Is this kino? What side were you on?
Is this kino? What side were you on?
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Stop saying kino and other homosex words, donkey.
Team Cat here
>that scene where the cats introduce crack into dog neighbourhoods
>that scene where the dogs fund wahhabi insurgent groups to destabilize the cats nations and then have to fight the same insurgent groups after they invade
I vaguely remember thinking as a kid that there were two versions of this movie, one where the cats won and one where the dogs won. That's not true, is it?
maybe you're thinking of cats & dogs 2 where cats are also good guys and cats and dogs team up to fight a rogue cat.
Oh man this was an absolute classic. Thanks for the Nostalgia
homosex donkey
>Attention human workers, this is your employer Mr mason. Effective immediately you are all fired. That's right, fired. Go home now. Do not ask why. You are to blame. Unless you have a dog; then blame him. In fact, kick him when you get home. That is all. Cats rule.
>TFW too intelligent for dogs
homosex donkey
>mfw my team is red hot
>yfw your team aint diddly-squat
what an autist
t. inferior dog person
A man shouldn't choose cats over dogs. Do you enjoy it when you get disrespected and clawed? Whats next for you is being a cuck, user
The cats vs dog war is propaganda perpetrated by chipmunks.
Why do you want a pet that exists only to make you feel bigger and good about yourself? Pretty obvious sign of insecurity.
>"I have a bat!"
>"I have a mitt!"
>Jeff Goldbum actually holds the mitt like it's a weapon
It's alright
Why do you want a pet that exists only to make you feel submissive and inferior about yourself? Pretty obvious sign of immaturity.
It was kino and I'm on the Russian's side
homosex donkey
IIRC the packaging for the VHS had two special editions that featured a cat or dog prominently.
It was kid kino when I watched it a long time ago.
only effeminate, weak men own cats, real men own big doggos.
not weak men, user. fake men own cats.
stop propagating your homosex words, faggot.
fatfucks shambling about in sweatpants and faded out Jack Daniel's tanks and tacky gold jewellery confirmed for real men. on Sup Forums I can see why that would be important.
i prefer the prequel desu
nice projection, ladyboy
have fun cleaning up your cats litterbox shit you cuck
kek You're actually describing yourself, obesegirl.
Why do (((birds))) approve this movie
>'woof ain't me' starts playing
for people who've got such a problem with cats you're pretty fucking catty. just saying.
Fuck you, my cat loves me.
Nope it wouldn't wait for you to get cold before eating you
protip: When a cat licks you it's not showing affection. It's tasting you to see if you're ready to "have an accident" leaving cat "trapped" in house with nothing else to eat but you.
> t. Retarded 6 year old who pulled on a cats tail / whiskers
Or are you so much of a pussy you actually get hurt when a cat kneads you?
no, this is catty.
these are being factual truthful
Stockholm Syndrome is a scary thing.
>thinks being clawed is the same as kneading
>does not deny being disrespected by cat
delusional and emotionally damaged (You)
t. cat cuck
I'm saying it's never happened to me, and i've only seen it happen to retarded 6 year olds who pull on their whiskers and or tails. Unless you're so much of a pussy that you classify kneading (which admittedly does involve the claws, but to a degree i would consider anyone bitching about it a pussy) as 'getting clawed.'
Unless you're literally autistic to the point you can't understand an animals body language, you can see when a Cat does and does not want physical attention.
You can live your whole life owning cats avoiding all but the most superficial of scratches, so long as you're not a retard, a pussy or autistic.
I always have to ffw past the shower rape scene but yeah it's quality
if you are team cat you should fuck off back to r*ddit
I have zero issues with this. Getting eaten by worms is no way to go.
When I go, I prefer a sky burial, but being eaten by a cat is OK, too.
mmm yes, my dear, how delectable
oh yes, yes, quite a musky décolletage, I do declare
>When I get a wife I'd prefer a black bull but a white one is OK, too
>not getting a cockatoo so you can feel like you're caring for an autistic child 24/7
I'm saying deluded emotionally damaged girls (and fakemen) believe that they're being kneaded (or patted) when they're being clawed.
>never happened
>but the most superficial of scratches
contradictorily delusional liar-to-self
you probably tell yourself your cat loves you, don't you?
What exactly is the issue with this, seems practical. If I was trapped with nothing to eat I'd eat the cat also.
This is how retarded you sound.
>that scene where the dogs pooped on the cats' owners backyard, therefore violating the NAP,prompting the cats to fire a tomahawk missile at the dog owners home
>dares to eat a cat
>compares being clawed by cat to shaving
>thinks shaver would intentionally slit your throat
kek Actually, you're the one who sounds retarded.
I'm comparing a shaving cut to slitting of the throat, the same way you're comparing a superficial scratch to being "Clawed."
lol confirmed 70-year-old fat homoqueen
go back to Sup Forums, grandma
>unable to deny cats claw
>redefine clawing
your quivering gymnastics is amusing
thank god for the information age
Lol'ing at the thought of there being a time when this would have been considered an intelligent way of looking at the cats vs. dogs argument. That shit is the kind of thing I would expect an edgy middle schooler to say.
Cats. Superior technology and just cuter.
Why would you care to keep an animal that doesn't give a fuck about you and only puts up with your hit because you feed it around?
Dogs more or less love you unconditionally and are genuinely happy to be around people. Plus a good dog will protect and honor you.
This faggot forgot the part about how a dog will fucking murder to protect you. But yeah, enjoy you dick head cat who's so cool it doesn't give a fuck about anything.
>Private connor reporting for duty
>has specialist rank on
>what is it good for
>absolutely nothing
I love you user
been waiting for this reply
this is retarded and wrong
>ignores bomb-sniffing dogs
>ignores rescue dogs searching for survivors
>ignores dozens others of canine working roles in human society
either lame attempt at trollery or a massive ignoramus born and raised in a cave
Pretty sure cats can do all of that, too.
This. To be clear though cats are not retarded and wrong. It's cat owners who are retarded and wrong.
Remember that cat owners have literal brain parasites eating their brain RIGHT NOW.
You can't talk to them like normal people.
Of course, they can. But they won't because they don't care about humans. To cats humans are merely tools and servants who they'll stay with and when they find better food down the road they'll pretend to be lost and years later stupid cat owner finds them and delusionally says that the cat was lost when in reality the cat left. (Yeah, this actually happened. Cat owner tearfully said cat was lost but years later cat was found with another family down the road. lmao)
>hating on cats
>on Sup Forums
I saw vid clip on YT where cat owner said in comment that cat was very happy to see owner arrive. But looking at vid it was very clear first thing cat did was try to get out the door cat owner had to quickly close the door. And cat owner delusionally claims the cat was ecstatic to see him. lol
no hate for cats. cats are cute. pity for cat owners. cat owners are stupid.
But I am a cat owner. And also a dog owner. People like you can fuck right off
That's just your brain parasite talking, calm down buddy.
You're half-stupid therefore I half-pity you.
>I am a cat owner
Wrong. You own the dog. The cat owns you.
What exactly is the point of a cat anymore? We used them to catch vermin but now we have traps and exterminators for that. Cats are like the middle bureaucracy in a third world shithole that don't actually do anything or add value to the role they play, but are just grandfathered in by a longstanding arrangement.
At least dogs work to make people happy
>All this cat hate
absolutely barbaric
Earth is an immersive gaming environment that Team Cat and Team Dog are fighting over.
>the relevant part of australia is the cat
makes sense
proof that i was pushed! see?
Sheppards are kinda easy going dogs tho, real men turn an asshole dog into their sumissive bitch
Neither do dogs tho
>mfw I prefer pigs
Dogs look up to you, cats look down on you, but pigs literally don't give a single fuck about you either way, and thats what I admire.
Unlike horses and cows and other farm animals that get spooked by people, a pig will stare at you with an air of complete indifference
>Who the fuck are you? Got any food? I'm gonna sniff and nip you just to check.
I may eat pigs, but I also respect them more than any other animal.