Tomorrows NY post, Showing what happened in Dallas tonight
Well Sup Forums, What the fuck are we gonna do?
Tomorrows NY post, Showing what happened in Dallas tonight
Well Sup Forums, What the fuck are we gonna do?
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NY Post doesn't matter, moran.
Synthetic terrorism
Design to cover up @HillaryClinton crime of the century.
That's my guess.
Sensational headline.
It's not a civil war.
Since FBI user dropped some knowledge with the CF scandals. We should also investigate the media. It's become obvious that they are involved in advancing naratives, providing cover & assistance.
5th police officer confirmed dead
Is it Dindus or Religion of Peace?
Like anybody gives a shit what the Jew York Post communist kike propaganda rag has to say.
the new york post is the last conservative news paper you retard
I'm team captain america
they're literally promoting a civil war
>a few shooters
>a handful of cops dead
>civil war
Fucking tabloids
It's terrorism, not a civil war.
Please do not demean proper newspapers with this.
NY Post is a fucking tabloid AT BEST
>Fucking jews
fixed it for ya holland bro
Please don't post such lewd images of queen Natalia.
do you have any more of those pics?
The civil war I look forward to is the South along with Texas gives a big middle finger to the USA.
Yet they hate guns
>Four cops
are you thinking of the NY times?
why is KEK So powerful?
6 killed, not 4 or 5.
>civil war
>baiting this hard
the more the media fans the flames, the bigger the fire will get. don't forget that the media formed blm by publishing the lie that mike brown had his hands up before being shot as fact.
all media is just sociopathic sensationalism. anyone who consumes this tailored shit and believes it is automatically stupider than anyone who can seperate fact from showmanship. black media is must be tailored to blacks, "woke" blacks are just blacks who consume their own racial version of this shit.
You idiots are worse then the media
Liers and over reacters
Fuck off Wayne
Lel jack shit. Hide behind my keyboard and eat my cheetos
So when one you americans gone take revenge for the cops death to really start the fire.
>mfw it's islamic niggers
Can't wait for how the liberals defend this.
Now the armored vehicles and tanks make sense
the guys running the local news streams had to stop the feed every 5 minutes to say THIS IS THE WORLD WE LIVE IN NOW and so on
they are pushing this shit hard
I turned off the news for a minute.
Is it a happening? Dindu uprising?
Tha shooters din du nufin.
They gud boyz.
I'd love to but America Needs me.
You can enjoy your civil war, yanks.
I sure will.
Nigga wat
Memes are love. Memes are life.
Jesus Christ, you're such an autistic faggot.
Welp. I gotta find a copy of that
you're being cucked more and more every day you hapless wank... Londonistan? lmafo
jesus christ
i'm gonna watch dragon ball super
See what they just did there, Sup Forums? They justified the attack as the first battle of the BLM civil war, as in the attackers were just exercising their 2nd Ammendment rights against tyranny.
Not just that, but they stole the narrative of civil war sentiments against the HRC-protecting establishment.
I'd be impressed by the maneuver if I weren't so appalled.
Well, they better correct that shit.
It's 5 now, sadly.
I hope you realize liberals have been openly calling for the murder of police officers for days.
>talked about the up coming race war all year
>didn't prepare at all, just play games and jack off to weeaboo anime tentacle porn
>"What the fuck are we gonna do"
What I'm going to do is shitpost and watch you burgers shoot each other over livestream
No Takbir.
>anti-police protest
good, that's exactly what they are
lel at that pic
This nigger thinks the shooter was part of the "KKK" and chose to shoot police, instead of niggers at the protest because "KKK hates Police too!".
Fucking delusional.
So, for all our talk of Right Wing Death Squads...
The niggers beat us to it. We talk and boast and larp about our RWDS.
Well, here it is. Niggers. Fucking subhuman NIGGERS are forming actual, honest to god death squads and EXECUTING THEIR ENEMIES IN THE FUCKING STREETS ON LIVE TELEVISION!!
We should be fucking livid. We should be gearing up.
We should be in THEIR fucking neighborhoods TONIGHT gunning THEM down in the fucking streets.
But we won't.
Guys, this is what a death squad looks like.
Trained, aggressive, and with a clear target.
Not a bunch of NEETs and cucks bitching on Sup Forums and Daily Stormer comment sections.
only you can make your dreams come true user
Jesus, this logic.
>If you think a cop will shoot you, shoot him first then lay down with your hands on your head
>Follow the directions of the officer, speak respectfully and make no threatening motions
And they wonder why so many of them are getting shot.
Fuck off reddit. You're not one of us. You're talking down to us in the form of disguising yourself as one of our own by constantly saying we we we
Fuck off astroturfer
Blacks calling upon help from ISIS?
See pic.
>1 post by this ID
Muh sekrit club
Good argument against my theory
who gives a shit about your theory, he's right
You can't argue with a subhuman retard like this. The only solution is expulsion.
we're gonna need more memes
Can you explain why inciting white people on an anonymous imageboard to violence would be a good thing for us?
>muslims don't hate black people
this fool needs a history lesson
All I'm seeing is stupid blax saying
>see! they tryina exterminate us! We ain't gon' take dis no mo!
And stupid whites saying
>See! blax are out of control! They're trying to exterminate us. White genocide! We can't take this anymore!
Both have a victim-like, crybaby way of seeing everything. Both think they're smarter than the other at seeing through bullshit. I can't believe how retarded these fuckers are when it comes to media bait.
This, the modern mass media is a sick, sick institution.
>Anti Police protest hijacked by BLM
>The police get shot
>They didnt respond by opening fire
This really made me think.
Shitpost memes, same as always user.
>Sup Forumsretards "race war iz coming! I'm gonna kill all da nigs!!!"
kek none of you have balls to kill even a single black actually
Each relevant social media website is formatted to attract certain personality types that can be used push certain agendas. Sup Forums has been released.
yup , pretty much im going to sleep now
stupid happeingne
God I'd fuck Natalia so hard
I thought he got kicked out of blm and off social media for being a white fucking male?
Literally every race dislikes black people because black people are the only race who is behind by tens of thousands of years of genetic heritage.
It doesn't mean black people are being shit on purpose. They just need to go be shit, away from everyone else.
This is it Amerifats, martial law is coming. The NWO is going to make it's move and take total control.
Youre thinking of the NY Daily News
>media bait
You can't expect people to be able to see through the firewall of bait. If you think this makes them stupid you are just as much of a normie as they are.
Arabs are said to actually be more racist to Blacks then whites.
WTF burgers?!
Get your shit together, stop acting like dindus!
>pic related
>that post
Should I leave to a better country?
Like yours?
>NY Post
We're full m8
>he doesn't collect pepes
glad I'm in a white country for a few weeks
t. americunt
That's a good thing because Burgers are the only population not cucked into oblivion and can thus possibly defend themselves.
god speed
>people actually read the new york post, the new york times OR the daily news
glad im not the only one who hates this faggot
>"...but your life was forfeit the moment those flashing lights came on."
Seriously fuck these apes for believing this bullshit. Don't act like a stereotypical nigger and you won't end up dead, HATE FACT FAMALAM
>We should be gearing up.
Shit bro, I'll be CC'ing just like every other day.
Although I might go ahead and put my rifle and bug-out bag in the truck of my car when I go to work today.
It appears to have been planned some time ago.
Where are organised militias? I want to see gun owning white Americans forming militias with lots of firepower and go into ghettos and start the ethnic cleansing
Please lads, do it for the shits and gigs
Burguer reconquista when?
The actuall fuck?
Well Bill did bomb us to cover his affair haha, this is not surprissing at all