ITT: Career suicide

ITT: Career suicide

Furry Vengeance

If that shitty Conan reboot didn't kill his career nothing will.

I can already imagine the shitty CGI

I hope they digitally alter aqua-man so that he doesn't have that lazy eye, shit triggers my ocd.

Like he had a career anyway, he was just the Atlantis version of Teal'c

Oh boy. I can't wait for the outcry of "white washing" when normies find out about this.
Rico is supposed to be a beaner. Jason is not.

Rico is a spic not a sandnigger

He had a chance with Aquaman movie.

what career

>career in acting
Yeah, no.

He's got an absolute lock on giant, hulking barbarian type roles. Even if he hadn't done the Conan movie everybody would've just misremembered he did anyway.

I want to believe in the action kino resurgence


>Atlantis version of Teal'c

Shitty video game flicks are never career suicide.

there was never a chance user

He isnt going anywhere because there are very few guys out there competing for the types of roles he does.
As long as movies or shows need some big hairy savage hes got work.

I dont think you guys understand how overrun Hollywood is with manlets.


>white washing
>He had a chance with Aquaman movie.

You're all equally stupid.

>Career suicide


a failed Conan reboot
some crappy movie with Stallone no one gave a fuck about
now locked in DCEU for who knows how long, one terrible movie after another

He has a job but his career as an actor never took off. Look forward to seeing him playing Henchman #4 in a few years.

the closest he got to being famous was playing the arab mongol in GoT
he was ok in SG Atlantis, but come on

Like they give a shit so long as he isn't white. None of these sjw's give a fuck about the news that Boba Fett might be played by a black guy even though he and his dad were both clearly Maori's in the prequels.

So long as the actor has brown skin and looks exotic enough the sjw's don't care.

this, they are hilariously the most racist of anyone

>The Red Road

Fuck you I liked it.

A Just Cause movie could work, it's not like there's much of a story in those games

Just make an over the top action movie about an agent trying to topple a dictator through chaos and destruction

user you aren't supposed to point that out.

>San Andreas director
>Just Cause movie

Define irony.

>Just Cause movie

Out of all the video game series you could adapt into a movie, you choose Just Cause? The one whose entire gimmick is not having any story so you can spend the entire time blowing shit up?


It's going to be pure action fun.

How many "pure action fun" movies do we get each year that no one gives two fucks about?

A lot.

please tell me he's going to grapplechute the whole time

Just Square-Enix wanting to cash in anything before dying. Expect a Deus Ex movie announced soon.

>Just Cause
>thought it was short for "just because"
>then thought they meant "a just cause"
>realized that they were referencing Operation Just Cause

imagine if the whole movie's he's never shown touching the floor, like every scene he's either sitting on top of a truck, standing on a pallet, swinging from the roof etc

a logistical nightmare but an interesting challenge nonetheless

SRS how do I get a body like that?

>pubic hair

They didn't care when it happened to Bane they won't care now. Spice get the short end of the muh representation stick.

How do you think?

>videogame most famous for its total sandbox destruction and fun physics
>turn into a movie

You just don't get it. It's gonna be FUN

Ass creed didn't kill Magneto

Alien:Covenant might

He had a successful career before it though.

Are you referring to The Fass as Magneto? smfh

playing binding of isaac in like 2014

>third person Hardcore Henry

>implying these producers will understand the actual appeal of those games being the bat shit crazy gameplay and then translate that into batshit crazy fun action scenes

>implying they wont just copy paste the story that literally no one gives a shit about, force in some romantic angle, and hire nothing but generic models as the cast and have a few bottom of the barrel horrible shakey cam action scenes which will end up being some bargin bin generic circa 2008 action movie

isn't that pineapple washing?

Just Cause has a hispanic protagonist, who should really be played by antonio banderas

Should be directed by Michael Bay.

+3(4?) seasons of Stargate Atlantis

He was in the best season of GoT

>starring in DC flick
Career suicide indeed

what exactly does that mean? Like how guys oil their hair to get that greaser look? I have never heard of anyone doing anything to their pubes other than washing and shaving

His tv show Frontier is good

I don't think he cares. He looks like the kind of actor that would only act for fun.

Cringe go back to plebbit

JUST Cause

Challenge... accepted!

>making a video game movie
when will they ever learn.

Suck less dick.

He looks nothing like the dude in Just Cause.

why'd your first thought go to cocks? what are you hiding, user?

>Thinking anybody gave a shit about any Just Cause story line

Nobody gives a fuck about Just Cause in general.

why'd your first thought go to Reddit? Because you're an immature shrew with no imagination.

>oh he typed a thing REDDIT I'M SO WITTEE

You're the mildew of humanity.

The director's previous works include this masterpiece

He was the only good thing of that movie
Or rather, there wasn't any other actor that would be better, but it wouldn't even come close to Arnie

Nigger, did you forget that Postal has a movie?


his career died with that conan movie


so he's gonna cut his hair? lol will never happen

Eh fassbender did assassins creed and hes doing alright i think



that's what just cause is

yeah and that's why it could work

Fassbender already had a career.

You, sir, just won this thread ITT. Grapple ALL the things!

Mamoa is an unsinkable ship. He's known as a big stupid scary guy. You can't really damage that kind of reputation with bad movies. Nothing short of, like, appearing in a CP film would tarnish his career prospects.

>hawaiianwashing a hispanic character

why is hollywood so hostile to latinos? like, there's a ton of nigger movies but what bout us?

>implying thats a bad thing


Honestly you guys don't pay to go see movies. The latino market is tiny.

>The latino market is tiny.

>“Hispanics are far and away the most important consumers at our cinemas,” declared National Association of Theater Owners head John Fithian at Sunday’s Produced By panel on the voracious spending habits of the growing Hispanic population.

>According to Fithian, 44% of Hispanics go to the movies a few times a month, 63% rent movies on DVD or Blu-ray, and 76% own high quality televisions in their home – all in numbers higher than other ethnicities.

>Just Cause movie
>Not casting Hollywood top latino qt as Rico.


>6.2/10 on IMDB
>3 squeals planned

even this 'latino' is jewish ffs


Pick one. British people are of Anglo-Saxon and/or Celtic stock.

Black people appropriating the British identity, and saying that they're "just as British" as the Duke of Marlborough is just plain insulting.

This. Fucking terrible movie.

looks like kino to me

>pure action fun


get a load of this wasteman


why not get Diego Luna?

people know him now and he's not ugly, nor short, his accent is pretty think though


Nah, sjw don't care about spics.

Latin America is full of jews, you are a retarded faggot that probably thinks that mexico is literally all there is.

there's a bunch of jews in mexico city, also a bunch of crypto jews that either fled for or were sent to mexico during the inquisition