is a better version of her
>she found out he was just a lousy, perverted guy
What did he do wrong? Because as they're walking into the theater, you can see other couples. Clearly she was just a prude.
schizotypal personality disorder
He needs to get organizized
So what was the purpose of the Scorcese scene with the cheating wife?
Calculated mistake. Regardless, what wrong with it? Right as they walk in, you can see another couple sitting there, so it's not like he's the first one to do so.
Can Kruger do this?
Every movie needs a hero.
Diane is more beautiful while Cybil was cuter imo
What, sing? Hardly a very difficult or rare skill. Can Cybill speak pretty much every Romance language as well as English and German?
Cybill's singing is a universal language.
It think it's where he gets the idea to shoot palantine. In his mind, Betsy is like the guys wife, and Palantine is the nigger. Travis sees people bring prostitutes to the porno theater, so he figures it's a good place for a date. He doesn't really understand what normal human behavior is other than what he observes around him.
Diane Kruger makes Cybill look like a gypsy's streetside dropping.
Fuck off with your garbage tier post op waifu. There's nothing wrong with having objectively inferior preferences, but I'm not going to sit quietly while you insult Cybill Shepherd.
Diane Kruger has never had any work done you twat. Here's a 21 year old pic for reference.
Never had any work done outside of the groin area.
I don't follow. Anyway I reread your comment and sorry I didn't mean to be mean to your waifu, I just wanted to make sure you understood that Diane is different and perfect in her own way.
Yeah I went back up and realized someone else brought her into the conversation first. Oh well, I guess the thread was dead anyway.
Waifuism is the social lubricant of Sup Forums. It brings us together and gives us something to talk about. And for what it's worth I respect you for having an older waifu.
A waifu is not about looks but personality as well. But how can you know the real personality of a celebrity if you don't know them personally?
>thinking that a cartoon can have more of a personality than a human
Pro tip: 2D isn't fucking real you retard anime waifus are trash
It's called moe. It's not just for 2d girls anymore!
God this was such a bad movie. I assume people only liked it because of the camera techniques. I assume they were impressive for the time but they're very common place now
I like it because it's the only movie I've seen that has a relatable main character.
she could have prevented this
my fucking sides
She should have ran when he ordered an apple pie with cheese on top. APPLE PIE WITH CHEESE!!!! Really? Do Americunts really eat this shit or was this to highlight just how fucking insane he was?
Point is that with a fictional character you see their personality since you observe them. With a celebrity all you know is their public persona. If you think anime is trash then don't use anime terms.
The animator has to create all of their actions and choose what they're going to say though. It's more artificial than a celebrity because it's 100% not real whereas you can still see glimpses of a celebrities personality.
Did I say anime was trash? I said anime waifus are trash
>It's more artificial
That's the point. Waifus have an idealistic personality most real people can't match.
im sure theres people who do it
seems strange to me every time i watch it though
common to get pie with a scoop of ice cream or whipped cream
maybe bickle doesnt care to differentiate between dairy foods
Apple pie with melted cheese is what Ed Gein (the real life serial killer which inspired The Texas Chainsaw Massacre) insisted the police bring him in exchange for a confession (it was one one his favorite meals). De Niro added this bit in to make Travis seem more unhinged.
her modelling days before she went into acting were her prime.
Because Bickle is a dangerous force without adequate guidance
Give him a year and he'll be gunning down a diner of innocents instead of a brothel
>Waifus have an idealistic personality most real people can't match.
Yes I know? Most people put their crushes on a pedestal and ignore any flaws it's so common. You didn't really reply to me my main point so as I said anime waifus are trash
cuck propaganda
Travis Bickle is basically Sup Forums made flesh, autism and all. youtu.be
Those are some ugly fucking niglets.
>I said anime waifus are trash
Without a good argument.
>Without a good argument.
not an argument
He was attractive and had the confidence to ask her, a complete stranger, out
>How do you want your children?
He was mysterious and confident, 2 attractive features of a man.
he also made a blanket assumption about her, which made her feel special. Again, women love that.
What I don't get is when they go to the cinema, as they are about to go in she says "This is a dirty movie" and smirks, like she's sort in to it. What did she mean by this?
Thought the same thing
Maybe she thought it was some sort of elaborate joke.
You callin' me a pusher?
looks like Elle
>He dresses nice
His outfit's embarrassing as fuck, in any historical context. His outfit being laughable was supposed to be a given.
What did she mean by this?
that's brie larson
>In the American Film Institute's AFI's 100 Years... 100 Heroes and Villains, Bickle was named the 30th greatest film villain of all time.