>a 5th police officer has died in Dallas
I'm not sure I can take much more of this. Comfort me, Sup Forums. Help me see the silver lining again.
>a 5th police officer has died in Dallas
I'm not sure I can take much more of this. Comfort me, Sup Forums. Help me see the silver lining again.
its time for you ameripig. ^^ who cares about americans ^^ DIE
60% whites can take out 13% blacks. Just do it
I'm glad white cops are getting btfo.
Based blacks are based, I'm considering joining the fight if a race war adults, it'll be an honor to fight side by side with black people in the removals of the cancer that is the white race.
Breed the females and btfo the males
Turkroach die
true. we don't want to end up like France.
Exactly, act now and save yourself.
I want to violently rape Judy Jumpps.
>pedro saves pictures of women he will never see in his life so he can roleplay as Poncho Villa
>hasn't even seen snow in his life
>his wife is 4'6 and weighs 200 pounds
that's laudable, Paco, but niggers hate beaners, and even if you put your tiny heads together the best you'll come up with is a low-level, easy crushed insurrection.
source: beaner and nigger histories, such as they are
The rabbit from Zootopia would have celebrated taking out these racist fucks.
Don't you have a magic carpet to be under?
I live in Cancún, pretty much the biggest tourist attraction in Mexico, we get a steady flow of white pussy from the US, it is not uncommon for me and my bros to bang your women, I'm fluent in English so fucking white girls is never a problem, they put out a lot of pussy.
I cum inside as much as I can, maybe some of my copies will cuck your people too.
haha stupid ass mexican taco
you can't even take care of yourselves
fuck off puto supporting mayates
is the worse
The silver lining is US experiencing transformation in Brazil. So the police will transform into these guys, get snipers of their own and start treating certain districts like warzones like death squads in BR do. Add stuff made by boston dynamics into equation and it gonna be glorious.
Or cut my lawn.
You work as a busboy for some hotel while white girls with their rich chad boyfriends walk past you and laugh and thank god they weren't born a dumb spic in a shithole cartel-run country
stay mad paco
How are they racist? Because some cops in another state got jumpy and shot a black guy?
I don't understand why people think cops kill blacks out of racism. Why would anyone risk ruining their careers and reputations to blow away some random asshole for shits and giggles?
have they ever given you an STD?
I fucked some bitch in Arizona once and the cunt gave me gonorrhea. That was like 5 years ago and I've never fucked without a condom since.
yeah sure it's gonna be fun until boston dynamics transitions into omnicorp and eventually skynet
the robot dog manhunters won't be so glorious then
>I don't understand why people think cops kill blacks out of racism.
Because subhumans don't understand the concept of law. They think cops attack them because they personally hate them. Like nigga was just minding his own business robbing the store and then white cop killed him for nothing.
>it is not uncommon for me and my bros to bang your women, I'm fluent in English so fucking white girls is never a problem, they put out a lot of pussy.
>t. totonaco
wasn't it just an injured cop dying?
>and eventually skynet
What puzzles me is that skynet is still seen as bad thing. I mean, any intelligent life on the planet is preferable to the cancer of humans.
How's that leather taste?
What difference does it make if it takes 2 seconds or 2 hours for the officer to die from a gunshot, other than how long they suffer? They were still shot and murdered by a terrorist.
>Judy Jumps.
this is such blatant manipulation, you dumb faggots. Clinton foundation and the network of corruption that is OUR GOVERNMENT sbout to be uncovered and send us to world war 3. A racewar distracts from anything
That's cool. Our police shoot your people on a daily basis over here, and most of the time it never makes the news.
The only good beaner is a dead one
a skynet scenario would not necessarily be an AI in charge of everything
it could be a corporation in charge of an AI, which is in charge of everything
I'm actually really scared myself, I wanted to join the police force myself, but with people acting like animals.. I'm seriously spooked.
are you white? its not going to be good for you.
more like 52% (((White))) including Italians and Kikes
The death toll is 6 now.
How many confirmed shooters was there?
I don't blame you. If you want to become a cop I would wait until after the election to decide. If Trump wins I think he will give law enforcement the support they need to restore order. If Hillary wins, things will be just as bad as Obama, if not worse.
Same here. Except for here I'm more worried about getting glassed by a guy and left horribly disfigured or getting hit in the back of a head and becoming a vegetable.
same here. but i'm a 6'4" 300 lb fucking white male that openly supports Trump. i strongly considered it once my cousin's husband joined the force. but what with BLM, and his beats are in the shittiest areas (he's been shot at and he's only been a cop for a little over a year). yeah, i can't do that. not with today's bullshit.
Guns don't kill people. Rooftops kill people.
Spics will team up with blacks. I see this shit in Chicago.
so you're a 4 ft tall brown half-person
America is 52% white, counting blacks, hispanics, asians, and native americans as white.
Jews are pushing a media narrative, same with people thinking everyone is a turban is a terrorist or that they're ISIS training camps in Texas. Jews are disinfomation masters, If you listen to them you come out dumber than you were before.
They tried the same shit in Germany, Mein Kampf etails their method
Don't forget Arabs and Black Sudanese and Somali's are technically White, So are Afghans and Siberian mongols, according to your government :p
Black lives are gonna splatter
Fuck, I'm shook. Those guys were trained. I dont know if these guys were militant BLM or ISIS or what but fuck they were ready.
Ban all highrise carparks. How many more sniper attacks must we endure?
we're not little kids that need dinosaurs to explain whatever it is you're trying to say. dummy
Pussy whipped burgers got freedom of speech and guns and cant stop the destruction of their nation from within
Look who's talking.
That's what you whites deserve for FORCING a poor person of color to shoot another person of color.
I hope that this Black Lives Matter hero shoots as many white pigs as possible.
We MUST eradicate the white race from America.
Keep licking those boots
I just can't get over how fucking blatant of a false flag all this shit has been, and how the government just within like a week's time has dropped all pretense that they are in any way legitimate, basically telling people fuck off we're above the law and we'll do whatever the fuck we want regardless.
What happened to embolden them this much? Is it globalist panic after Brexit? Are they accelerating their plans and just saying to hell with the consequences?
Wow guess I'm a Benjamin Francarson
This helps:
5th police officer has died in Dallas
We dont have freedom of speech, getting weapons legally is very difficult compared to the USA and underwent 70+ of anti german propaganda.
Burger dont have that and are tanking their nation faster than sweden
Fucken saved
who is this semen demon?
Why would it be a false flag? There is literally no need for it, they've been directly goading and enabling blacks to do this shit for the last half decade, if not longer.
Shocker, they finally did it. Thanks liberals, thanks establishment.
I want to see her fall on that glorious ass and bounce right back up.
Te voy a poner un ráfagaso entre los ojos pendejo
trying to make yourself look better by sladering sweden, truly shameful. sweden "tanking" is a literal autistic fantasy.
>trying this hard you memester
1/2 kek
Welcome to the collapse, nothing can stop it. It's only going to get worse.
>every retarded company chiming in on Twatter to demand an end of police violence against black people
>not a single one of them saying that maybe it isn't such a good idea to snipe cops all day long
I share your pain, beanlet. I constantly have to deal with German flags pretending to be the cuckest on Sup Forums for the (You)s, too.
I love sweden.
I want to fuck that rabbit.
I want to gently stroke her fur in a non sexual way
Bit early for the silver lining - wait till we know more.
I think you mean "How Americans think WW2 was" - buy you are only 5% of the world, remember.
Man I cried reading this
Love you ameribro
Please try to put leaf shit posting by proxy aside.
Poor Poland, lol
dude i go to cancun every year. in reality the white people fuck each other. nice fantasies though.
Rabbits are for killing, cooking, and eating.
They are not for sex.
Bang on. I have a condo in Playa. The white chick's there don't fuck beaners lol
fuck off you fucking cunt
>11 comrades get shot up for no reason
>5 of them die
>The DPD doesn't go after them with full force and manage to capture most of them alive
Commendable restraint. More than i could probably handle
silver lining is that you still have a good chance of being killed relatively painlessly
Italy should be lying dead at Britain's feet.
Don't speak so fast, son.
This tbqh
>i was holding my own at four, but five police officers i do not know at all is way too much
i mean it sucks they died but the difference seems insignificant to me
You guys should. Dont let them scare you. I joined because With all the evil in the world, it is my duty to protect others from these fucking animals. When the end times comes, i want to stand in front of Jesus and be welcomed in.
I'm pretty scared too dude I'm moving to Plano which is pretty near Dallas I was all excited about movint to texas but this news has got me worried, My dad is down in Plano right now too.
>he thinks non-whites have a chance of winning the race war
>all of a sudden everyone on Sup Forums is a statist bootlicker
What happener
5 is a rotation 10 is a week rotation 50 and up is a tragedy, and 100+ gets you a filter on Facebook
>that France
premium keks